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81. Pheromones Of Telorta Telorta divergens Butler Z1116Ac A Ando AgBiC 391163 1975. Telorta edentataLeech E11-16Ac A Ando AgBiC 391163 1975 Pherolist © 1995-2000 Heinrich Arn. http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/fst/faculty/acree/pheronet/phlist/telorta.html | |
82. Order: Xenarthra Order Xenarthra or edentata Armadillos, Anteaters, Sloths Order Xenarthra(aka edentata). .. Order XENARTHRA Order XENARTHRA (formerly edentata). http://www.virtualology.com/virtualmuseumofnaturalhistory/halloftaxonomy/kingdom | |
83. Indo-Pacific Molluscan Species Database At The Academy Of Natural Sciences Condylocardiidae Warrana edentata (Verco, 1908). Type of listing Name in currentuse. Synonomy. Cuna edentata Verco, 1908 Distribution. {\rtf1 http://data.acnatsci.org/obis/search.php/18666 | |
84. Edentata - Encyclopedia Article About Edentata. Free Access, No Registration Nee dictionary.reference.com/search?q=edentata es.wikipedia.org/wiki/edentata Orders edentata PholidotaSubUnit Orders edentata Pholidota. Orders edentata Pholidota.The edentates, or toothless mammals, are exclusively American http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Edentata | |
85. Phytoplankton Guide To The Rhode River And The Chesapeake Bay Helicostomella edentata A common tintinnid in the Chesapeake Bay, thisclear lorica species usually has 5 to 12 spiral turns at the top. http://www.serc.si.edu/algae/helico.htm | |
86. Introduction To The Xenarthra They were once placed in the order edentata and are still often referred to as edentates,a word that means toothless. Although xenarthrans such as anteaters http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/mammal/xenarthra.html | |
87. ITIS Standard Report Page: Edentata Go to Print Version, edentata Vicqd Azyr, 1792 Taxonomic Serial No. 180100.Taxonomy and Nomenclature, Reference for edentata, Other Source(s) http://www.itis.usda.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_val |
88. MSN Encarta - Edentata KIB Scientific Information Center - 1985? Your Position HOME- CATEGORY- - 1985?- ?- KAROTYPEANALYSIS OF VICIA edentata. File Title KAROTYPE ANALYSIS OF VICIA edentata. http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_721532271/Edentata.html | |
89. Ordnung Zahnarme Translate this page Klasse Säugetiere (Mammalia). - Unterklasse Echte oder Höhere Säuger (Eutheria).- Ordnung Zahnarme (edentata). - Unterordnung Nebengelenker (Xenarthra). http://www.das-tierlexikon.de/syst_ord_zahnarme.htm | |
90. Order Edentata - BlueRider.com order edentata listen domain availability, order edentata. Your searchresults search for order_edentata on Google order edentata n. http://www.bluerider.com/wordsearch/order_edentata | |
91. MEGAFAUNA, LA FAUNA DEL URUGUAY EN EL PASADO Translate this page Perezoso (scelidoterio) Nombre común Perezoso (scelidoterio) ClasificaciónOrden edentata Familia Mylodontidae Subfamilia Scelidotheriinae Género http://www.rau.edu.uy/uruguay/historia/megafauna.htm | |
92. Reliant.teknowledge.com/DAML/HW3/HTML/Edentata.html ? ? ? -The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://reliant.teknowledge.com/DAML/HW3/HTML/Edentata.html | |
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