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1. EPA | Endocrine | Endocrine Disruptors Research Initiative endocrine disruptors Research Initiative. Determining the extent of the impact of endocrine disruptors on humans, wildlife, and the environment. http://www.epa.gov/endocrine/ | |
2. EPA/OSCP: Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program This site provides you information about endocrine disruptors and EPA s approach and progress for screening and testing chemicals for potential endocrine http://www.epa.gov/scipoly/oscpendo/ | |
3. WWF Endocrine Disruptor Information Pesticides as endocrine disruptors WWF Endocrine Disruptor Information. Dr. Theo Colborn, a leading scientist and expert on endocrine http://www.pmac.net/theos.htm | |
4. NRDC: Endocrine Disruptors FAQ Answers to these and other questions What are endocrine disruptors? How do we know endocrine disruptors are dangerous? 2. What is an endocrine disruptor? http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/qendoc.asp | |
5. Low Dose Endocrine Disruptors Page Report evaluating the low dose effects and dose response relationships for endocrine disrupting chemicals in mammalian species that relate to human health. http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov/htdocs/liason/LowDoseWebPage.html | |
6. Endocrine Disruptors endocrine disruptors. IPCS HomePage / Activities / Emerging Issues main / Human Data Initiative http://www.who.int/pcs/emerg_site/edc/edc.html | |
7. ThreeFold Sensors: Biosensor Assay Systems TFS makes realtime biosensors which measure molecular interactions and binding kinetics and detect environmental endocrine disruptors. http://ic.net/~tfs/TFS_Default.html | |
8. State Of The Science Of Endocrine Disruptors DESCRIPTION, KEYWOORDS, State of the Science of endocrine disruptors, UNEP / ILO / WHO, Location Main Section of EHP Online GLOBAL ASSESSMENT OF THE STATEOF-THE-SCIENCE OF. endocrine disruptors http://ehis.niehs.nih.gov/who | |
9. Health Care Without Harm - Home Collaborative campaign for environmentally responsible health care made up of more than 250 organizations. Work to transform the health care industry so it is no longer a source of environmental harm by eliminating pollution in health care. Also info on endocrine disruptors. http://www.noharm.org/ | |
10. Endocrine Disruptors endocrine disruptors , Location Main Section of EHP Online Drinking Water. Quality. endocrine disruptors. Indoor Air Quality Environews by Topic endocrine disruptors. When PCBs Act Like Thyroid Hormone Mysterious Mimicry in the Fetal Brain. http://ehis.niehs.nih.gov/topic/endodisrupt.html | |
11. WWF | Toxic Chemicals Information from the World Wildlife Fund on toxic chemicals in the environment. Focus on endocrine disruptors, persistant organic pesticides (POP's) and agricultural pesticides. http://www.worldwildlife.org/toxics/ | |
12. Questions About Endocrine Disruptors Questions about endocrine disruptors. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the endocrine system and endocrine disruptors http://ace.orst.edu/info/extoxnet/faqs/pesticide/endocrine.htm | |
13. Pesticides As Endocrine Disruptors Pesticide Impacts on Human Health Pesticides as endocrine disruptors. RACHEL S Learn more about endocrine disruptors and their effects. Washington http://www.pmac.net/endodisr.htm | |
14. OECD Endocrine Disruptors Assessment Part of the OECD Test Guidelines Programme, focused on reaching international agreement on the testing and assessment of chemicals with respect to their endocrine disrupting potential. http://www.oecd.org/EN/document/0,,EN-document-524-14-no-24-6685-524,00.html |
15. Endocrine Disruptor Knowledge Base Home Page Welcome to the Endocrine Disruptor Knowledge Base. endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the endocrine systems, leading to adverse effects. http://edkb.fda.gov/ | |
16. Endocrine Disruptors endocrine disruptors and the FQPA. EPA's Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Testing Advisory 1/24/97) on endocrine disruptors Screening and Testing Advisory Committee (EDSTAC http://www.ecologic-ipm.com/endocrin.html | |
17. EDKB What Are Endocrine Disruptors What are endocrine disruptors? Endocrine mechanisms. A comprehensive definition of endocrine disruptors, given in Kavlock, 1996 40 follows http://edkb.fda.gov/endodisrupt.html | |
18. Endocrine Disruptors : Questions On Endocrine Disruptors Scientific Facts on endocrine disruptors. This study is a faithful summary of the External link Global Assessment of the stateof http://www.greenfacts.org/endocrine-disruptors/ | |
19. Endocrine Disruptors : Questions On Endocrine Disruptors More results from www.greenfacts.org Questions about endocrine disruptorsQuestions about endocrine disruptors. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the endocrine system and endocrine disruptors http://www.greenfacts.org/studies/endocrine_disruptors/ | |
20. EMS - Endocrine Disruptors Facts endocrine disruptors Fast Facts. Terminology endocrine disruptors, Environmental Estrogens and Phytoestrogens. Where to Get More Information? http://www.ems.org/endocrine_disruptors/facts.html | |
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