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81. Microscopy And Microanalysis Facility - University Of New Brunswick As part of the Science Faculty at UNB Fredericton, this facility offers services and training in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron http://www.unb.ca/emunit/ | |
82. Aliyev, Gjumrakch Personal information, honors and awards, publications of the director of the electron microscopy Center for the Department of Anatomy and Neurology, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University. http://www.cwru.edu/med/anatomy/brainlab/AlievFrame.html |
83. Advanced Electron Microscopy & Imaging Ahmanson Center for Advanced electron microscopy and Imaging. Current Projects. Maintain and develop essential equipment and technologies in electron microscopy. http://www.hei.org/research/depts/aemi/aemi.htm | |
84. EMU Home Australian National University electron microscopy Unit Research School of Biological Sciences GPO Box 475 Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia Fax 61 (0) 2 6125 3218 http://www.anu.edu.au/EMU/ | |
85. Dept. Of Pharmaceutical Technology, EM Laboratory The Laboratory for electron microscopy is a central facility of the Pharmaceutical Technology Department. It is specialised to support all internal projects and also interacts with related projects of other university departments or partners. http://www.uni-jena.de/~b7drma |
87. WHD Microanalysis Consultants Ltd: Contract SEM Business to business service United Kingdom based company offering scanning electron microscopy with clients worldwide. http://www.whdmicro.fsbusiness.co.uk/ | |
88. Rowaco Vacuum & Electron Microscopy For Scandinavia Scandinavian retailer for vacuum and electron microscopy equipment. http://www.rowaco.com/ | |
89. Barmak, Katayun Materials Science professor. Ph.D. MIT 1989. Phase transformations and associated microstructures in polycrystalline thin films for semiconductor metallization and magnetic recording technology, composite and layered coatings, sputtering, electrodeposition, thermal analysis, electron microscopy, Xray diffraction. Joined the university in 1999. http://neon.mems.cmu.edu/barmak/barmak.html |
90. Dr. Shu-You Li's Personal TEM Web Site Information on Transmission electron microscopy. Research work of the author, journal information, instruction for authors, EELS database, TEM course, job list and resumes. http://www.uni-mainz.de/~syli/ | |
91. MEMS Processing Equipment & EM Supplies - Tousimis Provides electron microscopy (EM) chemicals and supplies. http://tousimis.com/ | |
92. ANL Microscopy And Microanalysis WWW Server From Ants to Atoms A Virtual Laboratory. Plasma Cleaning Technology for Contamination Mitigation in Analytical electron microscopy. Maps to ANL. http://www.amc.anl.gov/ | |
93. Edu Sites For Microscopy Microanalysis FELMI/ZFE electron microscopy Graz, Research Institute for electron microscopy, Steyrergasse, Graz. electron microscopy Unit, University Hospital , Lund, Sweden. http://www.amc.anl.gov/Docs/NonANL/EduSites.html | |
94. SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy By Smartech SMARTech has the ability to generate conventional digital SEM images from 15 to 150,000 times. We can acquire Scanning electron microscopy images with either our conventional Everhart and Thornley detector or a solid state backscattered electron detector. http://www.semguy.com/ | |
95. Electron Microscopy FELMI-ZFE Online FELMI offers training and provides online advice on techniques used in electron microscopy from Graz, Austria. http://www.felmi-zfe.at/ |
96. Welcome To The Electron Microscopy Unit, NUS! The charges are graded according to Faculty, University, Research Institutes, Hospitals and Industrial users. Click on the microscope to enter our unit! http://www.med.nus.edu.sg/emu/ | |
97. Dr. R. S. Daniel HomePage Biology and electron microscopy expertise. Based in California. http://www.csupomona.edu/~rsdaniel/ | |
98. Advanced Electron Microscopy & Imaging fact that electron micrographs appear in most text books and research papers on cell biology and anatomy emphasize the importance of electron microscopy to the http://www.hei.org/research/depts/aemi/emt.htm | |
99. SEM-EDS Laboratory Home Page Industrial scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) laboratory in the company Metal Ravne d.o.o. http://www2.arnes.si/guest/sgszmera1/index.html |
100. Welcome To Fischione electron microscopy sample preparation and imaging products http://www.fischione.com/ | |
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