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61. Eclipses eclipses. eclipses occur due to the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Solar eclipses. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon http://www.astro.umd.edu/education/astro/moon/eclipses.html | |
62. BBC - Science & Nature - Space - Solar Elipses SOLAR eclipses WHY eclipses HAPPEN Solar eclipses happen when the Moon blocks the light from the Sun; During a total solar eclipse http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/solarsystem/sun/solareclipse.shtml | |
63. Disabled Website Includes CCD lunar images, deep sky images, eclipses, and comets. http://utenti.lycos.it/bares/ | |
64. BBC - Science & Nature - Space - Lunar Eclipse LUNAR eclipses. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun. A great page. Total and Partial eclipses. A http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/solarsystem/earth/lunareclipse.shtml | |
65. Ancients Could Have Used Stonehenge To Predict Lunar Eclipses A controversial theory that suggests the ancient Britons had a fine grasp of astronomy. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/stonehenge_eclipse_000119.html | |
66. IAU Home Page http://www.williams.edu/Astronomy/IAU_eclipses/ |
67. Astroevents Astronomical Calendar - Monthly Events And Ephemeris - Cosmobrain As Calendar of astronomical events and ephemeris. Conjunctions, phases of the moon, eclipses, meteor showers, planetary configurations and other celestial events. http://www.cosmobrain.com/cosmobrain/res/astroevent.html | |
68. IAU Home Page http://www.williams.edu/astronomy/IAU_eclipses/ |
69. SOLAR ECLIPSE: Stories From The Path Of Totality From The Exploratorium; stories focusing on the science, historical accounts, and natural wonder of solar eclipses. http://www.exploratorium.edu/eclipse/ | |
70. The Moon Valley Astrologer By Celeste Teal, Author Of Predicting Events With Ast A tutorial for the student with topics on predictive techniques, returns, progressions, current lunations, eclipses. Includes a metaphysical section. http://celestteal.bizland.com/ | |
71. KryssTal : Total Eclipses Of The Sun Introduction to Total eclipses of the Sun; accounts of past eclipses with photos, the next ten eclipses. Total eclipses of the Sun. http://www.krysstal.com/ecintro.html | |
72. Total Solar Eclipse 2001 - Massimiliano Lattanzi High resolution pictures and videos of the Total Solar Eclipse 2001 (Zambia) and 1998 (Venezuela). http://www.geocities.com/m.lattanzi/tse-2001 | |
73. Total Eclipse :::: The Fanlisting For Eclipses http://eclipse.asifall.net/ |
74. Mcglaun.com's Eclipse Page Personal page by an eclipse fan with his pictures and stories of eclipses he has seen. http://www.mcglaun.com/eclipses.htm | |
75. Sky And Telescope - The Essential Magazine Of Astronomy Astronomy magazine with pictures and information about eclipses to come and past ecplipses. Includes solar eclipse viewing safety and how to photograph eclipses. http://SkyandTelescope.com/observing/objects/eclipses/ | |
76. SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 18: Eclipses eclipses. Volume 2, Book 18, Number 150 So whenever you see these eclipses pray and invoke (Allah) till the eclipse is over. . Volume 2, Book 18, Number 151 http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/018.sbt.html | |
77. Eclipses - Imágenes Digitales Astronómicas Translate this page eclipses. Eclipse solar sobre Hawaii, Corona del eclipse de sol 8/99, Aspecto del cielo durante el eclipse de Sol 8/99, Prominencias alrededor del Sol 8/99. http://www.allthesky.com/eclipses/eclipses-e.html | |
78. Geoff's Photography And Astrophotos Features moonscapes, stars, iridiums, planet conjunctions, and lunar eclipses. http://home.iprimus.com.au/rsims/ | |
79. Lunar Eclipse- The Moon Lunar eclipses occur, on average, about every 6 months. Zoobooks magazine for kids! Lunar eclipses occur, on average, about every 6 months. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/moon/Lunareclipse.shtml | |
80. The Eye Of Horus Symbol Of Ancient Egyptian Religion The esoteric Eye of Horus religious symbol of ancient Egyptian religion was inspired by the Eye of God and winged sun disk that are manifested during total solar eclipses. http://eyeofhorussymbol.homestead.com | |
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