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61. IngentaSelect: FullText Office ergonomics SelfHelp SitePLEASE NOTE This educational program teaches the fundamentals of office ergonomics, including physical, environmental and emotional elements. http://www.ingentaselect.com/rpsv/cw/tandf/00140139/contp1.htm | |
62. Ergonomics For Writers And Editors Information on ergonomics, including repetitive stress disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis, and eyestrain. If http://www.sfwa.org/ergonomics/ | |
63. Ergonomics And Safety Solutions Aims to bridge a gap between the academia and industry by developing practical tools and methods to help industrial practitioners. http://www.siit.tu.ac.th/ergonomics/ | |
64. 3M Ergonomic Products For Your Office And Home. United States. http://www.3m.com/ergonomics/ | |
65. HealthyComputing.com For Kids: Computer Ergonomics, Health, And Backpack Issues The science of ergonomics studies how people interact with their environment, and then figures out ways to make these interactions more efficient and safe. http://www.healthycomputing.com/kids/ | |
66. Elemental Ergonomics, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Elemental ergonomics, located in Toronto, Canada, is dedicated to providing exceptional ergonomic and corporate fitness services, with a strong emphasis on individual requirements and fundamental needs. http://www.elementalergo.com/ | |
67. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgibin/jhome/38903 Board of Certification in Professional ergonomicsWelcome. Welcome to the web site of the Board of Certification in Professional ergonomics (BCPE). This site was created as a resource http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=38903 |
68. Supports And Braces From International Ergonomics Manufactures unique supports and braces for wrist, elbow, knee, and back. http://www.i-ergo.com | |
69. Cergos: CergoS Home Page Computer ergonomics is about things that you can do to make working on a computer more comfortable and better for your body. For http://www.orosha.org/cergos/ | |
70. Chair Technologies Ergonomic seating for the office and home, balance chairs, office chairs, drafting, executive, leather, and recliners. http://www.chair-ergonomics.com/ |
71. WorkRite Ergonomics » Ergonomic Workstations, Keyboard Platforms WorkRite ergonomics manufactures highquality, ergonomic workcenters, keyboard platforms,adjustable arms, and variousother products suitable for the http://www.wrea.com/ | |
72. Enviro Safetech: Health, Safety, OSHA, Workplace, Environment, Legislation, Comp California company assisting firms with obligations and requirements under occupational health and safety regulations, including training, ergonomics, MSDS, and industrial hygiene. San Jose, California. http://www.envirosafetech.com/ | |
73. Taylor & Francis Group - Publication taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=100658 More results from taylorandfrancis.metapress.com OSH Answers ergonomicsergonomics. More on Inquiries Service. OSH Answers. ergonomics. ergonomics is matching the job to the worker and product to the user. http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0014-0139 |
74. Chairs, Back Pain, And Ergonomic Misconceptions An analysis of postural problem caused by most chairs and how better chair design and the insights of the Alexander Technique can help. http://www.zafu.net/whatswrong.html | |
75. OSH Answers: Office Ergonomics CCOHS Homepage, Français, Office ergonomics. Computer Glasses. How to Adjust Office Chairs. Major WorkRelated Risk Factors. Office ergonomics - Computer Mouse. http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/ergonomics/office/ | |
76. Ergonomic And Employee Safety And Health Consultants Applied ergonomics, Workplace Injury Prevention, Corporate Wellness, and other workplace safety and health programs. http://www.industrialhealthsolutions.com | |
77. Product And Systems Safety And Usability Consulting and research in human factors, ergonomics, usability and safety in product and system design from California, USA. http://www.beta-research.com/ | |
78. UVA/OEHS - Ergonomics Program Home Page CTD s). These documents have been created by the members of the UVA ergonomics Task Force. The UVA ergonomics Policy. UVA ergonomics http://keats.admin.virginia.edu/ergo/home.html | |
79. HCI International 2003 10th International Conference on HCI. Held jointly with Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2003, 5th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive ergonomics, and 2nd International Conference on Universal Access in Human Computer Interaction. 22-27 Jun 2003. Crete, Greece. http://www.hcii2003.gr/ | |
80. NCE Home Page 2003 Of course not, but that is the core of the ergonomics debate. While the concept of ergonomics is to fit the workplace to workers http://www.ncergo.org/ | |
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