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61. Pherobase :: Species Detail - Telorta Edentata Semiochemicals of Telorta edentata Phylum Arthropoda. Subphylum Uniramia. OrderLepidoptera. Family Noctuidae. Subfamily Cuculliinae. Tribe Author Leech. http://www.pherobase.com/database/species-Telorta-edentata.html | |
62. Probert Encyclopaedia: Nature (Ea-El) It grows wild in the Swiss Alps. edentata. The edentata is a primitiveorder of mammals with no teeth, or very simple teeth without enamel. http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/B3B.HTM | |
63. Myrmarachne Edentata Salticidae Diagnostic Drawings Library. by Jerzy Proszynski 1997. Myrmarachneedentata Berry, Beatty, Proszynski, 1996. No. 0423 Pacific Caroline Isl. Yap. http://salticidae.org/salticid/diagnost/myrmar/edentata.htm | |
64. Temp The Orderedentata Anteaters, sloths and armadillos These rather primitiveNew World mammals have on the forelimbs two or three fingers http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~nhi708/classify/animalia/chordata/mammalia/edentata/edent | |
65. Edentata Prev Term edema Next Term edentulous edentata. Used for armadilloUsed for sloth Broader Terms Mammalia Scope Note order of http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/Thesaurus/00002540.htm | |
66. Rhombophylla See About maps. Rhombophylla edentata (Hampson, 1895) Epiplema edentata Hampson,1895; Fauna Br. India 3 125 Rhombophylla edentata ; MOB8 99, pl. http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/geometroidea/u | |
67. Stiriodes Stiriodes edentata (Grote, 1883) Stiriodes edentata ; NACL, 9726 Se procida (Druce,1889) umbria (Druce, 1898); (form) = ; NACL, 9726a Stiriodes nepotica http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/noctuoidea/noc | |
68. U.S. IABIN Node -- European Collections Of New World Vertebrates Search results for Taxonomic Term edentata Mammalia . 171. edentata Mammalia, edentates anteaters, armadillos, sloths (order), New World. http://vcfw.er.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/iabin/taxon1.pl?which=taxon&item=Edentata < Mamm |
69. U.S. IABIN Node -- European Collections Of New World Vertebrates Search results for Taxonomic Term Dasypodidae edentata Mammalia . Return toEuropean Collections Home Page 171. Dasypodidae edentata Mammalia, armadillos, http://vcfw.er.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/iabin/taxon1.pl?which=taxon&item=Dasypodidae < E |
70. Anastrepha Edentata Anastrepha edentata Stone. http://www.fsca-dpi.org/Diptera/Maps/Anastrepha_edentata.htm | |
71. BDT [international Leishmania Network, Iln] Bassaricyon, BAS, CARNIVORA. Bradypus, BRA, edentata. Brachiones, BRN, RODENTIA. Bassariscus,BSS, CARNIVORA. Burmeisteria, BUR, edentata. Cabossous, CAB, edentata. http://www.bdt.fat.org.br/leishnet/mammals | |
72. Order Edentata - Details - Systema Naturae 2000 Systema Naturae 2000 / Details. Order edentata -. Main and Alternative Entries.Parent, Authorship (Position), Type Designation, Most Recent Reference. http://sn2000.taxonomy.nl/Main/Details/60499.htm | |
73. Edentata - Main - Systema Naturae 2000 Chordonia Phylum Craniata Vertebrata Superclass Tetrapoda Mammaliaformes ClassMammalia Subclass Theria Infraclass Eutheria Order edentata Details SN http://sn2000.taxonomy.nl/Main/Index/High/..\..\Classification\60499.htm | |
74. Mammalia: Edentata - Zahnlose Translate this page Ord. edentata - Zahnlose. Ursprünglich wurden mehrere Gruppen als Zahnarme(edentata) zusammengefaßt, deren Gemeinsamkeit Zahnlosigkeit http://www.faunistik.net/BSWT/MAMMALIA/SYSTEMATIK/ORDERS/edentata_01.html | |
75. Lib_rojo Descriptor: Alejandría BE Translate this page Venezolana !!! Botón de Red Información sobre el sistema Conexión aotros servidores Alejandría. Palabras claves edentata (Comienzo). 2 http://alejandria.hacer.ula.ve/cgi-win/be_alex.exe?Descriptor=Edentata&Nombrebd= |
76. Lib_rojo Palabra: Alejandría BE Translate this page Venezolana !!! Botón de Red Información sobre el sistema Conexióna otros servidores Alejandría. Palabra edentata (Palabras). 2 http://alejandria.hacer.ula.ve/cgi-win/be_alex.exe?Palabra=Edentata&Nombrebd=lib |
77. Kids.net.au Thesaurus - Words Similar To Edentata Words similar to edentata. Ads by Fastclick Go Local Australia Belgium Canada China Germany Israel Japan Mexico New http://www.kids.net.au/t.php?wordslike=Edentata |
78. Elsya NORTHERN SNAPPING TURTLE Elseya dentata. http://www.kingsnake.com/oz/turtles/edentata.htm | |
79. Definition Of Edentata From Dictionary.net Words Starting with E dictionary.netDictionary, Words starting with E. edentata EDERLE EDGAR, EDGAR WALLACE EDGARD. Return to E ECU - EFF. About Us Contact Us Link to us Terms of Use, http://www.dictionary.net/edentata | |
80. ARTFL Project Webster Dictionary, 1913 ARTFL Project Webster Dictionary, 1913. Searching for edentata Found1 hit(s). edentata (Page 470) E`den*ta ta (?), n. pl. NL., neut. pl. http://machaut.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/WEBSTER.sh?WORD=Edentata |
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