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21. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies FER WebWorld NaslovnicaFaculty of electrical engineering and Computing,University of Zagreb, Croatia (FER, ETF). http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=35377 |
22. Columbia University, Department Of Electrical Engineering Columbia University. electrical engineering Students Celebrate ProjectLab Opening. New EE Curriculum (also available as a PDF file). http://www.ee.columbia.edu/ | |
23. Cosmos Engineering Homepage Engineering specialists in turnkey projects of mechanical, civil/structural and electrical engineering in nature. http://business.vsnl.com/ceipl | |
24. Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh: CEE Pages Relocated Looking for Computing and electrical engineering? Computer Science/IT webmaster,or; Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering webmaster. Top of the Page. http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/ | |
25. Hexagon Holdings Berhad Engineers and consultants , offering civil and structural, mechanical and electrical engineering services. http://www.hexagonholdings.com/ |
26. UCLA Electrical Engineering Department Welcome to the UCLA electrical engineering Department website. As you explorethis site, you will learn about all aspects of our pursuit of excellence. http://www.ee.ucla.edu/ | |
27. Siemens UK Home Specialising in electrical engineering and electronics for a wide range of industries and applications. Press and career opportunities sections. http://www.siemens.co.uk/ | |
28. DEC Electrical Engineering An electrical contracting company active through Turkey and in the CIS countries. http://www.dec.com.tr | |
29. W.G. Spencer Engineering Inc. - Williamsford, Ontario - Mechanical And Electrica Offering over 140 years of experience in Mechanical and electrical engineering for special applications in the hoisting mining industry. . Owen Sound, Ontario http://www.spencerengineering.com |
30. Penn Engineering \\ Electrical And Systems Engineering Detection System Using Neural Networks Jeffrey Katrencik (BE) Adam Mihalik (EE)Faculty Advisor Dr. Nabil Farhat (Bioengineering/electrical engineering). http://www.seas.upenn.edu/ese/ | |
31. About Byrne's Electronic & Electrical Engineering Hotlinks To FREE Datasheets Byrne s Hot links to electrical engineering Electronics Industry information,FREE datasheets and employment jobs. Byrne s electrical engineering Hot links. http://www.webspan.net/~byrne/ee.html | |
32. G.tec - Guger Technologies EEG, ECG, EOG and EMG acquisition and analysis systems based on MATLAB and Simulink. http://www.gtec.at/ | |
33. Akhavan, Koorosh Ph.D. candidate in electrical engineering, The Pennsylvania State University. Features resume and biography. http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/k/k/kka107/ |
34. Quet, Pierre-Francois Ph.D. in electrical engineering, looking for a challenging position in research and development. http://eewww.eng.ohio-state.edu/~quetp |
35. Electrical & Computer Engineering MS and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineering and electrical engineering, a Masterof Information Technology, and a graduate option in Biomedical Engineering. http://www.ece.vt.edu/ | |
36. ITEE Home Page ITEE Home Page. print version. Study@ITEE. Visit Study@ITEE for everything relatedto studying at The School of Information Technology electrical engineering. http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/ | |
37. Faculty Of Information Technology, Mathematics And Electrical Engineering Brief presentation and overview of departments. http://www.ime.ntnu.no/eng/ | |
38. Electrical Engineering Job Openings For Electrical Engineers - Post Your Electri electrical engineering job listings from Engineering Central. http://www.engcen.com/electrical.htm | |
39. Neets Covers a number of topics relating to RF transmission http://www.tpub.com/neets/ | |
40. Electrical Engineering Department At Texas A&M http://ee.tamu.edu/ |
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