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101. A Guide To Modern Econometrics http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/GME/ | |
102. The Econometrics Workgroup The econometrics workgroup is part of the Centrum voor Economische Studiën (CES) which is the research division of the Department of Economics of the http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/ew/academic/econmetr/default.htm | |
103. Le Registre : Suspended Site Statistical Analysis consulting and related IT solutions with expertise including biostatistics, psychometry and econometrics. http://www.stat-hellas.com/ | |
104. SHAZAM HOMEPAGE SHAZAM. econometrics Software. http://shazam.econ.ubc.ca/ | |
105. Econometric Theory Econometric Theory (ET) is an international journal dedicated to theoretical research in econometrics. ET publishes authoritative articles in theoretical econometrics and includes an ongoing Problems and Solutions Series and interviews with pre-eminent scholars in econometrics. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?mnemonic=ect |
106. Welcome To The Discipline Of Econometrics And Business Statistics - The Universi Welcome to the Discipline of econometrics and Business Statistics. econometrics and Business Statistics is a relatively small, high http://www.econ.usyd.edu.au/ecmt/ | |
107. MathStat Software Programs offered include data acquisition, visualization, analysis, decision analysis and neural networks, econometrics, time series, forecasting, graphing, and curve fitting. Page lists products and descriptions. http://www.mathstat.com.au/ | |
108. Gsbrem.uchicago.edu/ Created with DiDaeconometrics. Göteborg University. http://gsbrem.uchicago.edu/ |
109. Econometrica Balckwell Publishers Premiere econometrics journal provides submission and subscription information. http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/asp/journal.asp?ref=00129682 |
110. Eclab.ch.pdx.edu/ econometrics You are here Home Internet Resources Browsable listing of econometrics resources. econometrics. Parent section Mathematical Economics. http://eclab.ch.pdx.edu/ |
111. Department Of Econometrics And Business Statistics Department of econometrics and Business Statistics. http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/Depts/EBS/ | |
112. Advances In Econometrics Homepage Advances in econometrics. ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. The Boulevard, Langford Lane Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK. Index for the Advances in econometrics Homepage. http://faculty.smu.edu/tfomby/aie.htm | |
113. Tilburg University: Econometrics & Operations Research Tilburg University Economics econometrics Operations Research, econometrics Operations Research. http://www.tilburguniversity.nl/faculties/few/econometrics/ | |
114. Welcome To The Discipline Of Econometrics And Business Statistics - The Universi Department of econometrics and Business Statistics. http://www.econ.usyd.edu.au/ecmet/welcome.htm | |
115. Introduction To Econometrics Coming soon there will be a noframes version. http://wps.aw.com/aw_stockwatsn_economtrcs_1 | |
116. Econometric Software Links Econometrics Journal Brief coverage of hundreds of packages relevant to econometricians. Links to other related software lists. http://www.feweb.vu.nl/econometriclinks/software.html | |
117. Applied Econometrics Association : AEA : Association D'Econométrie Appliquée The Applied econometrics Association is a scientific organisation which organizes conferences in all the field of the scientific economic methods and publishes http://www.aea.fed-eco.org/uk/index.asp | |
118. LIMDEP LIMDEP, by William Greene, is a general econometrics computer program for estimating linear and nonlinear regression models and qualitative dependent variable models for crosssection, time-series and panel data. http://www.limdep.com | |
119. Spatial Econometrics Spatial econometrics. James P. LeSage Department of Economics University of Toledo. May, 1999. Contents. Toolbox. 1.1 Spatial econometrics. http://www.rri.wvu.edu/WebBook/LeSage/spatial/spatial.html | |
120. William C. Horrace, Economics, Econometrics Professor of econometrics and statistics, Syracuse University. Statistical analysis of economic data. http://faculty.maxwell.syr.edu/whorrace | |
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