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21. Woodward,Alpert & Associates, Inc. Partners In Prevention ergonomics consulting firm specializing in industry and office ergonomics, custom training programs and online assessments. http://www.ergoexperts.com | |
22. AliMed Operating Room Products include computer and workstation accessories, seating and supports, hazard and personal protection items. http://www.alimed-ergonomics.com/ |
23. Ergonomics Inc. - Product Safety & EMC Test Equipment Consultant service for regulatory compliance, product safety standards and liability issues for the lab. http://www.ergonomicsusa.com/ | |
24. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Ergonomics ergonomics is an international multidisciplinary refereed journal with a 40 year tradition of publishing excellence. ergonomics is concerned with all aspects of the interactions of human beings http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/tf/00140139.html | |
25. Computer Monitor Height, Angle, And Distance - Ergonomics Guidelines Visual ergonomics in the Office (Guidelines This represents the view that ergonomics means adapting the worker to the work environment. It http://www.office-ergo.com/setting.htm | |
26. COMPUT- ERgonomics Offers the Computer Comfort Kit, a comprehensive ergonomics package containing the essentials for comfortable and safe computing. http://www.comput-ergonomics.com/ |
27. EK Gillin And Associates Inc. Occupational and Environmental Health, Safety, ergonomics and training, Ontario, Canada. http://www.ekginc.com | |
28. Alexander Technique An analysis of the effects of chair design by a teacher of this method. http://posture.netfirms.com | |
29. CUergo: Computer Workstation Ergonomics Guidelines (questions feedback). Cornell University ergonomics Web. Posture, posture posture! Good posture is the basis of good workstation ergonomics. http://ergo.human.cornell.edu/ergoguide.html | |
30. Health & Safety Training Courses | Vizon SciTec Inc. OSHA, WHMIS health and safety, hazardous waste sites, contaminated sites, indoor air quality, confined space, asbestos, and ergonomics training courses available in Vancouver, BC Canada. http://courses.bcresearch.com/ | |
31. Workstation Ergonomics And Back In Business North Sydney Physiotherapy Recommended dimensions and organization of the work area, along with physiotherapeutic exercises, stretching and theraband, for aiding workstation posture. Links to Swiss/Pezzi Ball exercises. http://www.acay.com.au/~mkrause/workstation_ergonomics.htm | |
32. IEA - The International Ergonomics Association International ergonomics Association. The International ergonomics Association is the federation of ergonomics and human factors http://www.iea.cc/ | |
33. Humansystems Incorporated. Excellence In Applied Human Factors And Ergonomics. Specializes in Human Factors and Applied ergonomics. A consultant company involved in web site analysis, HCI, task analysis and modeling. Located in Canada. http://www.humansys.com | |
34. IEA - The International Ergonomics Association In August 2000, the IEA Council adopted an official definition of ergonomics as shown below The Discipline of ergonomics. ergonomics http://www.iea.cc/ergonomics/ | |
35. OZCHI 2003 New directions in interaction information environments, media and technology annual conference for the CHI Special Interest Group of the ergonomics Society of Australia. 26-28 Nov 2003. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. http://www.ozchi2003.itee.uq.edu.au/home/ | |
36. UCLA Ergonomics About Us, Set Up Workstation, Pipetting, Request an Evaluation. Contact Us, Adjust Your Chair, Hoods and Cabinets, Online Self Assessment. http://ergonomics.ucla.edu/ | |
37. ScienceDirect - Applied Ergonomics - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01698141 ergonomicsergonomics is an international multidisciplinary refereed journal with a 40 year tradition of publishing excellence. ergonomics http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00036870 | |
38. Environmental Health And Safety Index A very large, comprehensive set of links to lab safety resources. Topics include government and nongovernment agencies, ergonomics, radiation issues, and biohazards. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/EHSRM/EHSLINKS/ | |
39. ERGONOMICS: Services ergonomics is the study of understanding the limitations of the human body in order to design productive and comfortable workplaces, tools and work tasks. http://www.me.berkeley.edu/ergo/services/tips.html | |
40. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Ergonomics Abstracts ergonomics Abstracts is a focused, comprehensive, and international abstracting service, spanning the whole wide world of ergonomics and human factors. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00462446.asp | |
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