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141. ((((Industrial Ecosystems, Inc.)))) Products and services for bioremediation and bioconversion of petroleum hydrocarbons. Site requires http://www.industrialecosystems.com/ | |
142. Landscape Ecology Group's Homepage In Department of Ecology and Environmental Science. Information about research and concerns related to topics including habitat fragmentation, riparian zones, forest ecosystems, and floodplain restoration. http://www.eg.umu.se/river/ripecol.html | |
143. CORDIS FP6: Find A Call Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Call for Proposals, FP62002-Global-1 CLOSED, Thematic call in the area of Global Change and ecosystems. http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/calls_activity.cfm?ID_ACTIVITY=315 |
144. Marine Ecology Aims & Scope Publishes original contributions in all aspects of the ecology of marine organisms and ecosystems, both pelagic and benthic. Particularly invites articles based on insitu research using underwater observation and experimentation. Published by Blackwell Science Ltd. http://www.blackwell-publishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0173-9565 |
145. Wild Rockies Field Institute Students learn about environmental issues and the threats to specific ecosystems while traveling in the field. College credit offered. From Alaska to Mexico. http://www.wildrockies.org/wrfi | |
146. Page MOVED Tropical Ecosystems Of Costa Rica Images The Images Tropical ecosystems of Costa Rica IMAGE Web Page Has Permanently Moved! -. The Tropical ecosystems of Costa Rica http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/html/TropEcoCostaRicaImage.html | |
147. Temper Of The Times Foundation, Inc. Homepage Provides funds to underwrite advertising designed to promote the conservation and restoration of native wildlife, plants, and ecosystems in the United States. Application guidelines and procedures are given. http://www.temperfund.org | |
148. Global Ecosystems Database On CD-ROM SE-2006 Global ecosystems Database (GED). Contributed research datasets; Geographic integration; Intercomparison capability; ecosystems Data Home. http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/fliers/se-2006.shtml | |
149. Australian Rainforest Ecosystem Information and education site with pictures and video clips (RealMedia). Links to other Australian ecosystem sites. http://www.gullivermedia.com.au/rainf.html | |
150. Centre For Scientific Tourism In Slovakia We believe that Slovak primeval forests deserve the World Natural Heritage status as one of the most representative series of natural forest ecosystems in the http://www.ecosystems.sk/ | |
151. Ecology Group Homepage - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory The Ecology Group engages in research activities in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. We develop integrated ecological resource assessments, restoration and management tools, and ecological research techniques, including statistical design and predictive modeling and mapping of sensitive habitats. http://www.pnl.gov/ecology/ | |
152. AWRA - 2004 Summer Specialty Conference AWRA 2004 Summer Specialty Conference Riparian ecosystems and Buffers Multiscale Structure, Function, and Management. June 28-30 http://www.awra.org/meetings/Olympic2004/ | |
153. LOTSE/Web-Menutree (Coastal Ecosystems) Land/Ocean Thematic Search Engine http://w3g.gkss.de/lotse/out/one/menu/topics/2185.html | |
154. WWF | Expeditions In Conservation Travel alongside World Wildlife Fund scientists as they journey into remote and exotic locales to learn more about the most precious and varied ecosystems. http://www.worldwildlife.org/expeditions/ | |
155. The Environmental Literacy Council - Ecosystems ecosystems. An ecosystem is For more information about some of the ecosystems in the US and around the world World Resources 2000 http://www.enviroliteracy.org/category.php/3.html | |
156. CSIRO Centre For Arid Zone Research A regional research group within the Sustainable ecosystems division of CSIRO. Undertakes research into the ecology and management of the arid and semiarid rangelands of Australia. http://www.cazr.csiro.au | |
157. Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Public Web Site of the Georgia Coastal ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research Program and links to data sets and information about the estuary and salt marsh...... http://gce-lter.marsci.uga.edu/lter/ | |
158. Fluxnet Canada A Canadian research network, based on eddy covariance flux measurements, that studies the effects of climate and disturbance on carbon cycling processes in forest and peatland ecosystems. http://www.fluxnet-canada.ca/ | |
159. ICES Work - Introduction Subjects covered include ocean processes, ocean observations, marine ecosystems and the affect of man and aquaculture. Abstracts of the theme sessions are available. http://www.ices.dk/asc/2002/index.htm | |
160. Dept. Of Environmental Protection (DEP) State Lands Administers a program designed to ensure statewide management of aquatic and upland plants and to protect valuable natural ecosystems. http://www.dep.state.fl.us/lands/invaspec/ |
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