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61. Social-Cultural Anthropology At University Of Toronto Socialcultural anthropology. at University of Toronto. 100 St. George Street Social-cultural anthropology in the News. Tierney s Darkness http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/anthropology/social.htm | |
62. Cultural Anthropology The official journal of the Society for cultural anthropology. Volume listings, submission guidelines, and subscription information. http://bernard.pitzer.edu/~cultanth/ |
63. Cultural Anthropology Course Resources Materials, syllabus and links to resources for Howard Culbertson s course in cultural anthropology taught at Southern Nazarene University. cultural anthropology. http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert.fs/anthro.htm | |
64. Error Message -- File Not Found Instructor at York University who teaches cultural anthropology and maintains a continuing interest in the politics of Central and Southern Africa. http://www.yorku.ca/anthro/harries.html | |
65. Cultural Anthropology | Anthropology | University Of Waterloo Sociocultural anthropology. Information about the faculty members who research and teach Socio-cultural anthropology. Thomas Abler Harriet Lyons Pamela Stern http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/ANTHRO/rwpark/prgframecultanthro.html | |
66. ISCA Home Page Comprising the Institute of Biological Anthropology; the Pauling Centre for Human Sciences; the Pitt Rivers Museum; the Institute of Social and cultural anthropology. Links to the constituent institutions. http://www.anthropology.ox.ac.uk/ | |
67. Field Methods Home Page Journal focusing on the methodology of field work in anthropology and related sciences. Formerly known as cultural anthropology Methods. http://www.acadimage.com/Field_Methods/ | |
68. Cultural Anthropology, Ethnography, And Folk Culture Videotapes In The Media Res Economic Anthropology Examines both western and nonwestern economic practices and economic practices and the values and practices of the larger culture. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/EthnographyVid.html | |
69. The Department Of Anthropology At American University Undergraduate and graduate degrees in anthropology with applied anthropology, public anthropology, and social/cultural anthropology concentrations. Admissions and financial aid, degree requirement, course listings, and student resources. http://www.american.edu/academic.depts/cas/anthro/ | |
70. LookSmart - Directory - Cultural Anthropology cultural anthropology. cultural anthropology Find guides, research methods and more concerning this major field of anthropology. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us53711/us53754/us557276/ | |
71. Cultural And Social Anthropology The web page of the Department of Social and cultural anthropology has been updated at http//www.helsinki.fi/antropologia/research.htm. http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/antropologia/english/ | |
72. Back Words Indexing Conceptual, userfriendly, back-of-the-book indexes for publishers and authors as a book goes to print. Subject areas include philosophy of religion, linguistics, physical and cultural anthropology, history, and biography. http://www.teleport.com/~index | |
73. Cultural Anthropology Home Page ANTHROPOLOGY. cultural anthropology. Anthropology In these times of narrow specialties, cultural anthropology is refreshingly broad. Knowing http://www.vanguard.edu/Anthropology/ | |
74. Cultural Anthropology Subject Resources At University Libraries, The University cultural anthropology Subject Resources. Barnard, Alan, and Jonathan Spencer, eds. Encyclopedia of Social and cultural anthropology. New York Routledge, 1996. http://www3.uakron.edu/ul/subjects/cult-anth.html | |
75. Informacje Ogólne polish version. University of Wroclaw. Faculty of Ethnology and cultural anthropology. Address Ul. Szewska 50/51. 50139 Wroclaw. tel./fax (071) 34-305-53. http://www.etnologia.uni.wroc.pl/index eng.htm | |
76. ASA Pages Now Moved Promoting the study of cultural anthropology, especially in the United Kingdom. http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/ASA/index.html | |
77. Yutaka Yamada Ph.D. Anthropology Culture As Cognitive Structures, Rules And Inte A key concept in cultural anthropology is Culture. Every organization has a distinctive. Yutaka Yamada Ph.D. ANTHJA. www.anthja.com. cultural anthropology. http://www.anthja.com/CA3.html | |
78. An Essay On Careers It is important to bear in mind that a BA in cultural anthropologyas in most other undergraduate fields of study-is a liberal arts degree, not some type of http://www.wadsworth.com/anthropology_d/special_features/anthro_careers.html | |
79. Dave Crawford's Homepage Features links to courses in cultural anthropology and Islamic societies and cultures. Also offers publications on Berber society, Morocco, labor relations, migration and the Amazigh identity movement. Fairfield University. http://www.faculty.fairfield.edu/dcrawford/ | |
80. Japanese Society Of Cultural Anthropology's Homepage The Society has changed its official designation from the Japanese Society of Ethnology to the Japanese Society of cultural anthropology on April 1, 2004. http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jse/index-e.html | |
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