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1. IETF Home Page The Internet engineering Task Force. Overview of the IETF. IESG Activities/Actions. IETF Working Groups. InternetDrafts. RFC Pages. Additional Information. The Internet Standards Process. The Nomcom. IETF Liaison Activities. Documents in Last Call http://www.ietf.org/ | |
2. EEVL : The Internet Guide To Engineering, Mathematics And Computing Skip over navigation. link to Resource Discovery Network, .. link to eevlhomepage link to engineering link to mathematics link to computing, http://www.eevl.ac.uk/ | |
3. - EngineeringJobs.Com, A National Index Of Engineering Jobs And Resources NORESIZE engineering Jobs. A B C - DE - GH - LM - OP - ST - Z. HeadHunters Job Databases. Resumes. POSTED BY JOB-SEEKING ENGINEERS. ENGINEERS Send Your Resume to 700 engineering Recruiters. EMPLOYERS Contractengineering.com http://www.engineeringjobs.com/ |
4. Welcome To Engineering Information engineering Information is the leader in providing online information, knowledge and support practitioners in applied physical sciences and engineering. Our mission since 1884 http://www.ei.org/ |
5. Virtual Library: Engineering Directory of the Virtual Library, an expertrun catalog of sections of the web Hydraulics and Pneumatics) Geotechnical engineering. Hazards and Risk. Industrial engineering. Manufacturing engineering. Mechanical engineering http://vlib.org/Engineering.html | |
6. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Engineering http://arioch.gsfc.nasa.gov/wwwvl/engineering.html |
7. The American Society For Engineering Education The American Society for engineering Education is nonprofit member association,founded in 1893, dedicated to promoting and improving engineering and http://www.asee.org/ | |
8. Mechanical Engineering Software - Engineering Power Tools General utility with modules covering mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering. http://www.pwr-tools.com/ | |
9. Engineering: Your Future This site is a guide for high school students and others interestedin engineering and engineering technology careers. By exploring http://www.asee.org/precollege/ | |
10. Pre-Start Health And Safety Review Training, Construction Safety Training, Racki Safety consulting engineers specializing in construction safety, safety training, prestart health and safety review (PSR, PSHSR) and machine guarding. http://hite-engineering.com/ | |
11. EEVL (Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library) EEVL (Edinburgh engineering Virtual Library) EEVL provides a central access point to networked engineering information for the UK higher education and research community. Service includes a http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.eevl.ac.uk/&y=027D16FFD622DD94&a |
12. Chemical Engineering, The Chemical Engineers'Resource Page, Distillation, Heat T Information about many chemical engineering topics http://www.cheresources.com/ | |
13. Engineering - BAI Engineering Main Newsletters Helpful engineering Links Advertise On This Site Submit Your URL Main Newsletters Helpful engineering Links Advertise On This Site Submit Your URL http://www.baiengineering.com/ | |
14. EEVL | Engineering Section | WWWVL link to eevl homepage link to engineering link to mathematics link to computing, HOME engineering WWWVL,Discover the Best of the Web. engineering. http://www.eevl.ac.uk/wwwvl.html | |
15. Techinfo Home Page Includes engineering manuals, guide specifications, and related information resources. http://www.hnd.usace.army.mil/techinfo/ | |
16. Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Home Page services, courses, and events, contact Software engineering Institute Carnegie MellonUniversity Pittsburgh, PA 152133890 412-268-5800 http//www.sei.cmu.edu. http://www.sei.cmu.edu/ | |
17. Civil & Structural Engineering ResourceWeb Links to professional organizations, publications and software. http://web.singnet.com.sg/~icyh1955/civil.html | |
18. Mechanical Engineering Home Page Mechanical engineering magazine is the monthly magazine of the American Societyof Mechanical Engineers. Click here for more breaking engineering news items. http://www.memagazine.org/ | |
19. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering Editorial Site Interdisciplinary, international journal published as the official journal of the Biomedical engineering Society (BMES). Produced bimonthly by the American Institute of Physics. http://nsr.bioeng.washington.edu/ABME/annals.html | |
20. Www.myedrawings.com - Ovidiu Tesu A website from Ovidiu Tesu. Site with information on mechanical theory and 6 Sigma, some online conversion programs and many edrawings for SolidWorks. It also contains a resume of the site owner. http://www.myedrawings.com | |
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