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1. Cybernetics cybernetics, Backup, Disk Arrays, Software, Media, Compatibility, Support, Corporate Info, Contact Info, iSan. HotSwappable AIT Tape. cybernetics Exclusives. http://www.cybernetics.com/ | |
2. Department Of Cybernetics the University of Reading, Department of cybernetics. The cybernetics Department is a part of the introduced into our everyday lives, cybernetics, the science of information and its http://www.cyber.rdg.ac.uk/ | |
3. Cybernetics And Systems Theory The following links provide general background information on the field of cybernetics and Systems Theory, an interdisciplinary academic domain. http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/CYBSYSTH.html | |
4. "Cybernetics" - One Definition cybernetics A Definition. In 1990 Heinz von Foerster was approached by Macmillan to compose an entry for their 1991 Macmillan Encyclopedia of Computers. Artificial Intelligence and cybernetics Aren't they the same thing considers implementation as the most important result; cybernetics uses epistemology (the limits to how we know http://www.pangaro.com/published/cyber-macmillan.html | |
5. Cybernetics - Open Site A Glossary and Definitions (including web links) for cybernetics at the Open Site Encyclopedia Project. http://open-site.org/Science/Mathematics/Applied/Cybernetics/ | |
6. Media Cybernetics | Image Informatics | Image Analysis | From Images To Answers Makers of industry standard Windows and Mac image analysis software including ImagePro Plus and Gel-Pro Analyzer. http://www.mediacy.com/ | |
7. American Society For Cybernetics - Index American Society for cybernetics home page. ASC members have an active interest in first and second order cybernetics general systems thinking and the application of these ideas. cybernetics http://www.asc-cybernetics.org/ | |
8. A Curriculum For Cybernetics And Systems Theory List of suggested books, periodicals, television shows and computer programs for a classroom curriculum or individual study in cybernetics and systems theory. http://www.well.com/user/abs/curriculum.html | |
9. SCI 2003 - Home Page Orlando, Florida, USA, 2730 July 2003. http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/ |
10. Cybernetics Skittles Club, Gloucester Club in Gloucester. It has news, fixtures, averages and results for the team. UK. http://www.cybernetics-sc.org.uk | |
11. IMKAI/ÖFAI Library Information System BIBLIO Contains 62566 books, research papers, conference papers, journal articles from many subareas of artificial intelligence. From the University of Vienna and the Austrian Research Institute for artificial intelligence. http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/biblio.html | |
12. NCC: Web Site Hosting, Website Design, Custom Software And Programming, Security Network cybernetics Corporations offers website design and hosting, internet marketing, security and software services to businesses, organizations and http://www.ncc.com/ | |
13. Eutech Cybernetics - Home Offers Copernicus, a system which integrates administrative, billing, pharmaceutical and clinical functionality. http://www.ecyber.com | |
14. Cybernetics - Lösningar För Crm, Beslutsstöd, Systemadministration Och Kvalif Sundbybergsvägen 9 Telefon 08470 38 00 Box 1467 Fax 08-470 38 01 171 28 Solna info@cybernetics.se. In English. Vi erbjuder ett brett http://www.cybernetics.se/ | |
15. Home Welcome to the newly designed website for the cybernetics Interdepartmental Program. Thanks to the generous help of Marc Hawson, a cybernetics alumnus, we've got a website that's upto-date, easy to http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~cyber | |
16. The UK Cybernetics Club An online collective based in the United Kingdom. Membership is open to anyone interested in intelligent mobile robots. http://www.cybernetic.demon.co.uk/ | |
17. Quantum Hologramic Bio-Cybernetics The therapy of the interactive, analogical bioinformation. A corrector of the errors in the psychosomatic system. http://www.qhbiocybernetics.com | |
18. Cybernetics The Thinking Page is your source for improving your thinking and the thinking of your organization and learning about systems thinking, harnessing creativity, and thinking techniques. The Principia Cybernetica Web site includes sections on cybernetics systems theory and their integration of basic books and papers on cybernetics and systems science, as well as http://www.thinking.net/Cybernetics/cybernetics.html | |
19. Web Dictionary Of Cybernetics And Systems and Systems. Web Dictionary of cybernetics and Systems. This Creativity; Creod; Criterion; Cultural Determinism; Culture; cybernetics; Cyborg. Data; http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/ASC/INDEXASC.html | |
20. SpringerLink - Publication Journal to provide a medium for the experimental, theoretical and applicationoriented aspects of http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00422/ | |
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