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121. ...:::: Welcome To F I M E S : International Forum On Management, Ethics And Spi Academic research group focused on the integration of ethical and/or spiritual values at work. Fimes is an international network headquartered at HEC Montreal Business School. http://www.hec.ca/fimes | |
122. COPE: Committee On Publication Ethics Organization of journal editors concerned about dealing with possible breaches in research and publication ethics. Includes guidelines on good practice, articles about specific topics, and statistics and case studies on fraud and misconduct. http://www.publicationethics.org.uk/ |
123. ICIE :: The Field An exposition of the field. 3 parts. Foundations. Historical Aspects. Systematic Aspects. http://icie.zkm.de/research | |
124. Ethics And Research Presented By Vilia Tarvydas On April 28, 2004 ILRU Web Casts Promoting Independent Living through Information Dissemination.Site Meter. View a Web cast from our Archives ethics and research. http://www.ilru.org/online/archive/2004/04-28-VT.html | |
125. Centre For Accounting Ethics The Centre for Accounting ethics supports projects designed to enhance the teaching of ethics to accounting students and to research ethical issues in accounting. http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/ACCT/care.html | |
126. Terms Of Reference - General Research Ethics Board - Research At The Royal Milit Council Policy Statement. Section II. Terms of Reference. The RMCResearch ethics Board (REB) is responsible to the Principal for http://www.rmc.ca/academic/gradrech/ethics2_e.html | |
127. Membership - General Research Ethics Board - Research At The Royal Military Coll Section III. Membership. The research ethics Board shall comprise a minimumof ten members, exclusive of the Chair, including both men and women. http://www.rmc.ca/academic/gradrech/ethics3_e.html | |
128. Kennedy Institute Of Ethics, Library And Information Services A specialized collection of books, journals, newspaper articles, legal materials, regulations, codes, government publications, and other relevant documents concerned with issues in biomedical and professional ethics. The library holdings represent the world's largest collection related to ethical issues in medicine and biomedical research. This collection functions both as a reference library for the public and as an in depth research resource for scholars from the U.S. and abroad. http://www.georgetown.edu/research/nrcbl/ |
129. The Center For Business Ethics (CBES) Located at the University of St. Thomas, Houston. Details of events, director, research programs, Hugo Mann ethics contest and working papers. http://www.stthom.edu/cbes/ | |
130. International Business Ethics Institute - Research Projects research PROJECTS As part of its ongoing effort to educate and inform, the InternationalBusiness ethics Institute regularly undertakes research projects in http://www.business-ethics.org/research.html | |
131. ESA Code Of Ethics Text of the Ecological Society of America's guidelines for research and publication. http://www.esa.org/ecologist/codeofethics.php |
132. Central Office For Research Ethics Committees Central Office for research ethics Committees (COREC). Welcome to the COREC HomePage. manages the Multicentre research ethics Committees (MRECs) in England. http://www.corec.org.uk/ | |
133. What Is Computer Ethics? - A Proposed Definition - The Research Center On Comput Southern Connecticut State University, research Center on Computing Society. 4 Parts. A Proposed Definition. The Revolutionary Machine. Anatomy of the Computer Revolution. The Invisibility Factor. First appeared in Terrell Ward Bynum, ed., Computers ethics, Blackwell, 1985. http://www.southernct.edu/organizations/rccs/resources/teaching/teaching_mono/mo | |
134. Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) Overview. Applied research ethics National Association (ARENA) is the premier membershipresource for professionals whose responsibilities include oversight and http://www.primr.org/arena.html | |
135. Ethics About Forth Valley ethics of research Committee / LREC. Forth Valley ethicsof research Committee is a local research ethics committee (LREC). http://www.show.scot.nhs.uk/nhsfv/services/Ethics/ethicsintro.htm | |
136. Moral Skepticism [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] The theory, supported by J.L. Mackie in ethics Inventing Right and Wrong, that belief in objective moral principles cannot be justified. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/m/m-skepti.htm | |
137. WHO: Workshop On The Ethics Of Research Related To Health Care In Developing Cou Workshop on the ethics of research related to health care in developingcountries. Date 1214 February 2004 Location Commodore http://www.who.int/ethics/events/date/2004/02/developing/en/ | |
138. Professional Ethics A forum for discussing issues concerning the practice of ethics in the Information Systems profession. http://www.is.cityu.edu.hk/research/resources/isworld/ethics/index.htm | |
139. Centre For Bio-Ethics And Health Law Centre for Bioethics and Health Law is an independent academic institute offering short-term advice and research; it organises courses and provides training sessions. Within the Centre veterinarians and ethicists work together in areas of applied ethics and education and in judicial research. http://www.uu-cbg.nl/ | |
140. Business Ethics Center - Research ethics , the ethics of communications and information , environmental ethics , internationalethics , the ethics of scientific research , ethics and religions http://ethics.bkae.hu/html/bec_research.htm | |
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