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Ergonomics: more books (100) | ||||
141. Ergonomics And The Alexander Technique ergonomics and the Alexander Technique. The Insiders Guide to the Alexander Technique. The Technique. ergonomics and the Alexander Technique http://www.alexandercenter.com/teacherspage/ | |
142. ESSA - Ergonomics Society Of South Africa Top/Science/Social_Sciences/Psychology/Industrial_and_Organizational/Human_Factors_and_ergonomics/Professional_Organizations http://www.rhodes.ac.za/academic/departments/hke/essa.htm | |
143. SVEi About SVEi. Background. The Silicon Valley ergonomics Institute (SVEi) is an official unit of the San Jose State University. It was http://www-engr.sjsu.edu/~svei/ | |
144. Magnitude Offers ergonomic software solutions for your home or business. Increase worker productivity and meet OSHA standards for office ergonomics. Help prevent RSI injuries. http://www.magnitude.com/ |
145. DuPont Safety Resources Global consulting services in workplace safety, ergonomics, and related areas. Includes case histories of some past projects. http://safety.dupont.com/ |
146. Ergonomics | The Institute For Ergonomics At The Ohio State University The Institute for ergonomics at the Ohio State University is concerned with human factors issues in the design of safe and effective work environments and http://osuergo.eng.ohio-state.edu/institute/ | |
147. Eurisco - European Institute For Cognitive Sciences And Engineering Research areas cognition and design (design knowledge and rationale, cognitive analysis), cognition and the use of machines (ergonomics, human factors) cognition and organizations (corporate memory, psychosociological issues). http://www-eurisco.onecert.fr/ | |
148. Ergonomics And Musculoskeletal Disorders - NIOSH Topic Page Annotated list of NIOSH publications and other resources. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/ergonomics/ | |
149. Suomen Ergonomiayhdistys English language description of the Finish ergonomics Society including goals, membership information and contact data. http://www.occuphealth.fi/org/ery/english.html | |
150. Ergonomics: Healthy Work Habits Visit the ergonomics section on Typing Pal Online for information and advice on developing good working habits posture, lighting, eye care, etc. http://www.typingpal.com/Ergonomics/ | |
151. Ergonomics Solutions From Computer & Electronic Safety Solutions, Inc. (CESSI) An applied ergonomics business that offers consulting and training services, and sells computer and workstation products and seating. http://www.cessiergonomics.com/ |
152. DynamiX Corporate Fitness & Wellness Information on corporation fitness and wellness programs including classes, massage, nutrition and ergonomics. Toronto. http://dynamixonline.com/ | |
153. OSHA Ergonomics Final Rule OSHA's Final ergonomics Program Standard. http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=FEDERAL_REGISTER&a |
154. About NEF - - - Norwegian Ergonomics Society (NEF) English version of The Norwegian ergonomics Society website. Includes contact information, upcoming events, downloadable conference proceedings and abstracts. http://www.ergonom.no/Html_english/s01a01c01.html | |
155. Safety Jobs Free directory of resumes for safety, environmental, industrial hygiene, ergonomics and related employment. http://www.SafetyJobs.com | |
156. OERC.org A committee of companies dedicated to the advancement of research in Office ergonomics and Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders. http://www.oerc.org/ | |
157. Gamers-centric Blog .: Usability, HCI And Ergonomics Apps In Digital Games A weblog for usability, HCI and ergonomics apps in digital gaming. http://www.weblogger.ch/gamesblog/ | |
158. The Irish Ergonomics Society The Society is an interdisciplinary nonprofit, non-political, non-union, non-confessional organisation of professional people involved in the ergonomics field. http://www.ul.ie/~ies/ | |
159. Helmholtz Institute Applying engineering and natural science to clinically oriented problems in biomedical engineering, surgical technology, cryobiology, biomechanics, medical ergonomics, and biophysical measurements from the Aachen Univ. of Technology (Rheinisch-Westf¤lische Technische Hochschule, RWTH). http://www.rwth-aachen.de/hia/Ww/homeE.html |
160. Ergonomics: Dutch Ergonomics Society, NVvE An english language version of the Dutch ergonomics Society website. Includes society contact data, information about ergonomics in the Netherlands and a list of registered Dutch european ergonomists. http://www.ergonoom.nl/english/Index.htm | |
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