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61. Alternative Fuel Vehicles Resource (AFV, CNG, LNG, Electric Vehicles, Propane, E A complete alternative fuel vehicle (afv) resource including a buyers guide, alternative fuel station locators, state and federal funding list, current alternative fuel prices, laws, events and news. Specific areas of focus are CNG, hybrids, ethanol, methanol, and electric vehicles. http://www.valleycleancities.org/ | |
62. History Of Electric Vehicles The early history of electric vehicles Inventor Robert Anderson invented the first crude electric car carriage. Inventors The History of electric vehicles. http://inventors.about.com/library/weekly/aacarselectrica.htm | |
63. ELECTRIC BIKE, PAS BICYCLE, SCOOTER FROM TOPRUN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CO LTD Manufactures electric vehicles such as electric bicycles, tricycles, and scooters that are operated by rechargeable batteries. http://toprun.freeyellow.com/ | |
64. Solar Ed Central : EKISTICS Renewable energy education materials, covering wind energy, solar thermal, solar electric, electric storage batteries, energy efficiency, Ekistic science, and electric vehicles. http://www.solardome.com/SolarDome60.html | |
65. Curtis Instruments- Instrumentation, Motor Speed Controllers, Battery Chargers Manufacture motor speed controllers, battery fuel gages, timers, counters, DC/DC converters, for electric vehicles. http://www.curtisinst.com | |
66. Econogics Electric Vehicle Index Contains a wealth of information and an excellent history of electric vehicles. Also includes info on the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa and their annual Electrathon. http://www.econogics.com/ev/evindex.htm | |
67. Electric Vehicles electric vehicles. Our first EV, CRELTRC. Some random personal EV stuff. An Argument for electric vehicles Notes from a lecture I gave. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~rcy/ev/ | |
68. ELECTRIC VEHICLES GEAR UP electric vehicles GEAR UP. Public charging stations as well as home outlets are being developed to easily recharge electric vehicles. http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/cenear/971013/electric.html | |
69. MicroTurbine Generators By Capstone For Combined Heat And Power, Peak Shaving, B Low emission power generators used in hybrid electric vehicles, distributed generation and microcogeneration. http://www.microturbine.com/ | |
70. Argonne Transportation - Hybrid Electric Vehicles Overview Technology Assessments Batteries Fuel Cells Alternative Fuels Engines and Emissions Control Hybrid electric vehicles Materials and Manufacturing http://www.transportation.anl.gov/hybrids/ | |
71. Gorilla Vehicles - Electric Powered ATV For Utility And Fun. Home Easy to solar charge, electric ATV, all terrain vehicle. Gorilla electric vehicles for Work and Fun ! e-ATV electric - All Terrain Vehicles. http://www.gorillavehicles.com/ | |
72. Electrifying Times Front Page . The International Magazine of electric vehicles, Hybrids, Fuel Cells, Batteries, Alternative Fuels, Electric Car Racing Exhibition Electrifying EV Books http://www.electrifyingtimes.com/ | |
73. Aker Wade Power Technologies :: Consulting, Design And Strategic Implementatio Manufacturer of battery fast charging equipment for electric vehicles including forklifts. http://www.akerwade.com/ | |
74. Driving The Future -- Really! electric vehicles are here, now, and work well attested by the fact that the Oil Monopoly has confiscated and is preparing to destroy the evidence. http://www.drivingthefuture.com/ | |
75. Argonne National Laboratory Transportation Technology R&D Center Performs research in advanced automotive technologies such as hybrid electric vehicles, emissions reduction, and clean diesel engines. http://www.transportation.anl.gov/ | |
76. Province Of Manitoba | Manitoba Conservation Hybrid electric vehicles and Manitoba Conservation. Manitoba Conservation has a mandate to promote economic, energy efficient, alternative http://www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/hybrid/ | |
77. Electric Vehicle Businesses In The World Source Guides Source Guides Renewable Energy Businesses by Product Type electric vehicles. Renewable Energy Businesses, Electric Vehicle. Hybrid electric vehicles. http://energy.sourceguides.com/businesses/byP/ev/ev.shtml | |
78. A 2 X T R E M E Extreme and action sports products including wakeboards, snowboards, surfboards, skateboards, BMX and biking, electric vehicles, gear and accessories. http://www.a2xtreme.com | |
79. Electric Vehicles Light electric vehicles/Electric Bikes. These vehicles include Resources. Neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs). The National http://www.commuterpage.com/electric_vehicles.htm | |
80. Alternative Fuel And Hybrid Vehicles Alternative Fuel Hybrid electric vehicles. Many alternative fuels are being used today in place of fossil fuels like oil. Light electric vehicles. http://www.commuterpage.com/afv-hev.htm | |
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