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81. BDNE'2000 Workshop on the application of Information Technology to problems of biodiversity. Novosibirsk, Russia. 914 July, 2001. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bdne2001/index_eng.html | |
82. Center For Native Ecosystems dedicated to conserving and recovering native and naturally functioning ecosystems in the Greater Southern Rockies. http://www.nativeecosystems.org/ | |
83. :::::INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS GLOBAL LEAFLET: Protected Area Management :::::::::: A look at the particular susceptibility of Pacific Island ecosystems to invasive species. http://www.fs.fed.us/global/news/ | |
84. BLM Learning Landscapes U.S. Bureau of Land Management educational resources and classroom materials on natural resources management, including wildlife, ecosystems, invasive species, and other topics. http://www.blm.gov/education/ | |
85. Large Marine Ecosystems Large Marine ecosystems of the World. Join the LME Mailing List. Sponsors. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The World http://www.edc.uri.edu/lme/ | |
86. Ancient Forest Exploration And Research: Ontario's Ancient And Old Growth Forest Information and research about Ontario's remaining oldgrowth forest ecosystems, including where to see them and how to help conserve them. http://www.ancientforest.org | |
87. Home http//www.ecosystems.nl Eco Systems. MilieuArbo-Kwaliteit Integrale Softwaresystemen, intranet. http//www.ecosystems.nl Eco Systems. http://www.ecosystems.nl/ | |
88. Alaska Marine Conservation Council (AMCC): Catch Fish. Protect Habitat. A communitybased organization of coastal residents and others whose ways of life, and often livelihood, depend on healthy marine ecosystems. http://www.akmarine.org/ | |
89. Illinois Ecosystems Illinois ecosystems. All organisms need prevalent in Illinois. Many smaller, more specific ecosystems can be found within larger ones. http://www.chias.org/www/edu/mitc/teeeeco.html | |
90. Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People Healthy ecosystems, Healthy People Linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem health and human health June 611, 2002, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC, USA. http://www.ecosystemhealth.com/hehp/ |
91. AMBIOS Home Page The objectives of this project are to determine the interrelationships between the physical properties of ecosystems and the ecology of organisms in the generation of biodiversity, to measure objectively the resultant diversity and to produce operational concepts of biodiversity which are of general applicability and importance. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/biology/research/europe/ambios.html | |
92. Right Whale Conservation - East Coast Ecosystems East Coast ecosystems The North Atlantic Right Whale. A charitable research organization whose primary concern is the fate of the North Atlantic right whale. http://www.dti-web.com/ecosystems/ | |
93. Carbon Sequestration Information on US DOE's Office of Science research and development activities in sequestering carbon underground, in terrestrial ecosystems, in the ocean, and through manipulation of microbes. http://cdiac2.esd.ornl.gov/ | |
94. BC Wetlands Mission is to promote the conservation of British Columbia's wetland ecosystems through education, research and stewardship. http://www.bcwetlands.com/ | |
95. Environment Canada's Green Lane: Topics - Ecosystems You are here Home Topics ecosystems. ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems; Biosphère environmental observation centre; Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines; http://www.ec.gc.ca/ecos_e.html | |
96. Southern Research Station - USDA Forest Service Research Conducts research in forestry resource science and technology for forest sustainability and productivity in southern ecosystems and environmental quality. http://www.srs.fs.fed.us/ | |
97. Urbanfor.cagr.calpoly.edu/ Costa Rica, ecosystemsecosystems. by Christopher Baker Home Travel numbers. And their sustained health is vital to the health of other marine ecosystems. The http://urbanfor.cagr.calpoly.edu/ |
98. Forests Of The Central Appalachians Project Profiles some ecological research on the Central Appalachian forests of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, which are stated to be some of the most biologically diverse and threatened ecosystems anywhere. http://www.spies.com/~gus/forests/ | |
99. Welcome To Australian Ecosystems Welcome to Australian ecosystems, Text Size +. Inside the shade house. Australian ecosystems Pty. Ltd. PO BOX 424 Patterson Lakes VIC 3197. http://www.wetlandecosystems.com.au/index.php | |
100. CAMASE - Guidelines For Modelling Report of a project in agroecosystems modelling. http://www.bib.wau.nl/camase/modguide.html | |
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