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121. MGMT 930 Syllabus taught by David LuckingReiley at Northwestern University. http://www.kellogg.nwu.edu/faculty/lucking/htm/mgmt930/syllabus.html | |
122. AIESEC Home Contacts, news, information and links for international scholarly exchanges. http://lightning.prohosting.com/~aiesecef | |
123. On The Economics Of Polygyny Unpublished paper from Ted Bergstrom exploring the prevalence and viability of polygamy in various societies. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader http://www.econ.ucsb.edu/~tedb/Evolution/polygyny3.pdf |
124. Labour Economics Gateway Translate this page Links to research centers, economists, journals, documents, and data sources. http://labour.ceps.lu/ |
125. AIDS Economics Home Page A Joint World Bank/UNAIDS website on the economics of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, helping researchers and governments in developing countries define and http://www.worldbank.org/aids-econ/ | |
126. Ehomepage Includes research activities, outlook for the 21st century, history and organization, membership, activities, and publications. http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jshe/Ehome.html | |
127. Agent-Based Computational Economics (Tesfatsion) AgentBased Computational economics. Growing Economies from the Bottom Up. Scout Report for Business and economics Selection. (Graphic by T. Eymann). http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm | |
128. LSE Department Of Information Systems Information Systems Department. http://is.lse.ac.uk/ |
129. AmosWEB: ECON*space AmosWEB means economics, with a touch of whimsy. ECON*space is a searchable database of Internet Home Pages of Departments of economics in the United States. http://www.amosweb.com/econdept/ | |
130. àc@l ¬ÊoϤ A nonprofit research organization to promote the modernization of the distribution system and through empirical surveys and research. Adobe Acrobat Reader required. http://www.dei.or.jp/ | |
131. Home Economics Resources Home economics Resources. SM. Weasel Stewart. items to the list. Nutrition and Food Science (Home economics). This journal is offered http://www.educationindex.com/homeec/ | |
132. Baku Pages | International Community Of Baku People Extensive information about Azerbaijan and Baku. Includes such sections as news, economics, politics, culture and music library. http://www.bakupages.com/ | |
133. Wisconsin's Nuclear Watch Dog Provides information about nuclear issues in Wisconsin. Information is available concerning issues such as nuclear power, safety, waste, regulation, economics, and weapons. http://www.wnwd.org/ | |
134. The International Society For Ecological Economics December 2003 Newsletter Click one of the following links Sustainomics and Environmental Macroeconomics New entries in our Ecological economics Encyclopaedia. http://www.ecologicaleconomics.org/ | |
135. WTRG Economics -OPEC, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Analysis, Forecasts And Data About WTRG economics.Our products and services. James L. Williams. WTRG economics. PO Box 250. London, Arkansas 72847. Phone (479) 2934081. http://www.wtrg.com/ | |
136. QJAE Provides subscription, submission, and editorial information, plus archives of recent issues. Promotes the development and extension of Austrian economics, and encourages the analysis of contemporary issues in the mainstream of economics from an Austrian perspective. http://www.qjae.org/ | |
137. Nobel E-Museum Laureates Find out facts about all Laureates in economics through press releases, biographies, prize lectures, interviews, etc. http://www.nobel.se/economics/ | |
138. Health Economics - Places To Go Comprehensive listings of sources of health economics information. http://www.medecon.de/ | |
139. Journal Of Mathematical Economics Elsevier. Contents, abstracts from vol.19 (1990). Full text to subscribers. http://www.elsevier.nl:80/inca/homepage/sae/econbase/mateco/ | |
140. RFE: Title Page WWW Virtual Library economics WWW Virtual Library. 8, No. 3 March, 2004. Editor Bill Goffe Dept. of economics, SUNY Oswego Editorial Assistant Marian Aboud. http://rfe.wustl.edu/EconFAQ.html | |
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