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141. Redirect Econometrics Rankings ET Econometric Rankings page has been moved. Please update your link/bookmark to http//korora.econ.yale.edu/et/misc/ranking.htm. http://korora.econ.yale.edu/et/issue/rankings98.htm | |
142. Index Of /~sant1195 Phd Student in econometrics at the University of Oxford http://users.ox.ac.uk/~sant1195 | |
143. Daniel L. McFadden Downloadable papers, lecture notes for courses in econometrics, and brief vita. http://emlab.berkeley.edu/users/mcfadden/ | |
144. ECONbase Provides an international forum for empirical researchers in the intersection of the fields of econometrics and finance. Offers tables of contents, abstracts and index. http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/econworld/econbase/empfin/frame.htm |
145. Cass Business School | MSc In Quantitative Finance Describes the MSc in Finance, Economics and econometrics. http://www.cass.city.ac.uk/masters/courses/mscfee/ | |
146. Department Of Statistics And Econometrics Department of Statistics and econometrics provides links to faculty and general department information. http://www.uc3m.es/uc3m/dpto/DEE/department.html |
147. Uniwersytet Gdañski - Wydzia³ Zarz±dzania Department of econometrics in the Faculty of Business Administration offers list of faculty and brief department description. http://www.bg.univ.gda.pl/management/econometrics.html | |
148. Marsden Jacob Associates - Economic And Financial Consultants An economic and financial consultancy, with expertise in business and policy analysis, econometrics, emissions certification, regulatory economics and property rights. http://www.marsdenjacob.com.au/ | |
149. Athens Users Login Athens Users Login. EBSCOhost Support. User ID, Password, Minimum browser requirements Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape 4.7. Important http://search.epnet.com/direct.asp?db=buh&jid=BO9&scope=site |
150. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies REDIRECTION REDIRECTION This page has moved. You will be redirected to the new location within five seconds. Please change your bookmarks or favorites. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=4079 |
151. Sociedade Brasileira De Econometria Translate this page Prezado Associado da SBE. Gostaríamos de informar que o XXVI Encontro Brasileiro de Econometria será realizado entre 7 e 10 de http://www.sbe.org.br/ | |
152. Sociedade Brasileira De Econometria Translate this page Exact Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation of the Stochastcis Volatility Model Anderson CO Motta Luiz K. Hotta. A Univariate http://www.sbe.org.br/vol_ultimo.htm | |
154. Département D'économétrie Translate this page http://www.unige.ch/ses/metri/ |
155. Ingenta Select ANU Faculty of Economics and Commerce http://www.ingentaselect.com/rpsv/ij/bpl/13684221/contp1.htm | |
156. Stephen J Taylor, Lancaster University Some people who have cited Modelling Financial Time Series. Please send details to S.Taylor@lancaster.ac.uk if you wish to join the list. Thanks. http://www.lancs.ac.uk/staff/afasjt/mftscite.htm | |
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