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21. Desertification Monitoring And Forecasting desertification Monitoring and Forecasting Remote monitoring of arid land degradation (desertification) is of vital importance for today's society. Once desertification starts, it is hard to stop http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/~desert/index.html |
22. Desertification - A Threat To The Sahel Friends of Eden. desertification a threat to the Sahel. The rest of the dryland has either become desert or is being threatened by desertification. http://www.eden-foundation.org/project/desertif.html | |
23. Ron Gluckman Reports From China Article and photos describe desertification in the country. http://www.gluckman.com/ChinaDesert.html | |
24. World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT) Information management and dissemination on desertification, gender and sustainable development, food standards, animal genetic resources, postharvest operations, agro-biodiversity and food systems in urban centres. http://www.fao.org/waicent/ | |
25. Homepage Frieder Graef Personal homepage about soils/agriculture research in Niger, Chad and Israel, including soil erosion and desertification. http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/~graef/ |
26. Introduction available online. Welcome. Remote monitoring of arid land degradation (desertification) is of vital imporance for today s society. http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/~desert/body/body.html | |
27. Jornada Basin LTER Home Page The project focuses on changes in the distribution of soil resources as an index of the impact of vegetation changedesertificationon semiarid lands. http://jornada-www.nmsu.edu/ | |
28. MEDCOASTLAND, Soil, Desertification, Indicators, Mediterranean, Land, Ciheam The Mediterranean scientific network research on soil degradation and conservation, land use, desertification and erosion. http://medcoastland.iamb.it | |
29. DESERTIFICATION OF ARID LANDS Reproduced, with permission, from Dregne, HE 1986. desertification of arid lands. desertification OF ARID LANDS. By. HE Dregne. ABSTRACT. http://www.ciesin.org/docs/002-193/002-193.html | |
30. Transformation Of Desertified Land In The Grazing-Farming Interlaced Belt Of Nor On the management of this land, over use and desertification. http://www.rala.is/rade/ralareport/Xinmin.pdf |
31. Drought Monitoring And Crop Yield Forecasting Maps providing monthly updated, distributed information on rainfall, actual evapotranspiration, radiation, drought and desertification indices, and crop yield forecasts for Africa and Europe, with methodology discussions. http://www.earlywarning.nl/ | |
32. Wichí: Fighting For Survival In Argentina The 20,000 to 50,000 Wich living in southeastern Bolivia and northern Argentina, in a semiarid region known as the Chaco, are threatened by desertification. http://saiic.nativeweb.org/ayn/wichi.html | |
33. USC Canada Nonprofit international development organizations, establishing programs in food security/ biodiversity, desertification, climate change and poverty alleviation. http://www.usc-canada.org |
34. Convention To Combat Desertification Please visit IISD Linkages website s new Forests, Deserts and Land webpage at http//www.iisd.ca/process/forest_desertification_land.htm. http://www.iisd.ca/desert.html | |
35. Earthshots: Satellite Images Of Environmental Change: Southern Mauritania From the U.S. Geological Survey. 19721990 Landsat images of Senegal-Mauritania showing desertification. http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/earthshots/slow/Mauritania/Mauritania |
36. Internet Resources For The Convention To Combat Desertification SELECTED INTERNET RESOURCES ON desertification. Convention to Combat desertification Secretariat; Global Environment Facility (GEF); http://www.iisd.ca/desert/desertsites.html | |
37. Le Comité Scientifique Français De La Désertification Le Comit© Scientifique Fran§ais de la D©sertification a ©t© cr©© par les d©partements minist©riels en charge de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la Lutte contre la D©sertification. http://www.csf-desertification.org | |
38. Desertification - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia desertification. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. desertification is Historical and current desertification. desertification became http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desertification |
39. CNN.com - ASIANOW - One Chinese County An Oasis In Nation's War Against Sand - N CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/11/19/china.desertification/index.html | |
40. Land Degradation And Desertification | World Soil Resources | NRCS Land Degradation and desertification. The Working Group on Land Degradation and desertification of the International Union of Soil Sciences. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/worldsoils/landdeg/ | |
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