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161. BRUNELL ENGINEERING - HOME PAGE Model steam engine specialists who construct and supply a range of over 40 types of locomotives and marine, stationary, traction and ploughing engines. Drawings, materials and tools to make these models are also available. http://www.brunell.com/ | |
162. Michigan Engineering - CoE Home (More ). Distinguished Speakers Visit Michigan engineering. Barrett. Events Calendar05/21, College of engineering Excellence in Staff Service Awards Ceremony. http://www.engin.umich.edu/ | |
163. QRE Homepage The Industry/University Cooperative Center for Quality and Reliability engineering Research with Rutgers University, Arizona State University, and University of Arizona. http://coewww.rutgers.edu/ie/qre |
164. IEEE Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering The IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data engineering seeks originalmanuscripts for a Special Issue on Mining Biological Data. http://www.computer.org/tkde/ | |
165. Process Improvement Engineering, Consultants & Engineers Chemical engineering consultants specialize in continuous chemical plant and oil refinery troubleshooting, operation, and design. Distillation towers, vacuum distillation, and delayed coking. An affiliate of Process Chemicals, Inc. http://www.lieberman-eng.com/ | |
166. Computing In Science & Engineering It covers computational science and engineering research for a broad rangeof technical fields (see our FAQ for more information about this title). http://www.computer.org/cise/ | |
167. REHABILITATION ENGINEERING Biomedical, Industrial and Human Factors engineering at the College of engineering and Computer Science, Wright State University,Ohio. http://www.cs.wright.edu/bhe/rehabengr/rehabeng.html | |
168. National Engineers Week: February 22-28, 2004 engineering in the 21st Century Feb. 24 teleconference transcript now available.FUTURE CITY COMPETITION CHAMPS! 2004 New Faces of engineering Announced! http://www.eweek.org/ | |
169. Welcome To The AIChEWeb - AIChE The Society for Biological engineering (SBE) is a new technological communityfor engineers and applied scientists integrating engineering with biology. http://www.aiche.org/ | |
170. Ship And Shore Enviromental Inc. - Products Manufactures environmental abatement equipment and heat recovery systems. Provides engineering and testing services to industries emitting volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Custom designs equipment for the decontamination of hydrocarbon or solventladen air or water. http://www.shipandshore.com/ | |
171. MIT Electrical Engineering And Computer Science About EECS history, facts, contact information. Admissions how, where to apply.Academics degree programs, courses. Research labs, areas, supervisors. http://www-eecs.mit.edu/ | |
172. Reliability Engineering A division within the Materials and Nuclear engineering Department at University of Maryland. Includes information about the program, plus employment and a FAQ. http://www.enre.umd.edu/reinfo.htm |
173. ICivilEngineer.com - The Civil Engineering Portal Indexing and cataloging quality Internet resources in civil engineering andtechnology. Civil engineering Headline News. engineering News More http://www.icivilengineer.com/ | |
174. HUT / LCE Homepage Lab at Helsinki University of Technology. Includes contact information, research project presentations, list of publications and teaching activities. http://www.lce.hut.fi/ | |
175. AFE : Association For Facilities Engineering AFE provides education, certification, technical information and other relevantresources for plant and facility engineering, operations and maintenance http://www.afe.org/ | |
176. International Engineering Consortium (IEC) A nonprofit organization dedicated to catalyzing technology and business progress worldwide in a range of hightechnology industries and their university communities. http://www.iec.org/ | |
177. Welcome To The American Society Of Agricultural Engineers Find some answers in engineering Solutions for a Small Planet, an upcominginstallment of the public television series Voices of Vision. http://www.asae.org/ | |
178. Innovative Systems Engineering - Vacuum Deposition Systems Provides industrial automation solutions ranging from equipment controls upgrades to full factory automation. http://www.iseonline.com/ | |
179. Eng-Tips Forums For Engineering Professionals Aircraft engineering. Automotive Engineers (View All ). Engine fuel engineering,Automotive engineering other topics. Transmission and Driveline engineering. http://www.eng-tips.com/ | |
180. Home Civil engineering and geographical information system consulting firm in Louisville Kentucky, offering transportation, site design, and stormwater planning services. http://www.skees.com/ | |
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