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81. Welcome To Akhet Egyptology Resource for egyptology, including a clickable mummy, original photography, and UK egyptology resources. http://www.akhet.co.uk/index.htm |
82. GIANTS OF EGYPTOLOGY An illustrated biography of this American Egyptologis from the Giants of egyptology series in Kmt A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt. http://www.egyptology.com/kmt/spring98/giants.html | |
83. Jack's Egyptology Links egyptology News Hot Sites Usenet Newsgroups discussing egyptology (Note that the true egyptology value of the articles posted is very limited) http://www.croatianmall.com/lupic/egypt/ | |
84. Welcome To The Egyptologists' Electronic Forum! This mailing list has available online various archives, news items and egyptology FAQs, as well as a comprehensive list of upcoming events in egyptology. http://www.netins.net/showcase/ankh/eefmain.html | |
85. Geophysical Methods In Egyptology Geophysical Methods in egyptology. by Lambert Dolphin. Spaceflight Now. http://www.ldolphin.org/egypt/ | |
86. Egypt Society Of Bristol Egypt Society of Bristol, based in Bristol University Archaeology Department. Details of the history of egyptology in Bristol, and forthcoming lectures. http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Archaeology/staff/egyptsoc.html | |
87. The Connection.org : Cutting Edge Egyptology Cutting Edge egyptology. Highly skilled workmen scraped at the surface to reveal walls and other features of theancient city. Email to friend. http://www.theconnection.org/shows/2003/07/20030728_b_main.asp | |
88. Ancient Egypt - Suite101.com Articles, discussions, and links on egyptology. Suggested best five web sites on Egyptian archaeology and history. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/ancient_egypt | |
89. IAAS: Department Of Egyptology Institute for Asian and African Studies Aasian ja Afrikan kielten ja kulttuurien laitos. Department of egyptology. How to study egyptology. http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/aakkl/d_egypt.html | |
90. Aidan Dodson Profile of this University of Bristol Visiting Fellow. Research interests include Egyptian funerary archaeology, dynastic history, and the history of egyptology. http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Archaeology/staff/dodson.html | |
91. The Ancient Egypt Film Site Information on past and present films dealing with Ancient Egypt or egyptology. http://www.wepwawet.nl/films/ |
92. Other Egyptian Sites Other Egyptian Sites. Egyptian Links on the Web. Egypt s WWW Sites. Egypt Page. egyptology Page. egyptology (Featuring Shawn s Mythology FAQ and Summaries of Gods). http://www.memphis.edu/egypt/main.map?503,195 |
93. Ancient History Home Page In Sydney, Australia. Offers a Masters in egyptology. http://www.anchist.mq.edu.au/ | |
94. News In Science - Rewriting The "bible Of Egyptology " - 03/06/2002 Rewriting the bible of egyptology . Monday, 3 June 2002. A scene from Giza the tomb of Nesutneter, a governor of three Egyptian provinces. http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s570155.htm | |
95. Reeder's Egypt Page Greg Reeder's look at aspects of Ancient Egypt. Includes love poems, inscriptions, the tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep, Tekenu, Muu, and a gallery. http://www.egyptology.com/reeder/ | |
96. Egyptology And The Book Of Abraham egyptology and the Book of Abraham. David P. Wright (his academic and research site) Response to Stephen E. Thompson egyptology and http://www.lds-mormon.com/dpwonboa.shtml | |
97. Leo Depuydt Associate Professor at Brown University, interested in Egyptian history and grammar. Photograph and publications. http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Egyptology/depuydt.html | |
98. Egyptology And The Book Of Abraham egyptology and the Book of Abraham One area in which the field of egyptology aids our understanding of the nature of the Book of Abraham is in its authorship. http://www.lds-mormon.com/thompson_book_of_abraham.shtml | |
99. Czech Institute Of Egyptology A division of Charles University in Prague. http://www.ff.cuni.cz/~krejci/Welcome.html |
100. Thotweb - Egyptology ENGLISH INTRODUCTION. Thotweb was created in 1997 by a group of fellow students in egyptology. Its aim is to help spreading egyptological http://perso.wanadoo.fr/thotweb/english.htm | |
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