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81. Welcome To General Cybernetics Corporation! Designs and manufactures hardware/software for industrial instrumentation and computer network communications. Northport, Alabama. http://www.generalcybernetics.com/ | |
82. National Taras Shevchenko University Of Kyiv - Faculty Of Cybernetics National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv/Kiev, Ukraine. Information in English, Russian and Ukrainan. http://www.unicyb.kiev.ua/ |
83. SPINA: Struktur Parameter Inferenz Ansatz Diagnostisches Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Strukturparameter endokriner Regelkreise aus gemessenen Hormonspiegeln. Erste Implementation an Schilddr¼senerkrankungen (SPINATHYR). http://spina.medical-cybernetics.de | |
84. Medical University Of Vienna - Department Of Medical Cybernetics And Artificial Medical University of Vienna Department of Medical cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence. Freyung 6/2, A1010 Vienna, Austria Phone http://www.oefai.at/imkai/imkai.html | |
85. Department Of Engineering Cybernetics Information about education, research programmes and groups, publications, employees and students. http://www.itk.ntnu.no/english/ | |
86. Neuro Cybernetics Laboratory Laboratory of Neurocybernetics, Research Group of Biomedical Information Engineering, Division of Systems and Information Engineering, Graduate School, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. http://ncp8.es.hokudai.ac.jp/ |
87. Laboratory Of Cybernetics A joint project of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Engineering, the Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and the Dniepropetrovsk Regional Diagnostic Centre. http://cyberlab.iatp.org.ua | |
88. IMKAI And ÖFAI Welcome Page Department of Medical cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence (IMKAI) at the Medical University of Vienna. Freyung 6/2, A1010 Vienna http://www.oefai.at/ | |
89. ASC Homepage The website of. THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR cybernetics. has moved to www.asccybernetics.org. OTHER ADDRESSES OF INTEREST Glossary http://www.gwu.edu/~asc/ | |
90. University Of Bradford Department Of Cybernetics Official site with information about the courses, research, and people in the department. http://www.cyber.brad.ac.uk |
91. Psycho-Cybernetics - Zero Resistance Living EMail Click Here To Bookmark This Site! The Official Site of the Psycho-cybernetics Foundation, Inc. The Psycho-cybernetics Daily Inspiration - 05/12/04. http://psycho-cybernetics.com/ | |
92. TTÜ Küberneetika Instituut Interdisciplinary Research Centre Focusing on Nonlinear Dynamics, Control, and Computer Science. (Tallin, Estonia.) http://www.cs.ioc.ee/ioc/ | |
93. Serious Cybernetics All files copyright (c) 19902004 Andrew Pam xanni@sericyb.com.au You might prefer to visit my much more interesting websites http://www.sericyb.com.au/ | |
94. Welcome To Crux CYBERNETICS - Portfolio Project Management, Outsourcing, Enterpr Crux cybernetics specialises in collaborative business management and process knowledge tools. These improve workforce performance http://www.cybernetics.com.au/ | |
95. Emerald Fulltext: Biofeedback game trainers to prevent chronic stress© Copyright 2000 Institute of Medical and Biological cybernetics. Problems or Comments? Contact webmaster@bfbgames.com News Health http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0368-492X.htm | |
96. Cygnus Cybernetics cygnus cybernetics Software for crossword game enthusiasts. Crossword Game Software. Cygnus cybernetics Corporation / webmaster@cygcyb.com http://www.cygcyb.com/ | |
97. State Research Center Of Russia Russia's Central R D Institute of Robotics and Technical cybernetics (CRDI RTC). Research topics include thermomechanical joints, nanotechnology, and adaptive walking robots. Site in English and Russian. http://www.rtc.neva.ru/ |
98. Institut Für Kybernetik The Institute for cybernetics at the University of Paderborn, Germany with Three Divisions for Educational cybernetics, Language cybernetics and Educational Informatics. http://www.uni-paderborn.de/extern/fb/2/FB2.ifk.html | |
99. Home Page / Systemics,Cybernetics And Informatics And Information Systems, Analy 3rd World Multiconference of Systemics,cybernetics and Informatics and the 5th International conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis SCI99 http://iiis.org/isas/default.asp | |
100. World Transhumanist Association Explores possibilities for the posthuman future created by increased merging of people and technology via bioengineering, cybernetics, nanotechnologies, and other emerging innovations; site offers an academic journal, an ezine, FAQ, discussion lists, and references. http://www.transhumanism.org/ | |
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