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1. Library Of Economics And Liberty: Home And Main Menu Page Provides concise encyclopedia, classic texts, articles, and data links by topic. http://www.econlib.org/ | |
2. ECONOMICS Working Paper Archive EconWPA is affilated with RePEc Research Papers in economics and submissions here are entered into that database. There are many services that use the RePEc database. This award winning service (provided by the economics Department of Washington University ), is devoted to the free distribution of working papers in economics. There are 22 subject http://econwpa.wustl.edu/ | |
3. The Journal Of Law & Economics Focuses on the influence of regulation and legal institutions on the operation of economic systems. Provides abstracts and guidelines for submissions. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/JLE/home.html | |
4. FINWeb Welcome to FINWeb! FINWeb is a financial economics web site managed by James R. Garven, Ph.D. The objective of FINWeb is to list Internet resources providing substantive information concerning economics and financerelated topics. http://www.finweb.com/ | |
5. The Information Economy Information. Economy. The economics of the Internet, Information Goods, Intellectual Property and Related Issues. Compiled by Hal R. Varian. Accounting Measuring Traffic. Announcements. Background http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/resources/infoecon | |
6. WebEc - WWW Resources In Economics - Framed WebEc is a classification effort to improve the availability of free information in economics on the WWW. General economics Resources. Education and Teaching. Methodology and History of Economic http://www.helsinki.fi/WebEc | |
7. Harvard University Department Of Economics Welcome to the Harvard University Department of economics home page Welcome to the Department of economics. We are delighted to welcome the following Visiting Professors in Spring Randall Morck ( financial economics from the University of Alberta http://www.economics.harvard.edu/ | |
8. Economics At About.Com -- Your Portal To The World Of Economics economics at About.com makes the dismal science of economics a bit less gloomy. Topics more. You are here About Money economics. http://economics.about.com/ | |
9. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS - REVUE CANADIENNE D'ECONOMIQUE Journal of the Canadian economics Association publishing both theoretical and empirical papers in all areas of economics provides table of contents and abstract archive. http://economics.ca/cje/ | |
10. Stanford Economics Stanford economics http://www-econ.stanford.edu/ |
11. Economics At About.Com Your Portal To The World Of Economics economics at About.com makes the dismal science of economics a bit less gloomy. Topics include Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Term Paper and Test Help for students, Data Sources, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://economics.about.com/&y=020EDA197FE90 |
12. Institute For International Economics The Institute for International economics is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of international economic policy. http://www.iie.com/ | |
13. Office Of Health Economics The Office of Health economics aims to commission and undertake research on the economics of health, collect and analyse health and health care data from the United Kingdom and other countries and disseminate the results. http://www.ohe.org |
14. WWW Virtual Library In Economics WWW Virtual Library economics. Resources for Economists on the Internet. is mirrored in and maintained by Bill Goffe. Dept. of economics and International Business. University of Southern Mississippi. USA. WWW Resources in economics http://www.hkkk.fi/EconVLib.html | |
15. Society For Nonlinear Dynamics And Econometrics The Society seeks to promote the use of nonlinear methods in economics and finance from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. http://www-snde.rutgers.edu/SNDE/society/snde.html | |
16. Encyclopedia Of Law And Economics ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW economics. Publishers Edward Elgar and the University of Ghent. General Editors Boudewijn Bouckaert (Univ. Ghent) Gerrit De Geest (Univ. http://encyclo.findlaw.com/ | |
17. The Marshall Library Of Economics Catalogue, Internet links in economics, online journals and working papers. http://www.econ.cam.ac.uk/marshlib/index.htm | |
18. Economics At Cal College of Letters and Science. Give to economics at Cal. UCB Privacy Statement http://emlab.berkeley.edu/econ | |
19. New Economics Foundation Homepage Script occasionally used to open new windows New economics Founcation Return to homepage, welcome. Welcome to nef (the new economics foundation). http://www.neweconomics.org/ | |
20. 20th WCP: Philosophy Of Economics Indexed papers from the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 1015, 1998. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/MainEcon.htm | |
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