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61. Ashland University Department Of Environmental Science - Level One Undergraduate four year program. Includes course contents, summer program, student groups, internships and scholarships. Offers Biology, Chemistry and Geology tracks. http://www.ashland.edu/colleges/arts_sci/envsci/envsci.html | |
62. Environmental Data Services (ENDS) environmental Data Services Your source for UK and European environmental news,policy and legislative developments plus UK environmental market analysis and http://www.ends.co.uk/ | |
63. Environmental Home Center, Seattle, Green Building Materials. A Seattlebased home improvement and building materials store. Offers non-toxic paint, natural carpets, sustainable wood products, energy-efficient insulation and people-friendly cleaning supplies. The site also has a learn section to discuss what makes a product green, and explains the more eco-sensitive issues facing society. http://www.environmentalhomecenter.com | |
64. Michigan Environmental Laboratory Association Implements laboratory accreditation programs, develops better analytical methods, and improves the application of environmental regulations. http://www.michlabs.org | |
65. Adelphi University - Environmental Studies Department BS and MS programs. Lists course description, background, faculty, internship/employment information, alumni and information about the joint program with Columbia University. http://academics.adelphi.edu/artsci/env/ | |
66. ICLEI Home Page by engaging ICLEI members and their communities in evaluating their local environmentalstrategies and performance in areas of global environmental concern. http://www.iclei.org/ | |
67. New York State Department Of Environmental Conservation Home Page The New York State Department of environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) protectsNew York State s environment and manages its natural resources. http://www.dec.state.ny.us/ | |
68. Oil Trenches And Environmental Destruction In Kuwait: One Of Iraqs Crimes Of A Information about a publication of the Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait. http://www.crsk.org/pub37.htm | |
69. Australian Government Department Of The Environment And Heritage Home Page Programs Funding. Taxation Concessions. Antarctica, environmental Assessment, Atmosphere.Biodiversity, Coasts and Oceans, Heritage, environmental Themes. Antarctica. http://www.deh.gov.au/ | |
70. AutoAnalyzer - Technicon Instruments - Alpkem - TrAAcs - Bran+Luebbe - Segmented Sells part, consumables and instruments used for environmental analysis http://www.techniconinstruments.com/ | |
71. Resources For The Future A nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank located in Washington, DC that conducts independent research rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences - on environmental and natural resource issues. http://www.rff.org | |
72. Environmental Ethics Journal An Interdisciplinary Journal Dedicated to the Philosophical Aspectsof environmental Problems. REVIEWS AND COMMENTS. The major journal http://www.cep.unt.edu/enethics.html | |
73. Environmental News Network - ENN.com Online services include daily feature stories on environmental science and issues, a free press release service, breaking environmental news stories, and live chats. Subscription required for some parts of site. http://www.enn.com/ | |
74. Tools Of Change - Outils De Changement Case studies, planning guides and worksheets for programs to promote healthier and/or more environmentally sustainable actions and habits. http://www.toolsofchange.com | |
75. > Energy.gov : DOE Home DOE's home page is organized by topic, including Data and Prices, Efficiency, environmental Quality, National Security, Science and Technology, and Sources and Production. http://www.energy.gov/ | |
76. Massachusetts Department Of Environmental Protection http://www.mass.gov/dep/dephome.htm | |
77. NJ Department Of Environmental Protection General s Office News Release) (stock photo). dep photo, May 20, 2004Getting environmental Information is Faster and Easier (dep photo). http://www.state.nj.us/dep/ | |
78. Civil And Environmental Engineering MS and Ph.D. programs in Iowa City. Provides program contents, newsletter, alumni resources, faculty, entrance requirements. http://www.cee.engineering.uiowa.edu/ | |
79. NET.org >> The National Environmental Trust National environmental Trust, Toxic Beginnings Cancer Risks to Children from California sAir Pollution environmental Health. More Reports ». Donate Join NET. http://environet.policy.net/ | |
80. Human Dimensions Of Global Environmental Change Discussion List Mailing list subscription information and link to archives. http://sedac.ciesin.org/home-page/hdgec.html | |
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