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61. Dioxin Analysis By Xenobiotic Detections Systems, Inc. XDS s endocrine disruptors Assays. endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disrupting chemicals affect normal hormone responses in both humans and wildlife. http://www.dioxins.com/pages/Endocrinepage.shtml | |
62. Www3.hmc.edu/~clewis/endocrine/intro.htm CfT and endocrine disruptorsendocrine disruptors, Risk assesssment, Biomarkers, Food Safety, Training and Education. What s CfT and endocrine disruptors. With http://www3.hmc.edu/~clewis/endocrine/intro.htm |
63. Endocrine endocrine disruptors, Pesticides. Pesticides and their possible link to endocrine (hormone) disruptors have been in the news since http://www.pesticidesafety.uiuc.edu/newsletter/ipr8-96/endocrine.html | |
64. Endocrine Disruptors: Characteristics endocrine disruptors. What are endocrine disruptors? Environmental estrogens have been the focus of the majority of research on endocrine disruptors. http://www1.umn.edu/eoh/5103/endocrine/character.html | |
65. What Is An Endocrine Disruptor? endocrine disruptors cause birth defects, sexual abnormalities, and failure to reproduce properly. What are endocrine disruptors? http://www2.gol.com/users/bobkeim/pesticides/endo-disrupt.html | |
66. Scientists Lose Sleep Over Endocrine Disruptors - 10/28/2000 - ENN.com Scientists know that endocrine disruptors enter the environment in a variety of ways. Scientists lose sleep over endocrine disruptors. http://www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/2000/10/10282000/endodisrupt_39491.asp | |
67. Heavy Metal: Arsenic Is An Endocrine Disruptor - 3/5/2001 - ENN.com endocrine disruptors confuse the normal activity of hormones, which are critical to the proper growth, development and function of various tissues in wildlife http://www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/2001/03/03052001/arsenic_42327.asp | |
68. Environmental Endocrine Disruptors Environmental endocrine disruptors. Environmental endocrine disruptors (EEDs) are one of several categories of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). http://www.envirofacs.org/eeds.htm | |
69. Ific.org : Endocrine Disruptors: A False Alarm? (NewsBite) worldwide of altered endocrine function, such as lowered sperm counts and reproductive abnormalities caused by chemicals, termed endocrine disruptors. . http://ific.org/foodinsight/1997/so/endocrinenbfi597.cfm | |
70. UWM Marine & Freshwater Biomedical Sciences Center Signal Transduction and endocrine disruptors. Endocrine pollutants are known to exert endocrinedisrupting effects on several axes http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/MFB/endocrine.html | |
71. Environmental Health: Endocrine Disruptors Environmental Health endocrine disruptors. Canadian Environmental Corps offers PDF file on this subject. endocrine disruptors LowDose Peer Review. http://www.puredirectory.com/Science/Environment/Environmental-Health/Endocrine- | |
72. Science Search > Endocrine Disruptors 4. endocrine disruptors LowDose Peer Review Report evaluating the low dose effects and dose response relationships for endocrine disrupting chemicals in http://www.science-search.org/index/Environment/Environmental_Health/Endocrine_D | |
73. CEHN: Endocrine Disruptors Fact Sheet Information on endocrine disruptors, from a Congressional briefing by the Children s Environmental Health Network, a national multidisciplinary project whose http://www.cehn.org/cehn/CongBriefEndo.html | |
74. US EPA Endocrine Disruptor Screening And Testing Advisory Committee Home Page An Water Act, which were passed in the summer of 1996, require that the Agency%%develop a screening and testing strategy for endocrine disruptors by August, 1998 http://www.cehn.org/cehn/resourceguide/ueedsae.html | |
75. Endocrine Disruptors State Activity Page ISSUE endocrine disruptors. As stated earlier, the specific modes of action, or how endocrine disruptors act to affect organisms, are not well established. http://www.serconline.org/endoDisrupt.html | |
76. Science - Environment - Environmental Health - Endocrine Top Science Environment Environmental Health endocrine disruptors Conferences (1). e.hormone At the Cutting Edge of Endocrine Disruptor Research. http://www.sedirectory.net/Science/Environment/Environmental_Health/Endocrine_Di | |
77. Wiley::Environmental Endocrine Disruptors: A Handbook Of Property Data Wiley Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Occupational Environmental Health Environmental endocrine disruptors A Handbook of Property Data. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471191264.html | |
78. Science, Environment, Environmental Health: Endocrine Disruptors endocrine disruptors are a broad term for chemical substances that may disrupt the hormonal systems of humans and wildlife by mimicking or blocking the action http://www.combose.com/Science/Environment/Environmental_Health/Endocrine_Disrup | |
79. Sheldon Krimsky - Publications Selected Publications in endocrine disruptors. 7. endocrine disruptorsA controversy in science and policy Summary and research needs. http://www.tufts.edu/~skrimsky/endocrine.htm | |
80. ICI - Sustainability Report 2003 - Current Agenda - Endocrine Disruptors endocrine disruptors. Sustainability. Chemical Management. Climate Change. endocrine disruptors. Land Legacy. Photo Chemical Ozone Formation. Renewable Resources. http://www.ici.com/icishe/2003/pages/approach/current_agenda/endocrine_disruptor | |
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