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101. World Book || The Age Of Dinosaurs World Book Encyclopedia collection of facts about dinosaurs, how they lived, recent discoveries and scientific studies. http://www2.worldbook.com/features/dinosaurs/html/intro.htm | |
102. Scrambler Puzzles - Carnivorous Dinosaurs Online since 1997. Scrambler Carnivorous dinosaurs You need to have Java enabled on your browser to see the puzzle. Graphics Copyright (c) Joe Tucciarone. http://www.edbydesign.com/scr_dino.html | |
103. Michelle's 1st/2nd Homepage Dinosaurs Links to educational resources. http://www.geocities.com/webeme76/dinosaur.html | |
104. Digging For Dinosaurs Go to the Back to the top of the page. Conclusion. Dear Student,. You are now at the end of your project, you should be a semiexpert on different dinosaurs. http://education.nmsu.edu/webquest/wq/dino/dinosaur.htm | |
105. Totally Dinosaurs Offers dinosaurthemed puzzles, books, and toys. http://www.totallydinosaurs.com |
106. DINOSAURS 2000 Paul Eric Olsen's class at Columbia. http://rainbow.ldeo.columbia.edu/courses/v1001/dinos.2000.html | |
107. BW Online | May 13, 2002 | Lawrence Lessig: The "Dinosaurs" Are Taking Over BUSINESS Lawrence Lessig The dinosaurs Are Taking Over. If Ages. The result is that the field has been left to dinosaurs. There http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/02_19/b3782610.htm | |
108. Dinosaurs And The Flood Man and dinosaurs lived at the same time, according to this site. Includes links to other dinosaur resources. http://nwcreation.net/fossildinos.html |
109. Abcteach.com >> Theme Units >> Animals >> Dinosaurs www.abcteach.com. abcteach directory. http://www.abcteach.com/directory/theme_units/animals/dinosaurs/ | |
110. "Dinosaurs" (1991) Cast, crew, and production information. http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0101081/ | |
111. Dinosaurs Alive! dinosaurs Alive! There are activities to do, pictures to colour, dots to join, and dinosaurs to find. You ll learn lots about dinosaurs. http://www.questacon.edu.au/html/dinosaurs.html | |
112. Dinosaurs And Us Unit Elementary and middle school exercise http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/letsnet/noframes/subjects/science/b1u4.html | |
113. Dinosaurs' Encyberpedia By Bob Kerstein Dann s Dinosaur Reconstructions mostly Australian dinosaurs, information on how whole body reconstructions are done from fossil skeletal remains; http://www.encyberpedia.com/dinos.htm | |
114. Bible And Science News Brief survey of relevant Bible verses with bibliography. http://members.aol.com/biblesci/science/ | |
115. The Unofficial Dinosaurs Homepage Episode guide, cast, movie clips, sounds, and pictures. http://www.thalia.sci.kun.nl/funpage/television/dinosaurs/ | |
116. Dinosaurs In The Deep. Information about Charles H. Sternberg's dinosaur collections from the Alberta badlands that sank with the Canadian Pacific Railway steamship Mount Temple when it was scuttled by a German warship. Includes research efforts and possible plans for recovery. http://www.ssmounttemple.com/ | |
117. DINOSAURS Dinosaur Art Modeling a wonderful online magazine dedicated to providing a forum for artists and modelers specializing in dinosaurs. http://www.bodnarchuk.com/prehistoric/dinosaurs.html | |
118. Pioneer Trails Regional Museum Home Page The PTRM's paleontology department is renowned for its discovery of the High Dinosaur, the dinosaur closest to extinction. The PTRM conducts field tours where you can dig for dinosaurs and other fossils in the badlands with our expert paleontologists. http://www.ptrm.org/ | |
119. Natural Causes Of The Death Of The Dinosaurs The cause of the death of the dinosaurs is not a catastrophic impact (Alvarez) but the natural rupture of the probabilistic food chain of calcium http://www.ifrance.com/deathofdinosaurs | |
120. DinoData Discussions Created By Yann Ollivier Summaries of major debates in dinosaur paleontology, including dinosaur metabolism, the connection between dinosaurs and birds, and the CretaceousTertiary extinction. http://www.dinodata.net/Discussions/dinosaurs.html | |
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