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21. Ethnology ethnology. One of the four subdivisions of anthropology, the others being physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics. ethnology is concerned with the study of cultures in their traditional forms and Ethnography, the observational branch of ethnology, describes each culture, including its language http://www.masterho.com/ethnolog.htm | |
22. Ethnology Database - Bishop Museum The Bishop Museum s ethnology Collection includes more than 70,000 objects from throughout the Pacific region. Photographs and detailed http://www2.bishopmuseum.org/ethnologydb/index.asp | |
23. CULTURE & TRADITION: The Canadian Graduate Student Journal Of Folklore & Ethnolo This site features the Canadian graduate student journal of folklore and ethnology, culture and tradition, and its newsletter. Articles, subission and subscription information. http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~culture/ | |
24. Merriam-Webster Online MerriamWebster provides a free online dictionary, thesaurus, audio pronunciations, Word of the Day, word games, and other English language resources. One entry found for ethnology. Main Entry http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?ethnology |
25. Buy.com - Ethnology Find, shop for and buy ethnology at buy.com http://www.buy.com/retail/books/subcat.asp?loc=5649 |
26. Hanoi MFA Ethnology Exhibits Photos of the exhibit includes clothing and other cultural displays from the museum in Hanoi. http://www.ibiblio.org/vietnam/exhibit/exhibit.html | |
27. Revue De L'ACEF EnglishFrench bilingual journal disseminating knowledge about activities concerning folklore and ethnology, in Canada and elsewhere. http://www.fl.ulaval.ca/celat/acef/revue.htm | |
28. Bureau Of American Ethnology Bulletin Series Home Page: SI LIbraries FullText Publications. Introduction to the Bureau of American ethnology Bulletin Series Electronic Editions. Bulletin 159 John C http://www.sil.si.edu/DigitalCollections/BAE/baehome.htm | |
29. MONTE ALBAN Includes an illustrated tour. http://www.sfu.ca/archaeology/museum/laarch/tour/monte/monte1.html | |
30. Archaeology, Ethnology And Anthropology Of Eurasia: Subscriptions An international peer review journal from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk. (English and Russian) http://www.ancienteastasia.org/news/extras/aeae.htm | |
31. Eawarn.tower.ras.ru/ ethnology Madagasikara Translate this page aussi . Livres Audio, vidéos Revues. Par thèmes Par auteurs. © ethnology Madagasikara 2003 - Réalisation Novart-mg - Hébergé par. http://eawarn.tower.ras.ru/ |
32. Institute Of Ethnology And Folklore Research - Www.ief.hr Homepage of the institute in Zagreb. http://maief.ief.hr/en/ | |
33. Museum Of Cretan Ethnology Museum of Cretan ethnology. The Museum of Cretan ethnology is situated 2 km from the Minoan palace of Phaestos, in the traditional settlement of Voroi. http://www.culture.gr/4/42/421/42103/42103m/e42103m1.html | |
34. Amereth.html A quarterly journal sponsored by the American Ethnological Society. The scope of the publication is concerned with ethnology in the broadest sense of the term. Features tables of contents and abstracts, contact and subscription information. http://anthro.ucsc.edu/aes/amereth.html | |
35. Museum Für Völkerkunde - Museum Of Ethnology With a total of 500000 objects from throughout the world, Berlin s Museum of ethnology ranks among the largest and best of its kind. http://www.smb.spk-berlin.de/mv/e/s.html | |
36. PapuaWeb: Working Papers In Dani Ethnology (UNTEA 1962) Full text of the 1962 book by L. J. Pospisil et al. http://www.papuaweb.org/dlib/pbb/dani-1962/_toc.html | |
37. Palenque Includes an illustrated tour. http://www2.sfu.ca/archaeology/museum/laarch/tour/palenque/palenque.html | |
38. Simon Fraser University Museum Of Archaeology & Ethnology Includes photographs and descriptions of prehistoric sites. http://www.sfu.ca/archaeology/museum/index.htm | |
39. Laurence D. Loeb Professor at the University of Utah who studies Middle East ethnology, social organization, religion and ethnomusicology. http://www.anthro.utah.edu/loeb.html | |
40. Department Of Ethnology http://www.arts.u-szeged.hu/ethnology/ |
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