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1. Solar Eclipses Tells how often they happen, gives a diagram that shows what the position of the earth and sun and moon are, and defines the types of solar eclipses. Includes animations of eclipses. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/time/eclipses.html | |
2. NASA Eclipse Home Page It contains maps and tables for 7000 years of eclipses and includes information on eclipse photography, observing tips and eye safety information. http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/eclipse.html | |
3. Lunar Eclipses For Beginners Lunar eclipses for Beginners. (c) Copyright 2000 by Fred Espenak. Observing Lunar eclipses. Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are completely safe to watch. http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/LEprimer.html | |
4. SDAC Eclipse Information NASA Eclipse Bulletin for the Annular and Total Solar eclipses of 2003 The Public Education on the Occasion of Solar eclipses Program Group of the IAU Commission on Education and http://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/eclipse | |
5. Dale Ireland's ECLIPSE Page eclipses. Photographs, videos, and tips from eclipses I have observed. click on images below to go to pages. SOLAR eclipses. Australia 2002, Hungary99, Aruba98, Bolivia94, Texas94, Mexico91, Washington79. LUNAR eclipses. PLANET DALE HOME PAGE http://www.drdale.com/eclipses | |
6. What Causes An Eclipse? What Causes an Eclipse? What Causes an Eclipse? An eclipse occurs at those times when the Moon moves into a position of direct alignment with the Sun and the Earth. There are two basic types of eclipses lunar and solar. onset of darkness and view of the corona) are not present at either annular or partial eclipses of the Sun http://www.earthview.com/tutorial/causes.htm | |
7. ECLIPSE DE SOLEIL Translate this page Eclipse de Soleil http://www.bdl.fr/ephem/eclipses/soleil/Soleil.html |
8. Les éclipses De Lune Translate this page Présentation du phénomène, base de données, photographies et calendrier. http://www.bdl.fr/ephem/eclipses/lune/lune.html |
9. Eclipse, Total Solar Eclipse -- The Earth View ECLIPSE Network A comprehensive source of educational information about the history, science, and observation of all types of eclipses, especially total solar eclipses. Interesting Future eclipses (19992035) http://www.earthview.com/ | |
10. Eclipse Home Page Eclipse Home Page Whatever else one might say about the subject, eclipses are events not to be missed. So, if you're tired of missing eclipses because you just aren't sure when they are going to http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/eclipse.h |
11. Eclipses During 2003 eclipses During 2003. by Fred Espenak. Danjon Scale of Lunar Eclipse Brightness. Crater Timings During Lunar eclipses. Eclipse Altitudes and Azimuths. http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/OH/OH2003.html | |
12. Upcoming Eclipses Of The Sun And Moon U.S. Naval Observatory. Astronomical Applications Department. Upcoming Recent eclipses of the Sun and Moon. eclipses of the Sun. 1996 April 1718 - partial solar eclipse (see map) 1996 October 12 - http://aa.usno.navy.mil/AA/data/docs/UpcomingEclipses.html | |
13. Howstuffworks "How Solar Eclipses Work" Illustrated explanation of what happens during a solar eclipse and how you can observe this event safely. http://www.howstuffworks.com/solar-eclipse.htm | |
14. Lunar Eclipses Lunar eclipses Here is an animation of a lunar eclipse. Upcoming eclipses of the Moon (and Sun) may be found in this table of eclipses. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/time/eclipses_lunar.html | |
15. Lunar Eclipses 2000-2005 University of Michigan's list of lunar eclipses, but doesn't say where they can best be viewed. http://www.windows.ucar.edu/cgi-bin/tour.cgi?link=/moon/lunar_eclipse_stats.html |
16. HIGH MOON Translate this page Pictures of solar and lunar eclipses. http://eclipse.span.ch/total.htm |
17. TIPE ECLIPSES T©l©chargement d'un TIPE sur les ©clipses r©alis© en premi¨re ann©e de classe pr©paratoire. http://membres.lycos.fr/tipeeclipses/ | |
18. Solar Eclipses For Beginners Solar eclipses for Beginners. (c) Copyright 2000 by Fred Espenak. What is an eclipse of the Sun? Eclipse Frequency and Future eclipses. http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/SEprimer.html | |
19. Astronomia E Astrofisica Curso de astronomiaIntroducao astronomia e astrofisica, cosmologia, evolu§ao estelar, eclipses, mar©s, sistema GPS, espectroscopia. com fotos, simulacoes. Biografias de astr´nomos. P¡gina nota 10 dos professores S.O Kepler e M¡ria de F¡tima de O. Saraiva, da UFRGS. http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/index.htm | |
20. Upcoming Eclipses Of The Sun And Moon AA Home. Upcoming Recent eclipses of the Sun and Moon. eclipses of the Sun. (See also NASA s solar eclipse pages). eclipses of the Moon. http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/UpcomingEclipses.html | |
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