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21. Community Policies - Research (II-27) (See II27.6 ethics in research.) top. 27.6 ethics in research. (President7/3/84; amended 10/95; amended 10/97) a. The Prevention of Research Fraud. http://www.uiowa.edu/~our/opmanual/ii/27.htm | |
22. Staff Development Training Courses Training Courses Workshop on ethics in research. Workshop on Ethicsin Research. Duration 2 hrs Prerequisites Aims To review http://staffdev.bradfordcollege.ac.uk/cgi-bin/staffdev/enduser_course.pl?course_ |
23. SSSITALK Archives, June 1 To Present, 2003: Ethics In Research ethics in research. Subject ethics in research From Dan.Miller@notes.udayton.eduDate Mon Jul 07 2003 160503 CDT. Next message http://venus.soci.niu.edu/~archives/SSSITALK/july03/0232.html | |
24. MSU Policy 8002 ethics in research AND OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES. PREAMBLE. The Research Ethics ReviewOfficer shall serve as secretary to the committee but shall have no vote. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/audit/8002.html | |
25. [ Teaching Ethics For Research, Scholarship, & Practice ] http://www.research.umn.edu/ethics/ |
26. Do No Harm: The Coalition Of Americans For Research Ethics Do No Harm The Coalition of Americans for research ethics. 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 600. Washington, D.C. 20004. Office 202756-4947. Fax 202-756-7523. www.stemcellresearch.org. For Media Email Inquiries Click Here. any words public regarding these ethically acceptable and medically promising areas of research and treatment http://www.stemcellresearch.org/ | |
27. Guidelines For Ethical Conduct In The Care And Use Of Animals Presents the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals developed by the American Psychological Association?s (APA?s) Committee on Animal research and ethics (CARE) for use by http://www.apa.org/science/anguide.html | |
28. Please Note New URL! Teaching research ethics homeResources for teaching research ethicsThe Teaching research ethics WorkshopWorkshop for explicit training in research ethics for scientists is widely http://www.indiana.edu/~poynter/tre.html | |
29. SciDev.Net This policy brief explores one of the most contentious issues in research ethics,namely the level of treatment or other medical intervention â usually http://www.scidev.net/ethics/ | |
30. Morality, Ethics & Philosophy Research Resources A links page. http://www.cis.wayne.edu/aspalding/ethicslist.html | |
31. The International Code Of Ethics For Canadian Business.Business Ethics And Corpo Offers interdisciplinary studies in globalization, justice, business ethics and corporate stakeholder relations. Details of publications, events, program, courses and news. http://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/globalization/busethics/codeint.html | |
32. A Very Shory History Of Computer Ethics - The Research Center On Computing & Soc laid down a comprehensive computer ethics foundation which remains today halfa century later a powerful basis for computer ethics research and analysis http://www.southernct.edu/organizations/rccs/resources/research/introduction/byn | |
33. Teaching Chemical Research Ethics Resource guide aimed at the university educator who wants to incorporate research ethics education into chemistry course(s). From the Duke University Chemistry Library. http://www.lib.duke.edu/chem/ethics/index.html | |
34. Computer Ethics On The Internet - The Research Center On Computing & Society Examines computer ethics and the impact of information technology on society. Articles. research resources. Teaching resources. Student resources. Forum. Links. http://www.southernct.edu/organizations/rccs/ | |
35. Research Ethics Resources On The World Wide Web research ethics Resources on the World Wide Web Instructional Resources in Engineering ethics, Computer ethics, and research ethics ( http//www.cwru.edu/affil/wwwethics http://www.indiana.edu/~poynter/tre-onln.html | |
36. Trochim.human.cornell.edu/kb/ethics.htm On Being A Scientist Responsible Conduct In researchOn Being A Scientist Responsible Conduct In research. COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE,ENGINEERING, AND PUBLIC POLICY NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES http://trochim.human.cornell.edu/kb/ethics.htm |
37. Ethics [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Covers metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics in depth. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/e/ethics.htm | |
38. Psychology Departments In Britain And Ireland BPS website. See also Psychology in Universities and research Institutionsfor links to Psychology institutions worldwide. Please http://www.psychology.bangor.ac.uk/deptpsych/ethics/humanResearch.html |
39. Society Of Business Ethics International organisation of academics conducting research in business ethics. Information on mission, newsletter, events, membership and quarterly journal. http://www.societyforbusinessethics.org/ | |
40. Online Ethics Center: The Ethics Of Research With Human Subjects Who Are Mentall onlineethics.org The Online ethics Center for Engineering and ScienceThe ethics Of research With Human. Subjects Who are Mentally Ill. http://onlineethics.org/reseth/mod/mentres.html | |
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