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41. Ordo Edentata- - - Miereneterorde This file contains a systematic overview of edentata, featuring links to books,otherpages on the web about edentata, pictures etc. edentata. P Bradypodidae http://www.omne-vivum.com/a/610.htm | |
42. Superordo Unguiculata- - Beschrijving edentata. Graafklauwen ; wormvormige tong. http://www.omne-vivum.com/c/10617.htm | |
43. Edentata - Biognomen Home. Superorder edentata. Animalia Chordata Tetrapoda Mammalia Theria. Photograph armadillo. ©2000 Brock Filer bfiler@softhome.net. http://members.aol.com/bafiler/Edentata.html | |
44. Edentata : On Medical Dictionary Online edentata defined on the Free Online Medical Dictionary. Medical terminology Linkto the Medical Dictionary Online. edentata. An order http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/?q=Edentata |
45. Plants Database: Botanary: Edentata edentata. Meaning Toothless Pronunciation eDEN-tay-tuh. « Return to theBotanary homepage. « Return to the Plants Database. Plants Database Welcome! http://plantsdatabase.com/botanary/go/13135/ | |
46. Plants Database: Detailed Information On Cycad (Cycas Edentata) Cycad Cycas edentata. Family Cycadaceae Genus Cycas (SYkas) (Info) Speciesedentata (e-DEN-tay-tuh) (Info). Add a synonym name. Category Cycads. http://plantsdatabase.com/go/62802/ | |
47. Biologybase: Mammals Of The World: Edentata, Pholidota And Lagomorpha BiologyBase covering the world of life. A Checklist of the Mammals of the World. http://www.interaktv.com/mammals/EdenLago.html | |
48. A Fruit Fly - Anastrepha Edentata common name a fruit fly scientific name Anastrephaedentata Stone (Insecta Diptera Tephritidae). http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/fruit/tropical/a_edentata.htm | |
49. Nearctica - Natural History - Mammals - Edentates The edentata are represent in the United States by a single species,the Ninebanded Armadillo. The Nine-banded part of its name http://www.nearctica.com/nathist/mammal/dillo.htm | |
50. The Dumble Survey: FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF TEXAS CHAPTER III. TESTUDINATA. TESTUDO, Linn. edentata. MEGALONYX, Jeff. CARNIVORA. CHAPTERIV. TESTUDINATA. TESTUDO, Linn. edentata. MYLODON, Owen. PROBOSCIDIA. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/books/dumble/publications/10/10c078a.html | |
51. .:Bilim Ve Teknik Web Sitesi::Canlýlar Dünyasý::Edentata:. 8. Ordo (Takim) edentata (=Xenarthra) (Dissiz plasentalilar). Dissizmemelilerin tamami bu takima dahil degildir. Bu takimin http://www.biltek.tubitak.gov.tr/canlilar/animalia/omurgali/memeliler/Edentata.h | |
52. EDENTATA (Search FastHealth.com) EDENTATA Dictionary FastHealth Email This! Eden·ta·ta n pl an order of themajor taxon Eutheria comprising mammals with few or no teeth http://www.fasthealth.com/dictionary/e/Edentata.php | |
53. Xenarthra In the past, these families were classified together with the pangolins and Aardvarkas the order edentata (meaning toothless, because the members do not have http://www.fact-index.com/x/xe/xenarthra.html | |
54. Edentata edentata. Sloth. Back to Review Slides. http://www.uta.edu/biology/restricted/edentata.htm | |
55. Edentata - Definition By Dict.die.net Definition edentata. Search dictionary for. Source Webster s Revised UnabridgedDictionary (1913) edentata \E`den*ta ta\, n. pl. NL., neut. pl. http://dict.die.net/edentata/ | |
56. Order Edentata - Definition By Dict.die.net Definition order edentata. Search dictionary for. Source WordNet(r) 1.7 order edentata n order of mammals having few or no teeth http://dict.die.net/order edentata/ | |
57. Edentata - Enciclopedia Libre Translate this page No has entrado Registrarse/Entrar Ayuda. edentata. Artículo de la EnciclopediaLibre Universal en Español. Suborden. ORDEN Xenarthra (edentata o Desdentados). http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/Edentata | |
58. Edentata Using backup server 2 definitions found From Webster s Revised UnabridgedDictionary (1913) i edentata \E`den*ta ta\, n. pl. NL., neut. pl. http://www.dictionarywords.net/find/word/Edentata/ | |
59. Edentata - English Dictionary Meaning edentata english dictionary definition, Search dictionary. Site Options. Displayingall dictionary definition of edentata. Summary- edentata - order edentata. http://www.realdictionary.com/E/dir/Edentata.asp | |
60. ::The Moths Of Borneo:: Rhombophylla edentata Hampson comb. n. Epiplema edentata Hampson, 1895, FaunaBr. India, Moths, 3125. Rhombophylla edentata, Diagnosis. http://www.mothsofborneo.com/part-8/epipleminae/epipleminae_4_1.php | |
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