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1. The CAS Echinoderm Web Page Abstracts from the Ninth International Echinoderm Conference, with links to other echinodermata resources. http://www.calacademy.org/research/izg/echinoderm/ | |
2. Morphology Of Echinodermata generally poorly developed in echinoderms. Source Hyman, LH 1955. TheInvertebrates. Volume IV echinodermata. McGrawHill, New York. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/echinodermata/echinomm.html | |
3. Introduction To The Echinodermata Introduction to the echinodermata. . . . from starfish to sea cucumbers.. . Click on the buttons below to find out more about the echinodermata. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/echinodermata/echinodermata.html | |
4. ADW: Echinodermata: Classification HomeKingdom AnimaliaPhylum echinodermata. Phylum echinodermata ( echinoderms) Pictures. Specimens. Classification. What do these icons mean? The icons tell you what features are available for that taxon. Information. Pictures. Specimens. Sounds deuterostomes) Phylum echinodermata ( echinoderms) http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/echinodermata.html | |
5. Classification Of The Extant Echinodermata Describes the taxonomic groupings and provides links to images of some taxa. http://www.calacademy.org/research/izg/echinoderm/classify.htm | |
6. Echinodermata Hub Echinoderm links. http://www.projectlinks.org/echinodermata/ | |
7. Echinodermata - Introduction Unit echinodermata, 1 Introduction. echinodermata. The echinodermata,(from the Greek meaning spiny skin), is a phylum containing http://www-biol.paisley.ac.uk/courses/Tatner/biomedia/units/echi1.htm | |
8. Echinodermata echinodermata ( sea stars, brittle stars, sand dollars and sea cucumbers) Entirely marine. Important evolutionary relationship to vertebrates (share common ancestor) Cambrian origin (500 mya) Evolved http://www.student.loretto.org/zoology/echinodermata.htm | |
9. Echinodermata echinodermata. Spinyskinned animals sea urchins, starfish, and their allies. Gregory A. Wray* Summary phylogenetic hypothesis of the echinodermata, based on David and Mooi (1997), Littlewood et al . http://phylogeny.arizona.edu/tree?group=Echinodermata&contgroup=Metazoa |
10. Echinodermata echinodermata. Summary phylogenetic hypothesis of the echinodermata, based on Davidand Mooi (1997), Littlewood et al. (1997), and Sumrall and Sprinkle (1997). http://tolweb.org/tree?group=Echinodermata&contgroup=Deuterostomia |
11. ADW: Echinodermata: Classification Home Kingdom Animalia Phylum echinodermata. Phylum echinodermata (echinoderms).Pictures; Specimens; Classification. What do these icons mean? http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Echinodermata.ht | |
12. Jeff's Nudibranch Site And Coral Reef Gallery Devoted primarily to the nudibranchs of the Philippines, but also contains information and photographs about crinoids (echinodermata) and reef organisms in general. http://divegallery.com/ | |
13. ADW: Echinodermata: Classification an Error. Home Kingdom Animalia Phylum echinodermata. Phylum echinodermata(echinoderms). Pictures; Specimens; Classification. feather http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/specimens/Echinodermata.html | |
14. Echinodermata echinodermata. Echinoderms are the closest relatives to Chordates. It may not seem so at first, but looking closely at embryological evidence, it is believed that chordates and echinoderms shared a http://www.bio200.buffalo.edu/labs/echinoderms.html | |
15. Untitled Document Photographs of members of each class. | |
16. About - Echinodermata Discover more about sea lilies, sea daisies, brittle stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers. Morphology of echinodermata. Learn about the structure and anatomy of echinoderms, a http://animals.about.com/cs/echinodermata | |
17. Echinodermata - Class Crinoidea Unit echinodermata, 3 Class Crinoidea. Class Crinoidea. The crinoids(sea lilies and feather stars ) are the most ancient and, in http://www-biol.paisley.ac.uk/courses/Tatner/biomedia/units/echi3.htm | |
18. Echinodermata Characteristics and phylogeny of the spinyskinned animals sea urchins, starfish, and their allies. http://tolweb.org/tree?group=Echinodermata&contgroup=Metazoa |
19. Echinoderms (starfish, Brittle Star, Sea Urchin, Feather Star, Sea Cucumber) s of the major species of echinodermata (starfish, brittle star, sea urchin, feather star, sea cucumber) with illustrations and links to photos....... http://www.starfish.ch/reef/echinoderms.html | |
20. Your Search: Classification of the Extant echinodermata. Describes the taxonomic groupings and provides Ninth International Echinoderm Conference, with links to other echinodermata resources. http://www.i-une.com/cgi-bin/meta/search.cgi?lang=en&keywords=Echinodermata |
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