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21. PIZ's Jewel Box (Homepage By Tomohide Nakaegawa):TOP Frame Astrophotographs of deepsky objects (Messier, and NGC), eclipses, comets, and meteor showers (Perseids, and Leonids) by Tomohide Nakaegawa from Japan. Also includes photographs ready to use as wallpaper. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/nakaegaw/piz/index-e.html | |
22. Solar Eclipses, Poland, Sosnowiec This table shows all from Poland, Sosnowiec visible solar eclipses. Sunrise and sunset are taken into account. All times are Universal Time UTC Greenwich Mean Time . http://eclipse.astroinfo.org/sofi/inter/inter/P502191.HTM | |
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23. Espenak's Eclipse Home Page This is Fred Espenak's official eclipse home page. It contains maps and tables for 7 000 years of eclipses and includes eclipse photographs, observing tips and eye safety information. to be the http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse | |
24. Lunar Eclipse Computer AA Home. Lunar Eclipse Computer. You can obtain the circumstances of recent and upcoming lunar eclipses for any location by following these simple steps http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/LunarEclipse.html | |
25. Cinéma Eclipses : Revue De Cinéma Analyse / Critique / Chronique DVD / Revoir. Revue de cin©ma en ligne critique, chronique DVD, retrosp©ctive du cin©ma. http://www.revue-eclipses.com/ |
26. Red Moon Rising : Menstruation Symbolism In Lunar Eclipses Our moon turns blood red during lunar eclipses. Ancient cultures perceived this as the moon menstruating. Modern women may respond to this Sign in the Heavens symbolizing the menstrual cycle. http://redmoonrising.homestead.com/index.html | |
27. Solar Eclipse: Why Eclipses Happen (Page 1 Of 2) More results from www.exploratorium.edu eclipse, total solar eclipse The Earth View ECLIPSE NetworkA comprehensive source of educational information about the history, science, and observation of all types of eclipses, especially total solar eclipses. http://www.exploratorium.edu/eclipse/why.html | |
28. Destin Journal: New Economy Eclipses A Sliver Of Old Florida NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/081400fla-development.html | |
29. Bruenjes Family / Moonglow Observatory Homepage Photos of solar eclipses, readings from a home built seismometer, hourly weather reports, links, and family information. http://www.moonglow.net/ | |
30. How The Shaman Stole The Moon An archaeoastronomy book by William H. Calvin of the University of Washington. The book, which describes a dozen ways of predicting eclipses, can be purchased or downloaded for personal reading at no charge. http://faculty.washington.edu/wcalvin/bk6/ |
31. SOLAR ECLIPSES SOLAR eclipses. June, 2000. LUNAR ECLIPSE PAGE. LINKS Fred Espenak s excellent Eclipse Home Page, detailed information on past and future eclipses. http://www.drdale.com/eclipses/solar.htm | |
32. Eclipse History - From Fear To Fascination; Archilochus To Carly Simon History of eclipses, from fear to fascination, from a pamphlet produced by a cruise company. http://www.nauticom.net/www/planet/files/EclipseHistory-FearToFascination.html | |
33. Astronomy.com | Calendar Of Events Offers major sky events including meteor showers, lunar and solar eclipses, comets, asteroids. http://www.astronomy.com/Calendar/Default.asp | |
34. Hermit Eclipse Upcoming lunar and solar eclipses. Full details of partial and total lunar eclipses, and annular and total solar eclipses. Eclipse Science. http://www.hermit.org/Eclipse/ | |
35. Ian's Astronorama Page Features news, pictures, telescope information, comets, eclipses, and the moon. http://www.angelfire.com/stars/astronorama | |
36. Hermit Eclipse: Science: Mechanics Of Lunar Eclipses Hermit Eclipse Science Mechanics of Lunar eclipses. This page attempts to explain how lunar eclipses work, and the different types of lunar eclipse. http://www.hermit.org/Eclipse/why_lunar.html | |
37. Planet Science Live information and views on volcanoes, space, solar eclipses, hurricanes and links to live views from around Earth. http://www.planet-science.freeservers.com/ | |
38. Paula Burch's Lunisolar Calendar (Lunar Calendar) Calendar with lunations, from new moon to new moon, instead of months. Moon phase on each day. Chinese, Jewish, and Islamic months. eclipses, meteors, planets, star charts. Christian, Pagan, Islamic, Hindu, and Jewish holidays. http://www.flash.net/~pburch/lunarcal.html | |
39. Lunar Calendars And Eclipse Finder Software Windows software for converting dates in various lunar and other calendars and for finding lunar phases and eclipses of various kinds. http://www.hermetic.ch/lcef/lcef.htm | |
40. Eclipses Almanac Banner and Logo. There will be four eclipses in 2003, two of the Sun and two of the Moon. Solar eclipses are visible only http://www.almanac.com/details/eclipses.html | |
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