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121. SINCRIS Software List Database of software for crystallography. http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/sincris/logiciel/#liste | |
122. Math Forum: Alejandre - Math Unit - Crystals crystallography is a relatively new science. ReneJust Hauy, who livedin the late 1700s to early 1800s, helped to make crystallography http://mathforum.org/alejandre/workshops/crystal.html | |
123. Uppsala Software Factory Software for macromolecular crystallography and structural biology. Many of these programs collaborate with O (see there). http://alpha2.bmc.uu.se/~gerard/manuals/ | |
124. Resources For CMCC, 2nd Edition Resources for Readers of. crystallography Made Crystal Clear A Guidefor Users of Macromolecular Models. Gale Rhodes. crystallography 101. http://www.usm.maine.edu/~rhodes/CMCC/ | |
125. GSAS Notes Set of programs for the processing and analysis of both single crystal and powder diffraction data. http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/programs/crystallography/software/gsas.html | |
126. Crystallography & NMR System http://cns.csb.yale.edu/v1.1/ |
127. Crystallography & NMR System http://cns.csb.yale.edu/v1.0/ |
128. Rigaku/MSC -- Leading With Innovation Supplier of equipment for Xray spectrometry, diffraction, and optics, as well as small molecule and protein crystallography. http://www.rigaku.com | |
129. Synergetic Crystallography http://euch3i.chem.emory.edu/proposal/ | |
130. Macromolecular Crystallography return to main, macromolecular crystallography structural databases synchrotronscrystallographic packages heavy atom derivatization miscellaneous programs http://www.scripps.edu/~cdputnam/cryst/cryst.html | |
131. Structural Medicine Course Theory and Practice of Macromolecular crystallography lectures presented at CIMRin Cambridge. Structural Medicine, Protein crystallography Course. http://www-structmed.cimr.cam.ac.uk/course.html | |
132. Crystallography Source Code Museum Synergetic crystallography 101Synergetic crystallography 101. by Kirby Urner First posted November 27,1998 Last modified November 30, 1998. Equating the fcc with the IVM. http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/museum/ | |
133. Crystallography Teaching Aids Software and OnLine Resources for crystallography Education. Warning Majorchanges are underway! Other On-Line Resources for crystallography Education. http://mbond2.st.semo.edu/xtal/crystaled.html | |
134. Athens Users Login Athens Users Login. EBSCOhost Support. User ID, Password, Minimum browserrequirements Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape 4.7. Important http://search.epnet.com/direct.asp?db=aph&jid=J04&scope=site |
135. Cctbx Versions cctbx Versions. Documentation for the current development version http//cctbx.sourceforge.net/current_cvs/.It is highly recommended to use the CVS version. http://cctbx.sourceforge.net/ | |
136. Taylor & Francis Group - Publication Institut f. Krystallographie u. Mineralogie Translate this page Institut für Kristallographie und Angewandte Mineralogie. Institut für Kristallographieund Angewandte Mineralogie Theresienstr. 41 D-80333 München Germany http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0889-311X |
137. Index Of /FB/Geo/mineralogie/crystal Parent Directory 11-Dec-2003 1249 - Thumbs.db 20-Jan-2004...... Translate this page Index of /FB/Geo/mineralogie/crystal. Name Last modified Size http://www.uni-mainz.de/FB/Geo/mineralogie/crystal/ | |
138. Indiana University Molecular Structure Center - Molecular Structures Indiana University Molecular Structure Center Information about this Server.IUMSC Live Video Systems. Instructions. About the IUMSC. Molecular Structures. http://www.iumsc.indiana.edu/ | |
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