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61. Cornell University Library Gateway Research collections include Africana, industrial and labor relations, society and economics, engineering, entomology, the fine arts, law, management sciences, mathematics, medicine, music, and the physical sciences. Special collections include rare books and manuscripts, veterinary science. Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of Research Libraries, Center for Research Libraries. http://campusgw.library.cornell.edu/ | |
62. Environmental Entomology Environmental entomology. Scope of Publication Environmental entomology is publishedbimonthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December. http://www.entsoc.org/pubs/ee/ | |
63. Systematic Entomology/NCState-AgNIC Guide to online insect systematic resources from North Carolina State University. http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/agnic/sys_entomology/index_flash.html | |
64. The Canadian National Collection (CNC) Of Insects, Arachnids And Nematodes (this Information on the 16 million specimens contained in the collection, plus curatorial units and staff. Links to onsite entomology and arachnology documentation, and other relevant web sites. http://res2.agr.ca/ecorc/cnc/ | |
65. Department Of Entomology UA entomology has an internationally renowned faculty with research interests rangingfrom physiology to phylogeny. Welcome to the UA Department of entomology http://ag.arizona.edu/ENTO/entohome.html | |
66. Department Of Entomology Department of entomology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Linksfor growers entomology at UMass Amherst. The entomology Program http://www.umass.edu/ent/ | |
67. Educational Science Online Butterfly Store - Find Science Kits, Microscopes, But Manufactures and distributes science kits, novelties, and entomology kits and equipment. Specializes in live butterfly raising, breeding, and farming. http://educationalscience.com/ | |
68. My Pages Have Moved To Www My pages have moved to www.bijlmakers.com. Please update your bookmarks to entomologyfor beginners. Glossary of entomology. Genealogy Bijlmakers Rulkens. http://www1.bos.nl/~bijlmakers/entomology/begin.htm | |
69. Current Activities / Department Of Entomology / ARO s of the research undertaken in insect management, taxonomy, ecology, toxicology and control....... http://www.agri.gov.il/Depts/Entomology/Entactiv.html | |
70. VETERINARY ENTOMOLOGY Veterinary entomology. A veterinary entomology site dedicated to insectsthat attack livestock, although there is some medical entomology too. http://www.roberth.u-net.com/ | |
71. Entomology Index: Beekeeping Beekeeping links list from Iowa State University. http://www.ent.iastate.edu/List/beekeeping.html | |
72. XXII International Congress Of Entomology - Invitation CHAIR With much pleasure we invite you on behalf of the Australian EntomologicalSociety to attend the XXII International Congress of entomology Strength in http://www.ccm.com.au/icoe/home/default.htm | |
73. WELCOME TO THE ESSIG MUSEUM! The collection component of the California Insect Survey, with approx. 4.5 million specimens. Berkeley campus University of California. http://www.mip.berkeley.edu/essig/ | |
74. Forensic Entomology The INTERNATIONAL Forensic entomology pages gives an easily understandable introductionto the secrets of forensic entomology ie how bugs can help insolving http://folk.uio.no/mostarke/forens_ent/forensic_entomology.html | |
75. Mites And Ticks: A Virtual Introduction-Index Information about the U.S. National Mite Collection, its history, its holdings, and its research activities and collaborations. Includes a gallery of electron microscope photos of mites. http://www.sel.barc.usda.gov/acari/index.html |
76. Termites - Urban Entomology Program Home Page Urban entomology Program Centre for Urban and Community Studies University ofToronto Dr. Timothy G. Myles, Director 455 Spadina Ave, Suite 400 Toronto http://www.utoronto.ca/forest/termite/termite.htm | |
77. Termite Control:Answers For Homeowners Termite control answers for the homeowner from University of Kentucky. http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/struct/ef604.htm | |
78. Department Of Entomology About the Department Entomological Museum What is entomology. Graduate ProgramGraduate Fellowships To Apply Undergraduate Program Course Listing. http://www.entomology.ucr.edu/ | |
79. University Of Kentucky Entomology For Kids From the University of Kentucky Department of entomology. http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/ythfacts/bugfood/yf813.htm | |
80. (DPG) Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft Promotes and disseminates information relating to plant pathology, entomology and weeds at a national and international level. http://dpg.phytomedizin.org/ | |
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