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41. Restaurant Equipment Dealers & Classifieds - Over 300 Listings - Find A Dealer - Restaurant Equipment Dealer Listing, including classified section. http://www.cyb-tec.com/equipment_d.htm | |
42. Biological Cybernetics / Theoretical Biology The Department for Biological cybernetics at the University of Bielefed, Germany, is Focussed in the Research for Movement Control in Animals and Humans. http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/biologie/Kybernetik/ | |
43. SpringerLink - Publication www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=100465 Starting Page of Institute of cybernetics WebsiteThe summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0340-1200 |
44. Search Directory Page Develops HL7, ICD9, CPT4, and NDC compatible systems for healthcare facilities. http://www.eutechhealthcare.com/ | |
45. EMCSR 2002 Sixteenth European Meeting on cybernetics and Systems Research. http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/emcsr/02/ | |
46. Control & Cybernetics Control and cybernetics. Journal of the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences. This page was read times! This quarterly http://www.ibspan.waw.pl/~control/ | |
47. Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Guild For Earth & Beyond Features news, roster, maps, commodity and item lists, debt calculator, and route planner. http://www.siriuscyberneticscorporation.com/ | |
48. BBC - H2g2 - Ca2+ : An Ion Of Biological Cybernetics Article on the roles of Ca2+ in various life processes starting from fertilization and development to the cell death. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/A2417654 | |
49. IOC Mathematics Applied Mathematics department. People, preprints. http://www.cs.ioc.ee/ioc/matem/math.html | |
50. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Cybernetics And Systems Analysis http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1060-0396/contents | |
51. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Cybernetics And Systems Analysis http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1060-0396 | |
52. SCI 2004 The 8th World MultiConference on Systemics, cybernetics and Informatics. July 18-21, 2004 - Orlando, Florida, USA. About the Conference, http://www.iiisci.org/sci2004/website/default.asp | |
53. Department Of Cybernetics Research is conducted in two centers (a) Gerstner Laboratory for Intelligent Decision Making Knowledge Based Systems, MultiAgent Systems, Machine Learning, Mobile Robotics and (b) the Center for Machine Perception Computer Vision, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition. http://cyber.felk.cvut.cz/ | |
54. Cybernetics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia cybernetics. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. cybernetics is a theory of the communication and control of regulatory feedback. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybernetics | |
55. Willkommen Bei Cybernetics Entwickler und Hersteller von Sprachsteuerungssystemen f¼r die HomeAutomation. Innovation und Entwicklung neuer Konzepte und Methoden f¼r die medizinische Informatik und medizinische Technik sowie Entwurf und Anwendung neuer Verfahren der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation in enger Kooperation mit den Deutschen Hochschulen. http://www.cybernetics.de/ | |
56. Principia Cybernetica Web (PCP) An International Project to Develop a Philosophy Based on the Principles of cybernetics and Supported by Collaborative Computer Technologies. http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be | |
57. Institute Of Cybernetics At TTU logo, Institute of cybernetics at TTU. up. © Institute of cybernetics at TTU, Akadeemia 21, Tallinn 12618, Estonia Phone (+372) 620 4150 Fax (+372) 620 4151. http://www.cs.ioc.ee/ioc/index.php.en | |
58. EDUCATIONAL CYBERNETICS This site has been visited since January 14, 1997. Updated by L. Chiarelli on Jan. 15, 2001. Copyright© 19972000 Professor Gary http://artsci-ccwin.concordia.ca/edtech/ETEC606/homepage.html | |
59. Sci2001 Sheraton World Resort, Orlando, Florida, 2225 July 2001. http://www.iiis.org/sci/ | |
60. SCI 2002 The 6th World Multi Conference on Systemics, cybernetics and Informatics. Orlando, Florida, USA; 1418 July 2002. http://www.iiisci.org/sci2002/ | |
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