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41. Altertumswissenschaften (WE 3), FB Geschichts- Und Kulturwissenschaften, FU Berl Within the Dept. of History and Cultural Studies. Offers egyptology, Near Eastern, Classical and Prehistoric archaeology. Staff list. http://www.fu-berlin.de/einrichtungen/fachbereiche/gesch-kultur/altwiss/ | |
42. The Australian Centre For Egyptology The Australian Centre for egyptology. Macquarie University. Sydney Australia. Home. 2001/2002 Excavations in Egypt. SAQQARA. http://www.egyptology.mq.edu.au/Saqqara.htm | |
43. Western Academic & Specialist Press Website Specialise in European prehistory, African and Asian archaeology and egyptology. http://www.waspress.co.uk/ |
44. Egyptology Australia and Oceania. British Isles. egyptology. Continental Europe. Far East. egyptology. Egypt Posters Prints. All links leave the site and open a new window. http://www.cyberpursuits.com/archeo/egy-arch.asp | |
45. Welcome To NELC At The University Of Chicago A department in the Division of Humanities offering Islamic studies and disciplines such as Assyriology, egyptology, and ancient Near Eastern Archaeology. http://humanities.uchicago.edu/humanities/nelc/ | |
46. University Of Wales Swansea, Department Of Classics And Ancient History Offers several courses in egyptology. http://www.swan.ac.uk/classics/ | |
47. Piccione, Selected Web Links egyptology on the World Wide Web Selected Professional Sources compiled by PA Piccione. ONLINE DIRECTORIES OF WEB-PAGES. Giza On Line egyptology Clearinghouse. http://www.cofc.edu/~piccione/weblinks.html | |
48. Arkeologi Och Antik Historia Vid Uppsala Universitet Research in archaeology, African and comparative archaeology, classical archaeology, and egyptology. http://www.arkeologi.uu.se/ | |
49. Institut Für Ägyptologie Der Universität Wien Die Zeitschrift f¼r ¤gyptische Arch¤ologie und deren Nachbargebiete wird vom sterreichischen Arch¤ologischen Institut, Abteilung Kairo und der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben und dient ab 1999 dient L als Plattform f¼r die Publikationen des SCIEM2000. http://www.univie.ac.at/egyptology/pubEL_de.html | |
50. Crank Dot Net | Egyptology Secrets of the Lost Ark 2003 May 22 egyptology . chemistry . religion Charlatans and egyptology 2001 Jan 21 egyptology . skepticism http://www.crank.net/egyptology.html | |
51. Homepage Of The Institute For Egyptology, Vienna University (Austria) Translate this page INSTITUT FÜR ÄGYPTOLOGIE. Universität Wien. http://www.univie.ac.at/egyptology/ | |
52. Search Our Egyptology Collection... Includes illustrated searchable catalog of its collection. http://emu.man.ac.uk/mmcustom/EgyptQuery.php | |
53. Caroline Seawright's Egyptology Column Caroline Seawright s egyptology Column. by Caroline Seawright April 12, 2001, Want to receive email when this page changes? egyptology Deities. http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/themestream/egypt_column.html | |
54. Kunoichi's Egyptology Page Kunoichi s Pages http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/egypt/ | |
55. Lanny Bell Professor of egyptology at Brown University. Photograph, interests and publications. http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Egyptology/bell.html | |
56. CCER - Egyptian Treasures In Europe Developers of computer software relating to egyptology, especially Glyph for Windows and MacScribe for Macintosh, for typsetting hieroglyphs. Also provide Egyptian word and hieroglyph databases, dictionaries and indexes. http://www.ccer.nl/index_logo.html |
57. EGYPTOLOGY LINKS ANCIENT EGYPT AND egyptology. Anthony s egyptology and Archaeology EgyptWorld The Ancient Egyptian Third Dynasty by Francesco Raffaele http://nersp.nerdc.ufl.edu/~biolab/egypt.html | |
58. This Is Part Two Of The 8th Congress Report A report presented at the Eighth International Congress of egyptology (Cairo, 28 March03 April 2000) provides a brief history of the Egyptian Museum and why a new facility is urgently needed; by Naglaa El Zahlawi. http://www.guardians.net/sca/congress2000/congress_2000_pt2.htm | |
59. New Jersey Egyptology Society Site Help; Forum; Register; Link to us; Contact; About this site; egyptology Links; VArt Diary; LIVE TEST; Downloads. Njes the Society, TC. http://egyptology.home.att.net/ | |
60. Earth Mysteries, Egyptology, Archaeology, Archaeo-Astronomy, UFO's, Crop Circles Research including BOLs, Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Hoaxers and Hoaxing, Crop Circles, UFO s, ArchaeoAstronomy, Archaeology, egyptology, Earth Mysteries. http://www.thenoiseroom.com/ | |
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