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1. Department Of Egyptology Department of egyptology. Wilbour Hall. Welcome to the Brown University Department of egyptology home page. We are housed in Wilbour Hall on College Hill. Below you will find information about the department. Contents. egyptology at Brown http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Egyptology | |
2. Egyptology Resources--resources For Ancient Egypt Internet resources, including mailing lists, news and gossip, contact information for institutes and http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/egypt/ | |
3. KMT: A MODERN JOURNAL OF ANCIENT EGYPT Comments, additions, suggestions, questions may be sent to Greg Reeder (greg@egyptology.com) I regret I cannot answer questions other than for information http://www.egyptology.com/kmt/ | |
4. EGYPTOLOGY.COM egyptology.com presents THE BEST EGYPT LINKS ON THE WEB. A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt. egyptology WORLD. News Gossip http://www.egyptology.com/ | |
5. WWW VL: Egyptology WWWVL egyptology egyptology. ArtHieroglyphicsOrganizationsJournalsPap yrusPyramidsHOME PAGE http://www.the-extreme.com/egypt | |
6. Wilbour Library Of Egyptology Collection of Egyptological works held at The Brooklyn Museum of Art. http://www.gate.net/~ekwerner/wilbour.htm | |
7. ~ksowada Resources, collections, university programs, and fieldwork. http://www.zeta.org.au/~ksowada/ | |
8. UCLA Egyptology Website UCLA Department of. Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. 376 Kinsey Hall. Box 951511. Los Angeles CA 900251511 ( 310) 825-4165. nreast@humnet.ucla.edu. Welcome to the Homepage of egyptology at UCLA http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/egyptology |
9. Egypt WWW Index Egypt WWW Index. Other Comprehensive WWW Lists. Art, Culture, and Tradition. Business and Economy. Commercial. Education. egyptology. Entertainment. Food. Health and Environment. History. Internet Access. Maps. News. Pictures. Politics and Government Bon VoyageTravel and Tourism. Books about egyptology. Bostany.ComOnline Flower Shop http://ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos | |
10. Jim Loy's Egyptian Hieroglyphics And Egyptology Page Online grammar, dictionary, and fonts for ancient Egyptian. http://www.jimloy.com/egypt/egypt.htm | |
11. The Tomb Of Niankhkhnum And Khnumhotep two men click below on the icon of the manicurists. Comments and/or questions may be sent to Greg Reeder at (greg@egyptology.com). http://www.egyptology.com/niankhkhnum_khnumhotep/ | |
12. Egyptian Museum Of The Uruguayan Society Of Egyptology Exhibits a collection of ancient Egyptian art and artifacts in Montevideo, Uruguay. Site includes some photographs of objects in the collection. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Musee/7650/ | |
13. Victor's Egyptology - Home welcome to victor s egyptology. my hope with this site is that it will teach you something new about egyptology. the site has been http://home.online.no/~shammas/ | |
14. Page Title The Sussex College of egyptology. ANCIENT EGYPT. The Sussex College of egyptology. http://www.egyptology.sussex.mcmail.com/ | |
15. Ptahhotep's Australian Egyptology Page Ptahhotep s Australian egyptology Pages, the first operational website about egyptology in Australia (created July, 1996), by Peter C May, Sydney. USER LOGO. http://www.zeta.org.au/~ptahotep/ | |
16. Egyptology News And Gossip More results from www.newton.cam.ac.uk Welcome to Akhet egyptologyResource for egyptology, including a clickable mummy, original photography, and UK egyptology resources. http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/egypt/news.html | |
17. EgyptSearch Search by keywords EgyptSearch Add URL. Copyright © 1998 2000; EgyptSearch. All Rights Reserved. global fundraising for egyptology; also, Rotarian World Fellowship of egyptology. Social_Sciences egyptology http://www.egyptsearch.com/search/search.cgi?cat=Social_Sciences:Egyptology: |
18. Scottish Egyptology Listing of museums and overview of collections in Scotland. http://www.akhet.co.uk/scotland.htm | |
19. Welcome To Akhet Egyptology Welcome to Akhet egyptology , an ideal place to start exploring the wonders of the past. Find out about the people of this amazing http://www.akhet.co.uk/mainpage.htm | |
20. Absolute Egyptology - Gods Kings Of Egypt, Ägypten Götter Egyptian history with kings and 78 gods. Ägyptiche Götter und Pharaonen http://www.nemo.nu/ibisportal/0egyptintro/ |
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