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121. Econometrics Resources econometrics, the use of mathematical and statistical techniques to study economics problems, is required knowledge for all economics students. http://economics.about.com/od/econometrics/ | |
122. FB Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Institut Für Statistik Und Ökonometrie Institute of Statistics and econometrics. http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/w3/w3iso/ | |
123. Royal Economic Society's Easter School In Econometrics 2002. Easter School in econometrics. 7th11th April 2002. Nuffield College, University of Oxford. On Micro econometrics. Presented by http://www.nuff.ox.ac.uk/users/nielsen/res/EasterSchool2002.html | |
124. Matrixer Econometric Program The homepage of Matrixer econometric software. Russian econometrics freeware. English shareware version. http://matrixer.narod.ru/ | |
125. Studenmund Companion Website Welcome to the Companion Web Site for Studenmund s Using econometrics! Legal Disclaimer. © 19992001 by Addison Wesley Longman A division of Pearson Education. http://www.aw-bc.com/studenmund/ | |
126. Institut Fuer Statistik Und Oekonometrie Institute of Statistics and econometrics. http://ise.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/ | |
127. INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS WITH APPLICATIONS By Ramu Ramanathan INTRODUCTORY econometrics WITH APPLICATIONS, Fifth edition, by Ramu Ramanathan, published by Harcourt College Publishers, (c) 2002. ISBN 003-034342-9. http://weber.ucsd.edu/~rramanat/embook4.html | |
128. Betahat : Econometric Software For The Estimation And Simulation Of Economic Mod Beta is a Windows based econometrics program for the estimation, testing and simulation of sophisticated economic models. A demo is available for download. http://WWW.LFSoftware.com | |
129. Workshop Spatial Econometrics Workshop on. Spatial econometrics. Jean HP Paelinck, George Mason University, Fairfax Spatial econometrics History, Stateof-the-art, and Challenges Ahead. http://www.uni-kiel.de/ifw/konfer/spatial/spatial-econometrics.htm | |
130. ISPA Home Page Promotes parametric cost modeling techniques and methodologies and the related fields of risk analysis, econometrics, designto-cost, technology forecasting, and management. http://www.ispa-cost.org/ | |
131. Wiley Higher Education Supplementary Website Cover Image, Bayesian econometrics Gary Koop 0470 84567 8 448pp April 2003. The book is selfcontained and does not require previous training in econometrics. http://www.wiley.co.uk/koopbayesian/ | |
132. Ex-CEPA - UNE University of New England, Economics, Business and Law, School of Economics, New England Business School, School of Law, GSARE, GSBA, The http://www.une.edu.au/econometrics/cepa.htm | |
133. CSISS - Literature Search Of Spatial Analysis In The Social Sciences A bibliographic search engine that provides references to thousands articles related to Human Geography. Features extensive coverage of GIS, spatial econometrics, spatial decision support systems, as well as optimization modeling. http://csiss.org/resources/litsearch.html | |
134. William Greene - Stern School Of Business, NYU Top/Science/Social_Sciences/Economics/econometrics/People http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~wgreene/ |
135. Home Page Ph.D. student at UWMadison, interested in industrial organization and econometrics. http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~khuang | |
136. Gonzalo, Jesus Personal page at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid includes papers on econometrics and time series topics, cointegration, decomposition, and threshold models. Provides teaching materials for courses in econometrics (in spanish). http://halweb.uc3m.es/jgonzalo | |
137. Hayashi Econometrics Datasets Datasets for empirical exercises in econometrics Back to Top. CHAPTER 1 nerlove.asc (its Excel format nerlove.xls) CHAPTER 2 mishkin http://www.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~hayashi/datasets.htm | |
138. Harvard Economics Job Market Candidate Economics Ph.D. Student, Harvard University. Empirical and Theoretical Industrial Organization, Auctions, Vertical Markets, Experimental Economics, Applied econometrics. http://kuznets.fas.harvard.edu/~jasker/ | |
139. Triangle Econometrics Seminar TRIANGLE econometrics WORKSHOP Sponsored by Economics Department, Duke University Economics Department, NC State Economics Department, UNC Chapel Hill. http://www.unc.edu/~eghysels/Workshop/Econometrics_Workshop.html | |
140. Ferdinand D Vinuya Ph.D. student in Applied Economic,s Clemson University. Development economics, policy analysis, and econometrics. http://people.clemson.edu/~fvinuya | |
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