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Enculturated Apes: more detail |
61. Bushmeat - Encyclopedia Article About Bushmeat. Free Access, No Registration Nee In the countries where the hunting occurs, orphaned apes (deemed too fragile to Koko(born July 4, 1971) is the name of a captive, enculturated gorilla trained http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Bushmeat | |
62. Orangutan Foundation International - Citations And Articles Changes in deferred imitation of novel actions on objects were assessed over a2year period in two enculturated, juvenile great apes (one chimpanzee, Pan http://www.orangutan.org/links/reflinks.php?id=4 |
63. Apes & Monkeys to think inhumanlike ways; Since the apes housed at the Center have been foster-raisedby human caretakers, they are considered enculturated (as opposed to http://www.monkeymaddness.com/apes_monkeys/bbm5.htm | |
64. SRB Review 9 (2) intent of communication, but that it does not necessarily demonstrate a cognitivedifference between apes, monkeys and other enculturated (home reared http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/srb/srb/mindful.html | |
65. S. Shanker | Department Of Philosophy - York University E. Sue SavageRumbaugh, Stuart G. Shanker, and Talbot J. Taylor, apes, Language and worldinto which the child is entering is a reflexively enculturated world. http://www.arts.yorku.ca/phil/faculty/shanker.html | |
66. Josep Call Representing space and objects in monkeys and apes. Cognitive Science, 24, 397422. 59,771-785. Call, J. (2001). Body imitation in an enculturated orangutan. http://email.eva.mpg.de/~call/public.htm | |
67. KLI Theory Lab - Authors - Jesse M. Bering in enculturated chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Animal Cognition 5 4958. ethologyand sociobiology Povinelli, DJ/Bering, JM 2002. The mentality of apes http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/AuthPage/B/BERINGJesseM.html | |
68. Great Apes (Pongidae) - MavicaNET http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/nor/21749.html | |
69. All.info: Science And Health / Biology / Apes / You are in Science and Health / Biology / apes /. http://all.info/directory/Science_and_Health/Biology/Apes/ | |
70. Jim Davies: Primatech please contact Jim Davies (jim@jimdavies.org). Web links for enculturatedand signing apes; Online American Sign Language Dictionary; http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/perception/projects/primatech/ | |
71. ApeNet ApeNet is helping to establish worldwide preserves to provide permanent homes forenculturated great apes, ie, apes raised in human settings who have learned http://www.apenet.org/preserves.html | |
72. Community Education - University Of Canterbury Can apes Ape? This session outlines research into imitation in juvenile enculturatedchimpanzees and orangutansanimals raised since infancy much as human http://www.cont.canterbury.ac.nz/new/community-education/course.php?course=YCO25 |
73. Orangutan Foundation International - Citations And Articles Chantek The Language Ability of an enculturated Orangutan. International conferenceon orangutans The Neglected Ape, Fullerton, California State University. http://www.orangutan.org/links/reflinks.php?id=5 |
74. Wishbone Search | For Everything You Wish For And More... Language in Child and Chimp? General commentary on ape language with transcriptsof chats with apes and interviews with ape language researchers. http://directory.wishbone.com/Science/Social_Sciences/Anthropology/Enculturated_ | |
75. Studies Of Animal Cognition 1993) Imitative learning of actions on objects by children, chimpanzees, and enculturatedchimpanzees. In Language and intelligence in monkeys and apes, eds http://www2.canisius.edu/~gallaghr/animals.html | |
76. Animal Learning, Language, And Cognition is a twentytwo year old male orangutan who was cross-fostered, enculturated andtaught to foster the development of orangutan and other great ape persons in a http://www.psyking.net/id31_m.htm |
77. Energy Independence Is The Key To US Independence From Foreign Energy Science Resource Directory Focusingon Fuel Cells © 2002, air.xq23.com. http://www.air.xq23.com/energy_science_resources/ |
78. Chinese : A Simple Word, Yet A Complex Cultural Web. Is There More? You Bet. Som Chinese A simple word, yet a complex cultural web.Is there more? You bet. Some starting points. http://databank.oxydex.com/compendium_bibliographium/world_cultures_arts/Chinese | |
79. Science/Social_Sciences/Anthropology Anthropology is the comparative studyof humankind. To the nonexpert, it may appear to contain a......Search Category http://www.science-and-research.com/Science/Social_Sciences/Anthropology/ | |
80. DIRECTORY.SCREENPHONE.NET - Info Booth/Science/Social Sciences DIRECTORY.SCREENPHONE.NET Info Booth/Science/Social Sciences/Anthropology/EnculturatedApes. Search for Search through Entire site. http://directory.screenphone.net/Info_Booth/Science/Social_Sciences/Anthropology |
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