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161. EAC | Salt Marsh Restoration Project Sponsored by the ecology Action Centre, the restoration group defines salt marshes, their importance, damage to them, restoration considerations, references and reading lists and links. http://www.ecologyaction.ca/EAC_WEB_1/PROJECTS/salt_marsh/SaltMarsh.shtml | |
162. Dept. System Ecology Research and teaching in the Department of Systems ecology at Stockholm University focuses on the study of ecosystems and on sustainable use of natural http://www.ecology.su.se/ | |
163. Deakin University Bachelor, Graduate and PhD programs in ecology, Environment and their Management. Offers student profiles, international applications, downloads of handbooks and courses, off shore programs, distance learning. http://www.deakin.edu.au | |
164. BIRD BEHAVIOR Information about and tables of contents from an international, interdisciplinary journal publishing research on descriptive and experimental analyses of speciestypical avian behavior, including the areas of ethology, behavioral ecology, comparative psychology, and behavioral neuroscience. http://www.ucc.uconn.edu/~millerd/bbframes.html | |
165. Home Page An Australian Schools Science Talent Search project which examines the affects of Rockey Shore geology on intertidal distribution. It aims to not only provide research results, but also to educate and inform the community. http://www.geocities.com/smifchicken | |
166. MedBioWorld: Environment, Conservation & Ecology Journals A large internet directory of environmental journals. http://www.medbioworld.com/journals/environ.html |
167. Aleksiuk, Michael Ph.D., Zoology. The site outlines interests, education, research experience, and publications on the subject of adaptation to environmental change (ecology). http://www.telusplanet.net/public/aleksiuk/homepage/cv | |
168. Social Caterpillars The site deals with the evolution, ecology, and social behavior of caterpillar societies. http://snycorva.cortland.edu/~fitzgerald/ | |
169. Food Science And Human Nutrition - Michigan State University Jointly administered by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the College of Human ecology at Michigan State University, the Department offers undergraduate and graduate programs in such areas as dietetics, human nutrition, and food science. http://www.msu.edu/unit/fshn/ | |
170. Earth And Animal Facts~ An educational web site about earth ecology, plant and animal life, and wildlife. http://www.angelfire.com/ns/marianw | |
171. Continental Shelf Research concentrates on articles dealing with the results of original research in physical oceanography, chemistry, ecology, and sedimentology together with contributions on more applied aspects of continental shelf research. An Elsevier Science Journal. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/csr | |
172. Biology You are here About Homework Help Biology. http://biology.about.com/ | |
173. ESA Journals Online Current Issues. Search, Feedback. Archive, Help. Subscribe, ESA Web Site. Permissions. Sign up for the Online Issue Alert Reports. Allen http://www.esajournals.org/esaonline/?request=index-html |
174. Kenes International - Global Congress Organizers And Association Management Serv This website speaks briefly of Kenes International and what it offers clients and congress participants. http://microbes.org/ | |
175. HOME Research, Education, CRCFE Logo. http://enterprise.canberra.edu.au/WWW/www-crcfe.nsf |
176. Instituto Nacional De Ecología Translate this page Inicio, DGIOECE Seminario en Gestión Integral en Cuencas Hídricas teoría y práctica. 9 y 10 de Junio de 2004. Auditorio de http://www.ine.gob.mx/ | |
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