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21. Welcome To Akhet Egyptology Resource for egyptology, including a clickable mummy, original photography, and UK egyptology resources. http://www.akhet.co.uk/ |
22. Terri's World Of Egyptology Gives a list of dynasties and rulers, queen list and an introduction to some wellknown pharoahs. Mummification process, hieroglyphics translator, love songs. http://www.angelfire.com/la/egyptology | |
23. Leonard H. Lesko Charles Edwin Wilbour Professor of egyptology and Chairman of the Department of egyptology at Brown University. Biographical information as well as interests and publications. http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Egyptology/llesko.html | |
24. WELCOME TO EGYPTOLOGY ONLINE - Distance Learning And Home Study Courses In Egypt egyptology Online is the new free information resource for student studying egyptology with the National Home Study College. WELCOME TO egyptology ONLINE. http://www.egyptologyonline.com/ | |
25. INTRODUCTION To The Land Of Ancient Egypt Welcome to egyptology Online the one stop information resource for students studying egyptology with the National Home Study College. http://www.egyptologyonline.com/introduction.htm | |
26. Strona O Egiptologii A portal for Polish egyptology, includes a history, suggested readings, museums, links, and gallery. http://www.egiptologia.prv.pl/ | |
27. Mysteries Of The Bible Includes articles on subjects including Torah codes, ancient chronology, lost tribes, Dead Sea Scrolls, origins of Christianity, egyptology, and biblical archaeology. http://www.biblemysteries.com/ | |
28. Egyptology ACE Home Page The Australian Centre for egyptology. Macquarie University, Sydney Australia. Welcome to our Web page. What is the Australian Centre for egyptology? http://www.egyptology.mq.edu.au/ | |
29. Napoleon In Egypy Paper, originally a slide lecture, describing the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt and the Birth of egyptology. http://www.geocities.com/athens/styx/3776/Nap.html | |
30. Metro Members Directory Staff, access policy, contact information. http://www.metro.org/directory/details.asp?siteid=35-1 |
31. ::. FreeWebs.com .:: Downloads, links to egyptology resources, and commentary on the possibility of a real Stargate. http://www.freewebz.com/stargate-sg1/ | |
32. Mohsen M. Badawi Personal and a lot of information about the human knowledge also lots of information about Egypt and egyptology. http://badawi.com/ |
33. Peartree Publishing : Books On Ancient Egypt Publisher of books on Ancient Egypt. Also provides links to other egyptology and ancient history resources and publishers. http://www.manchesteregypt.freeserve.co.uk/peartree/index.htm | |
34. Welcome To Periplus Publishing London Specializing in archaeology, underwater archaeology, egyptology, art photography, history and ancient history educational books. http://www.peripluslondon.co.uk |
35. Sk4p.net: Egyptology: Gods This has almost no basis in egyptology; only that Behedet was often depicted underneath Nut one finds Nut forming the upper frame of a scene, and the winged http://www.sk4p.net/egypt/gods.shtml | |
36. 403 Error - File Not Found News and updates from the field of both alternative and orthodox egyptology. http://sphinxtemple.virtualave.net/egyptnews/ | |
37. 12 Spode Plates A personal weblog journaling day to day existence. Includes personal essays and stories. Topics include music (Nada Surf, Creeper Lagoon, Deadsy), school, egyptology, and politics. http://rinne_m.tripod.com/ | |
38. IEAAFrontDoor A very important institute for the U of M and the city of Memphis. The university is strongly active in egyptology. http://www.memphis.edu/egypt/main.html | |
39. PalArch, Netherlands Scientific Journal Online scientific journal that publishes scientific papers, monographs, book reviews concerning the archaeology of Egypt or egyptology. http://www.palarch.nl | |
40. School Of Historical Studies - Archaeology & Ancient History - Arts - Monash Uni In this we collaborate with the Australian Centre for egyptology at Macquarie University. To support the teaching of egyptology at university level. http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/archaeology/egypt.html | |
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