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21. JSTOR: Journal Of Applied Econometrics Journal of Applied econometrics. JSTOR Coverage Vols. 1 13, 1986-1998. Journal Information for Journal of Applied econometrics. Publisher John Wiley Sons http://www.jstor.org/journals/08837252.html | |
22. Gretl gretl is an opensource econometrics package, designed for statistical modeling in economics. It comprises a shared library, a command-line client, and a GUI client written using GTK+. http://www.ecn.wfu.edu/gretl/ | |
23. Journal Of Applied Econometrics bimonthly journal with articles on the application of econometric techniques to a wide variety of problems in economics. Abstract archive. http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0883-7252/ |
24. Econometric Research Program Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/New_Jersey/Princeton_University/Research http://www.princeton.edu/~erp/ | |
25. ScienceDirect - Journal Of Econometrics - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/webeditions/journal/03044076 More results from www.sciencedirect.com Econometric Resources on the NetIt is designed to assist econometrics students and practicing econometricians in their attempts to find data, statistics, information about prior studies, and http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03044076 | |
26. Online Glossaries For Statistics And Econometrics This page contains a collection of links to online glossaries for statistics and econometrics. Online Glossaries for Statistics and econometrics. http://www.oswego.edu/~kane/econometrics/glossaries.htm | |
27. Journal Of Applied Econometrics Data Archive Journal of Applied econometrics Data Archive. More information about the Journal of Applied econometrics is available at the Journal s home page. JAE Home Page. http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/ | |
28. Lodging Econometrics Real estate investment and supply side research services, including reports on the census of open and operating hotels, planned development pipeline and forecast calendar of new supply additions. http://www.lodging-econometrics.com/ | |
29. Hayashi, F.: Econometrics. of the book econometrics by Hayashi, F., published by Princeton University Press econometrics has many useful features and covers all the important topics in econometrics in a succinct manner...... http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/titles/6946.html | |
30. Index -- ECON 351*: Introductory Econometrics ECONOMICS 351*. Introductory econometrics. Section B Winter Term 2000. Instructor Mike Abbott. Office A521 MackintoshCorry Hall. http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/walras/custom/300/351B/ | |
31. Handbook Of Econometrics, Menu Contents Handbook of econometrics Vols. 15. Preface - Zvi Griliches and Michael D. Intriligator. Part 1 - Mathematical and Statistical Methods in econometrics. http://www.elsevier.com/hes/books/02/menu02.htm | |
32. Increase Sales Results. Improve Sales Performance And ROI. Accelerate Sales Grow CEOlevel strategy consulting for sales, marketing, business development, and client service effectiveness for early stage and growth stage businesses in high tech, manufacturing, financial services, and healthcare sectors. http://drivedemand.com | |
33. Departement Of Econometrics Provides seminar calendar, downloadable working papers, and course information. http://www.unige.ch/ses/metri/ewelcome.html |
34. REDIRECT TO ECONOMETRICS LABORATORY PAGE We have moved! The new site is at http//elsa.berkeley.edu/eml/emldata.shtml. You should be taken to the new site in about 10 seconds. http://elsa.berkeley.edu/eml/emldata.html | |
35. Rhodes Company A feebased investment advisory and economic analysis firm. http://www.rhodesinvesting.com/ | |
36. Ingenta: All Issues -- The Econometrics Journal user name. password. remember me. enter. Athens click here to login via Athens. Economics and Business Economics, The econometrics Journal, http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/bpl/ectj | |
37. Voit Econometrics Group, Inc. Assisting attorneys and their clients in drafting QDRO's and valuing pensions for divorce. http://www.vecon.com/ | |
38. SHAZAM HOMEPAGE SHAZAM. econometrics Software.. http://econometrics.com/ | |
39. Cambridge Econometrics' Home Page Cambridge econometrics. connecting you to the future. the leading economic and industrial forecasting group an influential economics http://www.camecon.com/ | |
40. Linear Algebra And Econometrics SPARSEM is a collection of sparse matrix classes that makes programming with sparse matrices (and large problems) almost as easy as a matrix language. BLUPF90 is a BLUP program written using SPARSEM. REMLF90 is a REML version of BLUPF90 that uses accelerated EM algorithm. Other programs included are dense matrix module DENSEOP, Gibbs sampling program GIBBS90, and several versions of linearthreshold models. By Ignacy Misztal and collaborators. http://nce.ads.uga.edu:80/~ignacy/numpub/blupf |
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