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21. Ecosystems / Biomes Topics cover the living world around us and how these living things interact to form ecosystems or biomes. ecology issues with commercial postings. ecosystems / Biomes Games more than 2 dozen http://members.aol.com/bowermanb/ecosystems.html | |
22. The Sky's The Limit Assigning an economic value to the world's ecosystems. From the Why Files. http://whyfiles.org/shorties/cost_nature.html | |
23. Freshwater Ecosystems (title Provided Or Enhanced By Cataloger) Freshwater ecosystems (title provided or enhanced by cataloger) Segments on Rivers Streams, Ponds Lakes, and Wetlands provide information, photos, and graphics related to fresh water resources http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mbgnet.mobot.org/fresh/index.htm&y=0 |
24. Sustainable Ecosystems Institute An organization of scientists committed to using their technical expertise to solve ecological problems. http://www.sei.org/core.html |
25. EPA Student Center Ecosystems EPA Student Center ecosystems Here are links to EPA and nonEPA resources to help students learn more about the relationship between biological communities and their physical environments. Topics http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.epa.gov/students/ecosyste.htm&y= |
26. SpringerLink - Publication link.springerny.com/link/service/journals/10021/tocs.html More results from link.springer-ny.com ecosystems / BiomesTopics cover the living world around us and how these living things interact to form ecosystems or biomes. Return to Main Page. ecosystems / Biomes. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/10021/ | |
27. American Society Of International Law Wildlife Interest Group Resources Searchable bibliography on the impacts of environmental change on flora and fauna. Citations include peerreviewed and selected gray literature. Hyperlinks are provided to the source where available. http://eelink.net/~asilwildlife/bib.shtml | |
28. OCEANS: Ocean Biogeochemistry And Ecosystems Analysis IGBP and SCOR are developing a new project focussed on ocean biogeochemistry and ecosystems and the impacts of global change. This Open Science Conference invites input into the development of the science focus of the project through plenary sessions, workshops and poster presentations. http://www.igbp.kva.se/obe/ | |
29. South Florida Wetlands Ecosystems Lab Describes wetlands research activities, including studies of mangrove ecology and water quality impacts in the Everglades. http://www.fiu.edu/~ecosyst/ | |
30. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Urban Ecosystems http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1083-8155/contents | |
31. Montreal Symposium To advance understanding of the complex process and mechanisms for onfarm management of agricultural biodiversity and their relation with farmers' livelihoods. Montreal, Canada - November 8-10, 2001. http://www.unu.edu/env/plec/cbd/ | |
32. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Urban Ecosystems http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1083-8155/current | |
33. Plateau Ecosystems Consulting, Inc. Professional aquatic and terrestrial ecological consultants. Specializing in assessment, compliance support, special studies, threatened and endangered species, laboratory services, and resource management. (Colorado, USA). http://www.plateaueco.com/ | |
34. Global Change And Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) Home Page About GCTE Short introduction to GCTE and what we are about. Credits Acknowledgements of funding organisations and contributors. News http://gcte.org/ | |
35. Millennium Assessment Of Global Ecosystems International project and process designed to improve the management of ecosystems and their contribution to human development by helping to bring the best available information on ecosystem goods and services to bear on policy and management decisions. http://www.millenniumassessment.org/ |
36. EPA-CBEP Home Page EPA Home ecosystems Community Based Approaches. http://www.epa.gov/ecocommunity/ | |
37. Ecology, Aquaria, Aquatic Organisms, Microscopic Animals, Microcosm, Ecosystem, Rob Day's personal page includes documents, publications, and papers related to aquaria, artificial ecosystems, microcosm management, with particular reference to ecological education. http://angelfire.com/ri/skibizniz/index.html | |
38. US EPA Student Center - Ecosystems Resources. Ecosystem Exhibits Exit EPA disclaimer Here you can view beautiful pictures of ecosystems throughout the United States. You http://www.epa.gov/students/ecosyste.htm | |
39. Forestry Encyclopedia Network - Index_html Information on the ecology and management of southern Appalachian forest ecosystems. We have synthesized literature from thousands of sources to provide resource managers, land owners, researchers, students, and the public easy access to scientific knowledge about the forests of the southern Appalachians. http://www.forestryencyclopedia.net | |
40. (PNCERS) Pacific Northwest Coastal Ecosystems Regional Study The Pacific Northwest Coastal ecosystems Regional Study (PNCERS) is a research and outreach program based on coastal management issues and needs. http://www.pncers.org/ | |
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