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1. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Microscopy Covers all aspects of light microscopy, electron microscopy and other forms of microscopy. http://www.ou.edu/research/electron/www-vl/ | |
2. What Are Electron Microscopes? electron microscopy. What are Electron Microscopes? Transmission Electron Microscope. Scanning Electron Microscope. Other related topics. Electron Source (GUN). http://www.unl.edu/CMRAcfem/em.htm | |
3. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Learn about the scanning electron microscope and its uses. http://www.mos.org/sln/SEM/ |
4. Electron Microscopy Yellow Pages Software for electron microscopy. Learned Societies. Instruments, Equipment and Consulting. Education in electron microscopy. Data and Databases. News and Publications. Related Sources of Information. Conferences, Workshops and Schools http://cimewww.epfl.ch/EMYP/emyp.html | |
5. Electron Microscopy Center for electron microscopy. The Center for electron microscopy (CEM) at Southern Illinois University is a service unit supported by the Office of Research Development and Administration ( in http://www.siu.edu/departments/shops/cem.html | |
6. Electron Microscopy - SEM - TEM - SPI SuppliesĀ® SourceBook Catalog SEM, TEM, SPI consumable supplies http://www.2spi.com/catalog.html | |
7. Electron Microscopy Supplies - SPI Supplies electron microscopy supplies. http://www.2spi.com/ | |
8. Electron Microscopy Unit - Index Page Top/Science/Methods_and_Techniques/Microscopy/Electron_Microscopy http://www.emu.lu.se/indexeng.shtml | |
9. Paragon Microscope Slide Cabinets Microscope slide cabinet storage for microslides, 35mm slides and electron microscopy films. http://www.paragonslidecabinets.com | |
10. Imaging Advances In Scanning Electron Microscopy Lucis imageprocessing technology enhances SEM images using Differential Hysteresis Processing. Lucis reveals vivid detail previously beyond visual perception. http://www.imagecontent.com/lucis/applications/bio/sem1/sem1.html |
11. Journal Of Electron Microscopy Journal of electron microscopy is published by Oxford University Press for the Japanese Society of Microscopy and assisted by Stanford University Libraries http://jmicro.oupjournals.org/ | |
12. Microscopy Database Online database of microscopy vendors from optical and electron microscopy, spectroscopy, microanalysis, spare parts, and image analysis. http://www.kaker.com/mvd/vendors.html | |
13. Virtual Scanning Electron Microscopy Virtual scanning electron microscopy This resources is the product of a team effort developed bys university electron microscopists and website developer to produce a series of interactive Java http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/electro |
14. LEO Electron Microscopy To Carl Zeiss SMT Redirect Page Design, development, manufacture, sales and service of scanning and transmission electron microscopes. http://www.leo-usa.com/ | |
15. Electron Microscopy electron microscopy. Return to the histotechnology menu. The following grayscale electron micrographic images are available file sizes average 100 to 160k http://www-medlib.med.utah.edu/WebPath/HISTHTML/EM/EM.html | |
16. Electron Microscopy, Light Microscopy, Instruments And Supplies, Ted Pella, Inc. electron microscopy supplies and instruments, light microscopy, atomic force microscopy, laboratory supplies http://www.tedpella.com | |
17. Samuel Roberts Noble Electron Microscopy Laboratory Samuel Roberts Noble electron microscopy Laboratory. 770 Van Vleet Oval. University of Oklahoma. Norman, OK 730190245. Based on electron microscopy terminology http://www.ou.edu/research/electron/ | |
18. MicroMaterials Research Homepage Specialist in microanalysis for developing new products using scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, infrared and xray at Burr Ridge, IL. http://www.micromaterialsresearch.com/ | |
19. SpringerLink - Publication LEO electron microscopy to Carl Zeiss SMT Redirect PageIf your browser supports it, you will be automatically redirected to our new website in a few seconds. If you are not redirected http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00795/ | |
20. Starting Point For Food Structure Studies Collection of micrographs, particularly milk products, beneficial and harmful microorganisms found in foods, and information about electron microscopy techniques. http://www.magma.ca/~scimat/ | |
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