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141. Kemet.org Links Page :: Archaeology And Egyptology : Universities And Museums Kemet.org Links Page Archaeology and egyptology Universities and Museums. Top Archaeology and egyptology Universities and Museums. http://www.kemet.org/links/Archaeology_and_Egyptology/Universities_and_Museums/ | |
142. Egyptology http://www.talkorigins.org/origins/biblio/egyptology.html | |
143. Uniservity: Archaeology, Classics & Egyptology Homepage Archaeology, Classics egyptology. Further information, plus lovely pictures of all involved can be found Here, Latest No Club News . http://www.uniservity.net/club_homepage.asp?clubid=5147 |
144. Egyptology Links (Hieroglyphics!) egyptology Links. Gateways. Jim Loy s egyptology page. Fonts, brief items of historical and grammatical interest, a working dictionary and more. http://www.isidore-of-seville.com/hieroglyphs/7.html | |
145. Egyptology I confess to being a rank amateur in the field of egyptology, but sometimes that s a good thing you re not so contaminated by orthodoxy, and you don t feel http://www.shanemckee.utvinternet.com/egyptology.htm | |
146. We Have Moved. Please Visit Our New Site At Http//ce.eng.usf.edu We Have Moved. Please visit our new site at http//ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/ http://pharos.bu.edu/Egypt/ | |
147. Peter A. Piccione, Ph.d., Home Page http://www.cofc.edu/~piccione/ |
148. Ö¼åwGWvg¤ï The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www2.ipcku.kansai-u.ac.jp/~horus/ | |
149. Late Predynastic And Early Dynastic Egypt By Francesco Raffaele FRANCESCO RAFFAELE. LATE PREDYNASTIC AND EARLY DYNASTIC EGYPT. http://xoomer.virgilio.it/francescoraf/ | |
150. Pisa El Egitto Translate this page last update 04.03.2004. Archeologia. Dottorato. EVO. Pubblicazioni. News. Università. Progetto Anubis. Novità editoriali. http://www.egittologia.unipi.it/ |
151. The Victoria Museum Of Egyptian Antiquities Page . Title Page, Next Page, Goto High Resolution 300 dpi. Faculty http://www.gustavianum.uu.se/vm/arkiv/tss2/45.html | |
152. Ancient Egyptian Quiz - ROM Quiz Ancient Egypt. Look closely at the pictures below. Can you guess their function? Read the descriptions and then give it a try! Question 1 A. B. C. D. E. http://www.rom.on.ca/quiz/egypt/ | |
153. University Of Liverpool School Of Archaeology, Classics And Egyptology For over a century Classics and Archaeology have been active in Liverpool, developing unique facilities, such as our museum, libraries and laboratories. http://www.liv.ac.uk/sacos/ | |
154. Dictionary Index Dictionary Index Abacus Ablaq Abu Adyton Agora Ahlaq Ambon Ambulatory Amduat Amir Amulet Ankh Apis Apse Arabesque Archimedes screw http://interoz.com/egypt/dictionary.htm | |
155. Ägyptologie Hamburg Translate this page Sorry, diese Seite ist umgezogen nach * *. Sondersammelgebiet Ägyptologie (Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg). (Linksammlung http://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/aegypten/ | |
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