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41. Journal Of Labor Economics The University of Chicago Press, Journals Division. Editor Derek A. Neal Sponsor Society of Labor Economists, economics Research Center/NORC, http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/JOLE/home.html | |
42. Resources For The Future A nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank located in Washington, DC that conducts independent research rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences - on environmental and natural resource issues. http://www.rff.org | |
43. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Translate this page Homepage der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna University of economics and Business Administration,. http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/ | |
44. Shandong Provincial Employees Institute Of Foreign Economics & Trade ::Shandong Located in Qingdao. Includes information on courses, admissions and campus life. http://www.sdftcollege.com.cn/indexen.htm | |
45. LoÏåwz[y[W With university organization, location, departments, library and research centers, and information for international students. http://www.hue.ac.jp/hue_engl/WWW_E.htm |
46. Welcome To AAEA On-line! The American Agricultural economics Association; To enhance the skills, knowledge, and professional contributions of those economists who help society to solve http://www.aaea.org/ | |
47. PEL - VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE AT HTTP://WWW.KBCAT.COM/PEL PEL is one of the long standing practices in the energy forecasting and consultancy sector. http://www.petroleum-economics.com |
48. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies Economic Education MENU1 forms and at all levels. Select from the menu above to find exciting material for teaching economics. University of Nebraska at http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=5749 |
49. ÂÃÓÝÑ | Âëàäèâîñòîêñêèé Ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé Óí Official site with general information concerning the university, department structure, and academic programs. http://www.vvsu.ru/ | |
50. Economics Resources For K-12 Teachers PS. The Nebraska Standards are under revision. Most links lead to the new standards, but where standards are missing, we are in the middle of updating. http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/K-12/home.htm |
51. Välkommen Till Handelshögskolan I Stockholm Offers a MSc, international graduate, PhD, and executive development programs. Research carried out by the Economic Research Institute. http://www.hhs.se/ | |
52. The Journal Of Financial Economics Google, Search jfe.rochester.edu Search WWW, Journal of Financial economics. Copyright 19962004, Journal of Financial economics. Last Updated on 4/5/2004. http://jfe.rochester.edu/jfe.htm | |
53. Economics Bulletin website. Accepted by economics Bulletin. Major topics any area in economics. Full Text of Announcement Conference Announcement. More. Visitors http://www.economicsbulletin.com/ | |
54. Development Economics And Economic Development Focuses on 3rd world countries. Maintained by Giorgio Secondi. http://www.oxy.edu/~gsecondi/dev.html | |
55. Cambridge Journal Of Economics Cambridge Journal of economics is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Cambridge Political Economy Society assisted by Stanford University http://cje.oupjournals.org/ | |
56. AIBEc: American Institute For Business And Economics An American MBA program in Moscow that offers a full range of business courses taught in English during evening hours or at weekends. http://www.aibec.org | |
57. Plekhanov Russian Academy Of Economics Main site contains general information concerning structure, admission and contact information. http://www.rea.ru/eng/index.shtml | |
58. Economic Journals On The Web You may also wish to examine other lists of economics journals at WebEc. If you know of any additional sites, or experience any problems with this page, please http://www.oswego.edu/~economic/journals.htm | |
59. Svenska Handelshögskolan The largest Swedishspeaking business and economics school in Finland. http://www.shh.fi/index_eng.htm |
60. ScienceDirect - Ecological Economics - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01651765 economics Challenge. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09218009 | |
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