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1. Don Forsyth's Home Page Ethics of Research Involving Human Participants. Psychological studies often raise many questions about ethics and human rights. Resources and Readings. ethics in research The Risk/Benefit Approach to Judging Research http://www.vcu.edu/hasweb/psy/faculty/fors/ethics.htm | |
2. CERES - Consumers For Ethics In Research More than half a million people a year in Britain take part in healthresearch. CERES is concerned to publicise their views and http://www.ceres.org.uk/ | |
3. CERES - Consumers For Ethics In Research: About CERES Health research is done with patients and other volunteers. At the same time, werecognize that this means that still more research will be done on people. http://www.ceres.org.uk/about.htm | |
4. Framework For Ethics In Research Framework for ethics in research. The Framework for ethics in research wasprepared by the Standing Committee on Research and Advanced Studies. http://www.ecf.toronto.edu/apsc/research/framework/research.html | |
5. Cell Ethics In Research Stem boston business in the theological stem cells. Information on Cell ethics in researchstem and cell research stem support. Title Cell ethics in research stem. http://businesslinks.hostrocket.com/business-five/cell-ethics-in-research-stem.h | |
6. Research Ethics Boards: General Information. This may be done by consulting the Protocol officer for ethics in research. CatherinePaquet Protocol Officer for ethics in research Tel. (613) 5625800, ext. http://www.uottawa.ca/vr-recherche-research/rebs/ | |
7. EUROPA - Research - Science And Society In Europe: Science And Society - Science European Commission Research Science and Society - description of ethics inscientific research. Further information. 1. History of ethics in research. http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/science-society/ethics/research_en.html | |
8. Research Methods And Ethics ethics in research. Research Methods and Ethics. Reference Material Ethics in EngineeringPractice and Research, Caroline Whitbeck, Cambridge University Press, http://www.colorado.edu/che/CLASSES/chen5838/ethics.htm | |
9. Committee On Ethics In Research Policies And Procedures COMMITTEE ON ethics in research. Executive Secretary, Ethics Committee; Chair,Ethics Committee; Research Integrity Administrative Officer; Chancellor. http://www.iupui.edu/~resgrad/spon/ethics.htm | |
10. Welcome To The Ambulatory Pediatrics Association Other. ethics in research. CORNET. Click Here for more information and to fillout an application. ethics in research CORNET Grants. ethics in research. http://www.ambpeds.org/site/research/research_ethics.htm | |
11. Policy And Procedures On Ethics In Research: The Unversity Of North Carolina At Policy and Procedures on ethics in research The Unversity of NorthCarolina at Greensboro. This site uses frames. If you are seeing http://provost.uncg.edu/publications/personnel/ethics.html | |
12. Monash University Human Ethics In Research Involving Humans Research Grants and Ethics Branch. RGEB Home, Grant Schemes, RM4, Publications,Human Ethics, Animal Ethics. HUMAN ETHICS. News Information Bulletin April2004. http://www.monash.edu.au/resgrant/human-ethics/ | |
13. Ethics Index, WMU Research Research Ethics at WMU. If you have questions relating to ethics in research,please send a message to our research compliance coordinator. http://www.wmich.edu/ovpr/ethics/ | |
14. OTD: Policy And Procedures On Ethics In Research Policy and Procedures. POLICY AND PROCEDURES ON ethics in research. TheUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. August 15, 1994. Policy. http://research.unc.edu/otd/policies/ethics.html | |
15. UNBSJ Ward Chipman Library Ethics In Research UNB Saint John Ward Chipman Library ethics in research. Framework for Ethics inResearch, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering, University of Toronto; http://www.unbsj.ca/library/electron/ethics.htm | |
16. Ethics In Research ethics in research. Further information on ethics in research can befound in Wulff (1979), and Sigma Xi (1986). Four Ethical Issues http://www.sahs.utmb.edu/pellinore/intro_to_research/wad/ethics.htm | |
17. Ethics, John F. Kennedy Center For Research On Human Development ethics in research and medicine. Learn more about ethics in research and medicine(links) MedWeb Bioethics Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/kennedy/topics/ethics.html |
18. American Statistical Association How can statisticians strive for ethics in research? The Committee on Professional Ethics of the American Statistical Association produced guidelines to encourage ethical and effective statistical work in morally conducive working environments. http://www.amstat.org/profession/ethicalstatistics.html | |
19. Methods And Ethics In Research METHODS ethics in research ON SEXUAL VIOLENCE. Africa. No references. Asia. 5Methodology and ethics for research on SVAW. The literature covers these themes. http://www.globalforumhealth.org/filesupld/vaw/methodsinresearch.html | |
20. Policy On Ethics In Research And Research Training Policy on ethics in research and research training. (Prepared by the ResearchPolicy Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.). http://www.mcgill.ca/researchoffice/policies/sponsored/policies/training/ | |
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