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101. Information In English Information brochure, mission, faculties and study programs. http://www.vse.cz/kategorie.php3?IDkat=616 |
102. JSTOR: The Quarterly Journal Of Economics The Quarterly Journal of economics. JSTOR Coverage Vols. 1 113, 1886-1998. Journal Information for The Quarterly Journal of economics. Publisher The MIT Press http://www.jstor.org/journals/00335533.html | |
103. Research Institute For Economics & Business Administration - Kobe University Kobe University's economics and Business Library, offering business research references to the business researcher. http://www.rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp/index.html | |
104. JSTOR: The Review Of Economics And Statistics The Review of economics and Statistics. JSTOR Coverage Vols. Journal Information for The Review of economics and Statistics. Publisher The MIT Press http://www.jstor.org/journals/00346535.html | |
105. Economics Of Tobacco - World Bank 500 million people alive today will die of tobaccorelated diseass. Modest action by governments could prevent millions and millions of deaths, without harming economies, according to this report. http://www1.worldbank.org/tobacco/ | |
106. Graduate Study At UGA AGECON Includes information about the program as well as the faculty. http://www.agecon.uga.edu/~gradprg/ | |
107. THE GUIDE TO HEALTH ECONOMICS, MEDICAL AND PHARMACY RESOURCES updated by experienced health economists, Healtheconomics.Com contains a worldwide list of resources on health economics, pharmacoeconomics, outcomes research http://www.healtheconomics.com/ | |
108. MTU | School Of Business & Economics Provides information for prospective students, requirements, faculty, and course details. http://www.sbea.mtu.edu/ | |
109. A Routledge Journal: Applied Economics A Routledge Journal Applied economics Applied economics. Editor Mark Taylor, Department of economics, Warwick University, Coventry http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00036846.asp | |
110. University Of Virginia | Economics Information about our people and programs. http://www.virginia.edu/~econ/ | |
111. Thomson Healthcare/Advanstar Business and Health Contemporary OB/GYN Contemporary Pediatrics Contemporary Urology Drug Topics JAAPA Medical economics Patient Care Patient Care for the http://www.medec.com/ | |
112. Turun Kauppakorkeakoulu | Turku School Of Economics And Business Administration, Business science. http://www.tukkk.fi/kirjasto/English/ |
113. The International Economics Network The International economics Network is an annotated, selective portal for international economics and related disciplines, which includes regularly updated http://www.internationaleconomics.net/ | |
114. CDC's STATE Tobacco Behavior, Economics Health Cost Can select a state and find out the smokingattributable expenditures for that state. Breaks the cost down by ambulatory, hospital, nursing home, drug, and other expenses. http://www2.cdc.gov/nccdphp/osh/state/epi_select.asp?set_type=5&pick=sam_dir |
115. Encyclopedia Of Law & Economics - Free Online Now The Encyclopedia of Law and economics, is an ambitious reference work, freely available online, that attempts to survey the whole law and economics literature http://allserv.rug.ac.be/~gdegeest/ | |
116. Department Of Economics Programs offered, tutoring, course listings, exam schedule and careers in economics. http://www.econ.ccsu.edu/ |
117. Akademia Ekonomiczna Im. Karola Adamieckiego W Katowicach Includes programs, research, library, and news. http://www.ae.katowice.pl/ | |
118. Research Education And Economics Search REE. Welcome to the US Department of Agricultures basic and applied science, economics and statistics, and higher education and extension web site. http://www.reeusda.gov/ree/ | |
119. University Of Graz, Austria - Universitaet Graz, Oesterreich Public generalist university, also known as the Karl Franzens University. Fields of study offered include natural sciences, economics, social sciences, humanities, law, and theology. Large parts of this site are available in German only. http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/E/homepage.html | |
120. ABARE Home Page Graduate recruitment Each year, ABARE recruits top graduates in economics, statistics and mathematics. Applications close 7 June 2004. http://www.abare.gov.au/ | |
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