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81. Centre For Business And Public Sector Ethics Academic research centre using its own lateral methodology to look at complex ethical, social and environmental issues. Details publications, research, staff and associates. based in Cambridge. http://www.ethicscentre.org/ | |
82. EUROPA - Research - Science And Society In Europe: Science And Society - Ethics research on ethical and social issues raised by developments in science and technology.Making known International Rules and Conventions relating to ethics. http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/science-society/ethics/ethics_en.html | |
83. Redirect Internationally recognized Centre for Professional ethics engages in multidisciplinary research and consultancy. http://www.uclan.ac.uk/facs/ethics/brochure.htm |
84. Ethics Of Research Involving Memories Of Trauma Invited Guest Editorial The ethics of research Involving Memories of Trauma. Thereis also little room for careful examination of the ethics of such research. http://kspope.com/ethics/editorial.php | |
85. Animals And Ethics [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Consideration of moral status of nonhuman animals. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/a/anim-eth.htm | |
86. Untitled Document Free PDF downloads of research articles on the value of corporate ethics and social responsibility. http://www.innovestgroup.com/publications.htm |
87. BioethicsWeb - The Gateway For Internet Resources In Biomedical Ethics, Provided research ethics Committees /IRBs. Association of research ethics Committees(AREC). AREC is Bannatyne Campus research ethics. Web site http://bioethicsweb.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0086911L0087144.html | |
88. Carnegie Council On Ethics And International Affairs - Homepage An independent nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to research and education at the nexus of ethics and international affairs. Site provides articles, transcripts and conference reports on the ethical dimensions of different aspects in international affairs. http://www.carnegiecouncil.org/ | |
89. Roger Clarke's Ethics Of Research Publication was prepared as a basis for a presentation as part of the Panel on IS research EthicsDefining Ethical, Barely Ethical and Unethical Behavior , at ICIS 2000 http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/SOS/ResPubEth.html | |
90. Genetics & Ethics: Topics Index A Christian site that attempts to address the ethical, religious, and moral issues raised by a broad range of applications of genetics research. http://www.counterbalance.net/genetics/intro-frame.html | |
91. Ethics And Research The consequence of violations of research ethics can be farreaching. ethics andresearch. see also Case Studies l Core Instructional Areas l References. http://www.asha.org/about/publications/leader-online/archives/2004/040316/f04031 | |
92. Harvesting The Unborn The Ethics Of Embryo Stem Cell Research Argues that funding research that deliberately destroys one human being so another may benefit is not only a serious moral wrong, but is also unnecessary. Note PDF file. http://www.str.org/free/bioethics/harvest.pdf |
93. ASHA Code Of Ethics And Research ASHA Code of ethics and research. by James McCartney. (This article originallyappeared in the September 24, 2002 issue of The ASHA Leader .). http://www.asha.org/about/ethics/research_ethics.htm | |
94. Tutorials, Case Studies, And Courses - Bioethics Resources On The Web - NIH Scientists and Subjects A Webbased Seminar on the ethics of research withHuman Subjects - The Poynter Center for the Study of ethics and American http://www.nih.gov/sigs/bioethics/casestudies.html | |
95. Eastern States Rock Art Research Association A nonprofit organization in the eastern United States for research, education, and conservation of cultural resources. Mission, membership, news, ethics, bibliography. http://www.public.asu.edu/~rexweeks/Eastern_States_Rock_Art_Re.htm | |
96. Ethics Of Research On The Genetics Of Human Behaviour :: Calls For Consultation ethics of research on the Genetics of Human Behaviour Date Thu, 11 Jan 2001 132745+0000 From Yvonne Melia ymelia@nuffieldfoundation.org Subject ethics http://www.liv.ac.uk/Philosophy/ethics_research_genetics.html | |
97. EDST - Graduate Programs - M.A. And M.Ed. Specialties include ethics and Education; Feminist Studies; Environmental Education; Critical Thinking, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and Education; Theories of Education, inc. John Dewey; Curriculum Theory; and Philosophy and Educational research. http://www.edst.educ.ubc.ca/programs/ed_philosophy.html#top | |
98. The University Of Salford | Research & Graduate College If this sort of research is proposed, you may well need Local research ethics Committeeapproval and the research Goverance clearance of the Trust(s) with whom http://www.rgc.salford.ac.uk/7__Ethics.shtml | |
99. Office Of Research Services Includes staff, grants and awards, news, committees, links to funding sources, ethics, application forms and deadlines, institutes, centres and laboratories. http://www.ouc.bc.ca/research/ors/ | |
100. THE E-JOURNAL OF HUMANCLONING Electronic journal, with original articles and reviews on stem cell research and ethics. http://www.humancloning.150m.com/home.html | |
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